
How are you?

I meet him a long time ago while i'm training at one of famous hotel in china. I Remembered that i'm still 17 years ald that time. While i cleaning his room, i remember his most question, ''Do you know Dubai? would you like to go there?''. Now after 13 years later, i meet him again and who knows if the man that i help to pretended as my husband is his brother! i just know that they are the Royal family!! ''Marry me or i will hunt you down wherever you will go..'' He said that once he found out my fake married

Weldytr1 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 2 Help Me

It's been such a long~~~ long~~~ time since i meet that middle east good looking man. ''uuhhh~~~'' I sigh while my eyes exploring freely the unbelievable view in front of me disbelief. Now, I think back - feel likes I betray myself.

Suddenly in this time I remember about old word that told ''Don't hate too much...because between love and hate just separated by very thin borderline'' I muttered by myself with disbelief smile that showing in my face.

''Yeah.....right?! I hate middle east, But, what I'm done now?'' I whispered by myself while keep wondering every view in front of me. The widespread dessert in front of me. Dubai?! - one of the most modern country in middle east areas. Here I am, reach my goal as a hotelier and work at the most luxury hotel in Dubai. Ehmm.....that is nothing comparing with the fact that Hotel where I work is belong to royalty family!!

The good think is my current position right now - the best ever. An operator. I don't need to face people directly and I don't need to pretended being nice by showing fake smile to high position people. Not a good position, but this is better than being recognized by unwanted people.

I remember some of my female work team, told a story about how those middle east man flirt then took interest with them. Even some of them willing to be a second or thirth wives from rich man they met.

While i'm busy with my own thought, behind me walk sneaking with soft step almost no sound. Walking closer directly until close enough to covering my eyes.

''Pei yi....stop play around. or don't ever come to me asking for help.'' Answer me lazyly to response the game.

''Geez....why you know that was me. Can't you show little surprised even just fake. I prefer it. '' Pei yi said with ridicule my reaction.

I just role my eyes, then continue enjoy the view spending a few minutes break time after work. While Pei yi took sit beside me and tested some foid at my luch box in my hand. Pei yi is small girl with height 1,65'' and propotional body with white skin. We know each other and being close when we work together here at the same time.