
Chapter One: Wreck Havoc

[A/N: I edited this chapter because again, i suck in grammar. i don't usually edit my writings  before I hit publish so sorry. Please bear with me. Ahahaha Hope you will love her adventure]

"My eyes are starting to irritate me. I want these out of my eyes' sockets," Fil said while eyeing on the two lovebirds across her table, "those ugly love birds! The comfort offender of the society. They look extremely happy while I am here suffering from the curse of singleness. They're even kissing in public, such pathetic PDA-ers. The girl even clings on the guy's neck like a falling wimp!!! Urgh! I hate them for making me envious." she continued.

She stood up from her chair and stopped her mind from saying one more bad word to the couple, instead she threw the drumsticks she was holding at them and they were instantly apart. Great!

She returned to where she was sitting and took a sip from her cup of tea. Hmmm, camomile.  She was at her favorite café and was planning to relax until the irritating couple showed up. But she handled it quickly, so she continued her quiet time, listening to loud music.

A dark shade covered part of her table and she noticed that it was because someone was infront of her table. She lifted her head and removed her right earphone, and she saw the PDA guy standing infront of her, holding her drumsticks looking pissed. The PDA girl was standing beside him.

Fil instantaneously took the drumsticks from the guy's hand, "Oh you're returning this? You shouldn't have bothered.  But thanks anyways," then she continued with her tea and put her earphones back.

She was listening to a massive double peds drum solo but it was cut off when the guy ruthlessly pulled her earphones causing the wires to snapped. She was shocked because her 4,000 worth of earphones were splitted in half.

"What the f*** did you do?" she exclaimed looking as mad as the couple infront of her.

"Why did you throw those damn sticks at us?" the guy said while pulling her collar, like challenging her to a fight.

"Babe, I think you don't have to do that," the girlfriend mouthed while taking his boyfriend's hand off of Fil, looking really apologetic than angry.

"Don't stop me, Babe. This girl needs a piece of her own medicine.  She has to pay from throwing those sticks." the guy jerked her hard and her blouse are being pulled up and crumpled. The two buttons escaped from the stitches.

She didn't know how many more damage this person will cause her because now her 3,500 worth of blouse has been ruined. She could feel the heat of anger from her and was about to throw the guy a punch, when the girlfriend snapped causing her fist to stop midair.

"Babe, that's not really the way to treat a lady, even though she has a rough attitude and doesn't know how to mind her own business. You don't have to hit her!" the girlfriend looking really unhappy, "So let go."

Ouch! She doesn't know if the girl was stopping the fight or just blatantly insulting her.

The girl was pulling the guy's hand away but it just cost her another button. The guy was struggling away from her girlfriend's hand and she was being pushed back and forth and feeling like she's the rope from a tug of war game.

She had enough of these two. Before she can even grab the guy's hand away from her collar, he let go. The guy released her forcibly and paced towards his girlfriend but his hand accidentally smack onto his girlfriend's face.

All three of them were shocked even making her mouth hanged open shock. The guy stiffened with his both hands raised with an attempt to hold his girl's shoulders. The girl touched the side of her face that was slapped. That was a back hand slap and she knew that it will surely hurt and mark that face. The guy was somehow buff. 

They were silent for a moment, but she guessed all the customers in the cafe were shocked with the drama that happened. Tears started to fall down the girl's eyes.

"You hurt me?" the girl whimpered and suddenly Niagara Falls showed up on her face.

"No Baby, it was an accident.  I'm sorry. If you hadn't pulled me away my hand would not accidentally hit you, "he was trying to move closer and held his girl's shoulder.

She shrugged off from his boyfriend's hands and moves backwards.

"Don't touch me!!! So it's my fault, huh? From pulling you back from hurting a girl? Really Carlito?"

She almost snorted when she heard the guy's name. Who would name his baby Carlito these days? It's 2015! But good thing she was able to stop it. She covered her mouth by her hands and let go a smile to soothe her itching laugh. But the couple is still at war.

"No, I won't hit a girl, Babe. That's just me scaring her to mind her own business. I'm really sorry, Babe. Forgive me?"

"Scaring? You're like threatening her!! Your act towards a girl will somehow be the same with the other. So you will end up doing that to me, if I get into your nerves. "

"What? No, babe. Look I was just mad because we are having an amazing time but then she interrupted us. It was all an accident.  I won't hit you! Never!"

She is enjoying the drama. She's excited on what's going to be their ending; A. Break Up; or B. Make Up?

"She is now out of the picture, the fact that you snapped and went violent and hit me is the problem here!"

The guy really looks desperate, sort of almost in the brink of crying but hey guys never cry. She thought.

"Baby, I don't know what to say. I never intended to hurt you. I love you so much that I can't even bear seeing myself laying a hand on you."

The girl's faced softened, like she was about to forgive him. But she was just enjoying the show, they can't end it now. The guy moved closer to the girl to give her a hug but she interrupted.

"Those flowery words are deceptive, you know? Guys use it to escape from every bad thing they've done. If I were you, I will think twice about a guy that hits a girl." she said while giving the girl a convincing look and crossing her arms.

The girl's face showed uncertainty. And she smirked. Gotcha! The guy looked at Fil and was about to raise his hand at her. She anticipated the impact but it never came.

"Planning to hit a girl again, Carlito?"

That name really tickles her senses.  She wanted roll over the floor laughing.  The scene was so intense but the name calling really makes it more of a comedy.

"No Baby, can't you see? She's breaking us?" he defended.

"No, your violent behavior does. I guess this proves about what I've been hearing about you before I started dating you."

"W-what are you talking about, Babe?" the guy looks like sweating pig already.

"That you were behind bars and guilty for violence against women."

