
How Did I Become an Adventurer?

Follow the Story of a young woman named Hana. As she prepares to leave her home village to honor a marriage contract made by her king a sudden attack to her carriage changes everything. Deciding to fake her own death to have a chance at freedom she makes new friends and discovers a sinister curse that she and her new friends must try to break. Rewriting in third person point of view starting 4-16-23

happyhyuga1221 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Frights and Cursed Towns

They both avoid the subject of that morning for the next few days wanting to avoid any awkward feelings and embarrassment that could arise. He tells her that they should reach Tatingville tomorrow and she feels excitement bubble up at the thought of seeing friends and family that she never thought she'd see again. Sure she can't talk to them but seeing them would be like a breath of fresh air since she's been on this journey for the last five weeks.

By now they would have realized that the carriage never made it to Grand Stone and they would probably discover the remnants of the carriage that the bandits had abandoned. Elias had managed to grab two traveling cloaks for Hana from the wreckage and a bag to hold her few items for traveling. She had one other dress but the plan was to buy some trousers and shirts to wear in Tatingville. She had never wore trousers before because her mother had told her lady's dont wear such things. It was exciting to Hana, pants seemed less restrictive than the dresses that fit far to snugly.

They come to a quiet spot in the woods close to a stream and decide to camp there. She helps gather pieces of wood for the fire before going about the exercises that Elias has given her to do. She could already tell a difference, she felt more toned and stronger. She's not saying she's suddenly a lethal assassin just that she would be able to do more to defend herself than she could have previously.

"Come on Luna let's go fill the canteens", Hana says to Luna collecting the water tins. She jerks her head up from the hole she's digging and runs to follow Hana. She fills hers first and then gets the two black ones of Elias's and rinse them out. Red flows in the stream and Hana's nose wrinkles in displeasure. It makes such a mess when he drops the blood tablet in the canteen but he said it was more sustainable that way. The metallic smell always makes her stomach churn uncomfortably.

The sun is fixing to set so she tries to make quick work so she won't have to walk the path in complete darkness. Filling the fourth canteen she screws the lid on and turns to head back to camp. Luna who was walking beside Hana stops suddenly and looks behind then and growls. Hana grabs the dagger strapped to her hip and withdraws it not seeing anything. Luna's hair raises and she snarls at something Hana is unable to see. Part of her wants to look in the bushes but the other part screams for her to run.

Something takes off out of the very bushes she was staring at, running away from them and Hana clutches her heart in shock. She's not for sure what it was but it stood at nearly six foot. Not feeling all that brave Hana urges Luna to run with her back to camp before all of daylight is gone. She can't help but be paranoid that whatever it was would feel brave enough to attack with her back turned.

Making it back to camp she kneels over trying to slow her labored breaths. Elias looks at her in concern. "What happened", he questions seeing the dagger gripped tightly in Hana's hand.

Finally having caught her breath she raises to answer him. "There was something in the bushes, I'm not for sure what, it was to quick. It was as tall as you though and it really freaked Luna out. I've never heard her sound so vicious in my life". She pets Luna who pants happily but her ears remain pointed up in alert. Elias looks around the campsite for anything but his search is fruitless.

"I could go check by the stream and see if there are any clues to who or what it was", he offers but Hana shakes her head no in response. For all they know maybe they had planned for that. She felt much safer knowing that Elias was near and could more than likely take on anything out there in the dark woods.

Hana falls into a restless sleep near Elias having nightmares of a large creature ripping Luna and herself apart. After jerking awake for the third time she sits up and gives up on anymore sleep. Elias opens his eyes, her movements must have disturbed his sleep. She sees the glow of the sunrise and a sigh of relief escapes her lips. Everything seems a little less scary in the day time.

"Everything okay", Elias asks through a yawn and she nods in response before grabbing a apple from her bag for breakfast. "Today's the day. Are you excited to see your family and friends again", he asks sitting up and grabbing a canteen dropping a tablet in it before shaking it up to dissolve the tablet.

"I am and then again I dread it. They will be worried about me for no reason, probably thinking the worst. It makes me feel guilty but I know if they knew I was alive the king would order me to to be taken to Grand Stone to be one of that man's many wives. That's not the kind of life I want. I'm not ready to have a child with someone I dont love and watch the child be raised for a means of political gain. But the guilt of deceiving my loved ones makes me feel rotten", Hana admits to him.

He places a hand on ber shoulder in comfort and gives her a reassuring smile. "We both know this is the best option for you. It doesn't make you selfish to be allowed the freedom you always deserved". Hana nods at his sentiment and gets her stuff together before calling Luna who jumps into her arms.

"Okay girl, your going to take a short nap while we return to our old home. You will be fine and protected and as soon as we exit the village Elias will wake you up. Everything's going to be okay", Hana assures her before wrapping her in a hug. Elias takes that moment to put her in a trance and her body slumps peacefully against my shoulder.

They place her In Elias's bag which has more room and he decides to carry her leaving a corner of his satchel unbuttoned to allow her plenty of air.

Within an hours time they arrive in Tatingville and instantly she can tell something is wrong. The streets that are normally crowded with villagers are empty. She's never heard a town more silent in her life.

"Something's off", Hana whispers to Elias who nods in agreement. They walk in the stores which are empty. They knock on doors and there's no answer. When they come to the City hall she finds the seats full but all the villagers are still as glass.

Hana walks the rows until she sees her mother's red hair beside Jackson and Ally. She sprints to them grabbing her mothers immobile form. Her eyes are open and she looks forward as if in a trance. Elias tries breaking the trance but this magic was not a vampires doing and everything he tries results in failure.

"What is this I dont understand, an attack from another kingdom?" Hana asks crying as she hugs her mothers immobile form.

"I'm not for sure but we will figure this out Mara, don't worry," he assures her. Hana feels scared and angry. How could someone attack her innocent village. They weren't warriors why attack civilians who never bothered anyone, she just doesn't understand it.