
chapter eight

As the boy was walking around with the wolf, there was a serpent 🐍 following them but the boy didn't know.The snake was just about to attack him and the wolf saw it.The wolf carried the boy's cross.

The snake 🐍 bit the wolf instead of the boy.The wolf was seriously bleading. He covered the wound to stop further out let of blood.The wolf was getting much tired.

He took the wolf and laid it down the tree . Soon the wolf was there lying lifeless.He cried and cried until he gets out of tears.He took the wolf and went with it a distance ahead.

He dug a hole and mourned.Hs read the book of Job first verse (durst to durst) and he burried his friend.After his mourning ,he begin his journey a head.

As he was walking he could see a cave on top of a hill so he head to check what was inside it.He walked further and at last he arrived there.

He could believe his eyes.what he saw made his eyes popped out of there sockets.He saw something's glittering .He wondered what they could be.He moved closer to check clearly.According to his eyes there were gold.He was seriously happy and glorious.

He took the gold he could carry and he began journey home very happy.