
How dare they when I am queen?

Warning: This novel contains explicit content and activities ~~~~~~~~~~ Yoonah, a twenty four year old company employee was kidnapped by her co-worker and met a terrible end. She wakes up the next day in a novel she read a year ago called, ' The emperor's cursed melody', (T.E.C.M for short) as a hidden princess of the Astral kingdom. Selene Alessandra Estridsen, who had just turned eighteen was to be killed alongside the other members of her family, and over thrown by the greedy faction of the nobility before the novel even begins. And whose kingdom is later destined to be conquered by the main character of the novel, Emperor Lucian. Will Selene be able to protect her new family and defend her small kingdom against the male lead ruthless conquest. Can she live the peaceful life she always wanted?

Garnet_eyes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

. The eclipse

She stayed in the room for a few minutes to clear any suspicion as she watched the clock in the room tick away, " I think it should be fine for me to get to Soriya now", she said while she looked around the room.

" If I stay idle around here any longer, I'll fall asleep", she murmured as she slowly opened the room door, "(Gasp) No!".

she slammed the door shut, rubbed her eyes with her hands, then proceeded to open it again, "This....this isn't possible!", her jaw dropped to the ground.

[So maybe I fell asleep, but how?], she looked into the street covered in green vegetation and strange plants.

" Wake up Selene!!!", she screamed as she pinched herself, "Ouch! ".

[Why can't I waking up?], "It will be a disaster if I don't get to Soriya before this story begins".

" Good evening Miss, I hate to disturb your personal time but would you be interested in owning a guide in my shop? There are a variety you can choose...".

"Ahhh!", she jumped startled by the sudden appearance of a strange man, his wild short hair, red as blood with a tint of blue at the edges, having a tall slender build, he wore a pretty dangling earring on one of his ears, a simple tunic and trousers with a pair of combat boots, his caramel eyes stared at her curiously.

[I don't know why but I'm drawn to follow this man somehow. And what is this guide of a thing that he talks about?].

" I'm sorry sir but I don't have any money with me now", [Why am I being polite to him, this is just a dream after all, I can even tie him up in my bedroom if I wanted to, all without consequences].

"Oh really? then what's that?", he says pointing to the purple pouch with an embroidery design of a crescent moon hanging on her side while flashing her a handsomely devilish smile.

"Impossible", she whispered as she opened the pouch to check the contents, her eyes widen when she saw a lot of gold coins.

"So what about now miss? Will you come to my shop, a guide would only cost you five gold coins at most?", he looked at her expectantly.

"I guess there's no harm in it, let's go", she said defeated as she noticed the gap between the door and the land.

" May I ? ", he stretched out his hand to assist her. "Thank you", she takes his hand, feeling the hard callouses that seemed to have formed overtime, his big hands enveloped her's.

[This doesn't seem like a dream anymore], she thought as she jumped over the gap.

"My name is Orion, but you can call me whatever you want and this is my assistant, Inti", he said pointing at a purple flaming orb floating in mid air, "Inti say hi to the customer", " Peep! pee!", its light flashed multiple colors for a moment before returning to it's original color.

" Now that we're acquainted with each other, let's go!", he said cheerfully as he began moving further into the road.

"Hey!", she wakes up from her daze, "Wait for me!", she walks faster to keep up with him. A long while had gone by before they arrived at a clearing.

[For all I know this man may want to kill me], she eyed him from behind suspiciously.

"Don't worry Miss, I won't cause you any harm, after all you're my potential customer", he grinned widely, his steps seemed to get lighter as he sauntered happily into a small cabin ahead.

[Did that man just read my mind? Does that mean he also heard...?], her faced burned with embarrassment.

She contemplated going back as Inti flew past her with a high speed into the cabin, "Pee! Peee!", he seemed excited.

She let's out a long insufferable sigh.

[I've already come this far, it'd be a waste to go back now], she encouraged herself as she tried to forget about her embarrassing encounter with the shop keeper.

"He probably didn't hear it, right?", She mumbled to herself as she entered the cabin.

The strong smell of coffee and cookies assault her nose, the shop was full of what seemed like natural sunlight coming in through the windows, even though it was completely dark outside. There were rows of wooden benches lined up further into the shop, having different unique items on them.

"Oh customer! Would you like to have a look at the guides as the snacks get ready?", Orion chimed as he peeked out through a door. He wore a pale brown apron, "They're right over there", he pointed to a corner of the shop that the direct sun rays didn't reach, there she saw miniature jade statues, each carved into various animal forms, and in varying colors of jade from red, lavender, white, black and green, each standing unique from the rest.

"These are beautiful!", she exclaimed as she drew closer to that corner of the shop.

"They usually don't like being in the sun, so don't bring them into the light, if you won't pay for them", he stated before vanishing behind the door.

Her eyes scanned over the different miniature jade statues, there were about two hundred of them all different animals when her attention was caught by a smaller one that stood further to the back.

It looked like a green rabbit that sat on it's hind legs, it's nose facing upwards and it's ears drawn back, it had a innocently curious expression pasted on it's face.

Her hands instinctively reached for it, [You are so cute], her fingers caressed it's smooth jade skin as though it were a real rabbit as a strange memory dared to make it's way into her mind.

"Oh so you really like the rabbit?", Orion asked as he leaned over her shoulder.