She was appalled. She never thought her accusation would end up being real. She just wanted to spice them up a little bit.

"Babe, I was just there for 48 hours. And I changed after that, you changed me. That woman was getting way up to my nerves and doesn't want to break up with me."

"I guess this is over between us, Carlito. I don't want to end up beaten up like Rihanna." said the girlfriend while lifting up her chin.

Does she really have to say it all the time? Before the blame comes back to her, she stepped back and took her bag. Pulled out a bill for her tea and made the quickest and quietest escape she could ever make. She did not stop until she reached the door and looked back. They were still arguing. She laughed and felt sad for the guy. We'll 0.5% of feeling bad.

She went straight to the parking lot and walked to her big bike and started the engine. She doesn't wear helmet because she's a badass. Cops don't usually mind because her father was their Head Officer.

Her name is Felicity Koontz, having a mixed blood of Half-British, a quarter American and Filipina. She's 24, single and semi miserable and awesome. She works full-time as a drummer of her Heavy Metal band named 'Gloat Homicide'. Her band is famous and they already had three major albums and is working on their fourth. All their albums went platinum. They're famous like the underground way not the One Direction way. Normal people with no taste to heavy music don't probably know them. She drinks blood at night, well just Bloody Mary and wrecked things, like Styrofoam.  She loves it, being violent in a soft way and it's like snow in summer.

She made a hard brake in front of their studio and jump off her bike. She kicked the door to open it but it's locked. She exhaled with frustration. So she rummaged to her bag looking for the key. When she got the key, she inserted it to the knob and unlocked it. She gently opened it leaving it ajar and placed the key back to her bag. Then when she was about to kick it like a rock star, it flew open and her kick landed on their vocalist's crotch. And she was wearing boots.

"Ooowwww!!! F****!!! Fil, F.U. hard." her vocalist bended his knees holding his, with face full of pain.

"Oh thanks, Cleves! Do it harder!," she mocked and walked passed through him and throwing herself in front of her drums and started to make a heavy beat with her double peds and her breakup drumsticks.

"Woah!! Someone's inspired today. Got a song on your mind?" Bret the bassist asked, while holding a soda.

They ignored Cleves, he can manage himself well. Their roadie ran towards him and helped him up to the couch.

"Yeah!! I want to call it. 'Scream Thy Angst'. Got a little motivated when I messed up someone else's relationship earlier," she continued to hit her drums.

"Messed up by being the other party?" their lead guitarist, Kevin asked while tuning up his guitar.

"Well kind of, but not quite. I just threw these sticks at them coz they were an eye sore. Then the guy came to me and was about to hit me when he accidentally back slapped her girl instead," she laughed loud, while flashing back the incident earlier.

The guys were surprised but ended up laughing but not Cleves.

"F***!! You really wreck havoc almost everything.  Even my f*****n d***!!" Cleves snarled, still looking in pain while glaring at her.

"We'll thank me for that, instead of getting HIV by putting that in every single girl who flashed their boobies at you." she's still wasn't sorry.

Their frontman is a total d**k. He just screws every girl he met, in all their gigs.  He does it everywhere, in public cr's, backstage, dressing room, recording studio, behind the bushes and even behind her beloved drum set. She knew all of those because she was always the unlucky one who always caught them. But their entire member unintentionally witnessed his deed, even their roadie and manager. The worst, was one of their devoted fan witnessed it but since it's a girl fan, he invited her for a threesome which ended up being a privileged to the girl instead of him being ashamed. What a total scumbag.

"Now, how can I thank you when it hurts like Tartarus,"

"How will you know when Tartarus is just a myth? It's just formed by imagination. You're just over reacting Cleves!! I'll buy you a chocolate parfait when the pain wears off." she bribed him.

"Hell yeah, you should!!" he agreed looking really giddy.

Cleves is actually sweet and cold deprived. It's for his voice. The manager had been very strict on him with sweet consumption. Unfortunately he has a sweet tooth which makes it so hard for him.

"You know he's not allowed to," Scott their guitarist jolted which made Cleves growl.

"C'mon Scott just one treat for Cleves.  It won't hurt right?" her convincing Scott.

Scott shakes his head and stood up,"Well whatever I'm not going to be the one messing up the stage coz of a rough voice anyway," Scott took a bottle of water from the studio counter and tossed it to Cleves.

Cleves managed to catch it and looked at Scott confusingly. Scott read his thought and he answered.

"Drink plenty of water after you've eaten your freaking parfait."

She smiled. She just needs a little convincing for Scott not to tell the manager. They actually messed up one gig, when Cleves was not able to sing due to a hoarse voice coz of eating too many chocolate gelato three days before the gig. Good thing, they don't have one and they're focus in songwriting.

After the practice, she went to her condo and jump off to bed. She thought of what happened earlier. Maybe she really wrecks havoc relationship, which is why she can't get into one. But she wants her romantic encounter. Now she's confused.

She got off her bed and went straight to her bedside table pulling it away from the wall. That is where her vault is hidden. She hid her precious treasure in there. She punched in the codes and she opened her vault.

She took six DVDs out of the bunch and chooses from it. It's her secret chick flick collections.  She decided to watch Pretty Woman. She put back the other five and locked her vault, putting her bedside table back into place. She went straight to her television set and placed the disk inside. She can't get caught watching this coz she's supposed to be rough and cool. It's her secret addiction. This is her world she doesn't invite anyone in.

She grabbed her instant popcorn from her cupboard and threw it in the microwave.  When she heard the last satisfying pop, she took it out and poured it in a big clear bowl.  She walked to her living room and began singing the opening song while on her way to check if the door was triple locked before jumping on the couch.

"Now where can I find my Edward Lewis?"