" Aah!", she screamed startled, [Why does he always do that?], she huffed placing a hand on her chest to calm her heart beat.

" I'm sorry, it's an old habit of mine", he looked away guiltily while he scratched his head.

"Pee pee", Inti say's grumpily as he perch on a nearby table with cookies arranged in a tray and coffee in three different mugs. "You want to buy the rabbit?", he asked surprised.

"Yes", her mouth seemed to move on it's own, [I don't understand either but...], tears fell from her eyes in droplets as she stared at the jade rabbit.

His gaze turned sympathetic towards her, "Then you should have it, there's no need to pay", he blurted out.

" Pee pee pee!", Inti's flames dim visibly, he sounded angry.

[Even though I don't understand what Inti has been saying all this while...], she wiped the tears from her cheek with her inner wrist.

Selene reached into the pouch and brought out seven gold coins, [...Is this how you run a business?].

A sad smile appeared on his face, "Miss five is more than enough, you don't have to...". "It's not for you, the two extra coins are for Inti. He must have had to put up with you giving everything in your shop for free", she said while placing the coins in his hands, she looked at him feigning exhaustion, "Take good care of him".

"Ahahaha! Anyone that sees this will think I'm an irresponsible person", his eyes looked like he wanted to cry but he restrained himself, "Let's eat. Or do you enjoy cold coffee?", he asked gesturing towards the table. "Okay, let's do that", she smiled back at him in appreciation.

A screen popped up in front of her face,

{Guide Acquired}.

"Are any of you seeing this?", Selene asked as she waved her hand in the air to touch it but her hands always went through.

" No", he shook his head, " Customer are you unwell?" he asked.

{Guide awakening: Loading in...Ten...Nine...}

"What's going on?", she stumbled to her feet hurriedly as she caught a glimpse of knowing smile that appeared on Orion's face.

{Eight...Seven... Six...}

"You...You know about this!", Selene looked at him wide eyed.


"Enjoy your guide Miss", Orion flashed her a bright smile as Inti glowed brighter, "Pee pee!".


Her eyes shot open as she sat up on the bed, [Ah! I'm still in the guest room].

"And I only slept for a few minutes. Seems like time runs differently in a dream", she got off the bed hastily, [I must get to Soriya now].

She walked over to the dresser and flung it's door open, [There has to be something in here I can use], her eyes schemed through an assortment of lingerie,[You have to be kidding me, why...?].

Her hands brushed against a dark silk night robe, "This will have to do", she threw on the robe as she flung open the window while climbing onto the ledge, "I'm a little bit scared but...", she took a deep breath, " It's better than the fate that awaits us if I don't do anything now", she shut her eyes tightly as she gritted her teeth, [I won't fail again], her eyes opened slowly now brimming with confidence as a pale glow radiated from her skin.

She jumped out of the window as she held unto the vines that decorated the castle walls.

[These only seem to grow around Soriya's room], she continued to climb with ease, her stomach fluttered, [I may be nervous because I'm so close to meeting her, I should not get carried away], she had reached the window at the highest point of the castle.

[I'm finally here], she threw herself into Soriya's bedroom through the window as she landed elegantly on the thick lush grass like carpet with her bare feet.

Selene straightened to find herself in a room that looked enchanted, she had never seen anything like it. A warm tone light emanated from the surrounding giving her a warm and cozy feeling inside, like the dawning of a new day. There was a mural on the ceiling in this room as well, but it looked like bright day clouds. Finally her eyes locked onto emerald green eyes that stared back at hers, bright golden hair like waves cascaded down her face, her skin was flawless, her stature small and slender.

[This is the female lead and my sister...], " S...Soriya?", Selene called out, her voice soft and full of fondness.

[She's prettier than the book says. In person I think she looks more lovely].

[Who is she?], a strong floral scent filled the air, [Could she be an assassin sent to me?], her hands gripped tightly around the dagger under her pillow, [ No! If she were I would be dead by now but she's definitely assassin class].

she continued to stare at Selene's Silver hair and golden eyes, [I feel like I know her but I don't. And no ordinary person can make it through my window alive, especially at this hour], Soriya said nothing but only stared back.

They both stared at each other none saying a word. One stood majestic and elegant in a dark night robe while the other looked pitiful like a bird with broken wings but shone nonetheless with a different glory as she sat at the edge of her bed of clouds. Both stared into each other's eyes, this point now the place where the night meet the day to form the eclipse.

" Soriya we are sisters", Selene blurted out as the butterflies in her belly became more restless, she began to fidget with her fingers, " You may not believe it but...".

[She broke into my room in the middle of the night and now she's acting like this], "...".

"Come here", Soriya demanded.

Selene eyes widened, "What?".

"I said come here", She repeated as she tapped the space beside her lightly, " We have a lot to talk about, Selene", her eyes full of mirth as the head board behind her cast it's warm light that radiated across the room.

[How did she know my name?], Selene stared bewildered, [Is it possible that me coming here has caused her powers to be awakened?], her eyes landed on Soriya legs that seemed to be regaining their strength.

She moved closer, [After all nothing is hidden under the Sun].

Me: (╥﹏╥) I've been waiting for this moment.

Selene: ತ_ʖತ

Soriya: Who is that?(●__●)

Selene: ತ_ʖತ It's no one just ignore her.

Garnet_eyescreators' thoughts