
How A 18 year old created a country in Another world akame ga kill

Alex was on his way from the store getting grocery for his mom he complained and just wanted to read his favorite manga akame ga kill he forgot his wallet but a girl came in the street to give him his wallet as he says his thank he soon looks at moving car coming in fast he saves her but died in the process saving her so God wanted to talk with Alex and explain how he saved her so God rewards Alex for his action. his reward system,skills,country a new kingdom before God sends him to another world God ask Alex and he says he wants to the of akame ga kill Alex will make a strongest army the home of the federation kingdom.

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 breakfast

Alex's and asuka argument that had lasted for 30 minutes was over they once again had to the dinning hall for breakfast walking side by side each other

Alex's ask her who cooks there food


Alex : That reminds me who cooks our food?

Asuka replies to who cooks their food exactly with a smile.

Asuka : Well your highness our cook is C42 just call him Chef his the only cook in this tower so can I ask what you gonna eat.

alex : mmmmm to be honest I really don't know all ever had for breakfast was just scrambled eggs and water for breakfast every morning.

Asuka looks at Alex with a glum face and says

Asuka : your highness is that really all you eat for breakfast because to me its just really bland food with no new tast .

Alex's began to tearing up with silly face and confess.

Alex : sniff I.. nghh I know its the only thing I could think of cooking for breakfast alright sniff so don't judge me dammit nnggghhh.

Asuka gave alex an awkward look and closed her eyes to think about Alex.

Asuka : (thinking) This human.... my highness isn't a very good cook at all now I see why god wanted me to be his priminister and guide.

As Alex continued to cry because of lack of cooking skills as Asuka empathize Alex's for being a total idiot.

Asuka : (thinking) I do pity him for not a great cook nor does he know how to be creative in cooking maybe if I just ask him what he what he never had before maybe a culinary he never had.

Asuka : your highness may I ask what the is culinary breakfast you never had before

Alex's began to think what he never had for breakfast before in his life from earth

Alex : well let me think if I had to choose it would be omurice risotto curry every time when watch this anime it was about cooking it always make hungry I mean mmmmm! it look so good.

Asuka ask his highness to wait in the dinning hall until breakfast is ready

Asuka : your highness wait here ohh wait what would you like to drink

Alex : well I would like some lemonade

Alex began to think where he is exactly

Alex : alrighty I'll just wait for you (thinking) : wait a minute just where am I exactly the dinning hall is luxurious so is everything oh well whatever I just have to ask her out it for right now I want to it some food.

Asuka came back with the drinks

Asuka: here you go your highness

Alex's began to get annoyed being called highness he began to think that would be a little uncomfortable to for his new life style so he talks Asuka about it.

Alex (thinking) : I really have to tell Asuka about not to call me her highness when we are at the dinner table I know I'm king and all but I'm also not royalty I have to tell her about it

Alex : um Asuka

Asuka : yes

Alex : when we are at the table could you not call me highness

Asuka : but why?

Alex : its just.. that well I kind of find it little uncomfortable to be called that I think that it would better to just call me Alex .

Asuka : well if its for your sake then I will call you Alex.

chef : your highness your breakfast it is ready and please savor it as much as you like.

chef sets the platter down as he takes his leave to the kitchen

Alex's nervously slowly opened the lid of the platter slowly once that Alex had opened it the omurice risotto curry he had long waited try it for the first time and both of side of his breakfast toast with melted butter and sugar and a salad.

As Alex had lift the lid of the platter he cried with such joy finally a decent breakfast for someone. of his own age Alex looks at asuka with a smile but he couldn't eat his breakfast without Asuka so Alex patiently waited for asuka food to come in for her so he would comfortly eat with her

Asuka tells Alex to eat before his food gets cold but Alex doesn't seem to care he replys

Alex : well I don't mind it at all and plus eating with people only makes this food great

Alex : even if its with you

As Alex gave his reasons to why he wanted to wait and as soon finished with his last reply to asuka she begins to blush dispit being an android she feels all sorts of emotion joy,happiness

Asuka : fufu I'm glad to hear that

chef came back with asuka food its the same breakfast as Alex got so he ask asuka if she wanted to try it out

Alex : its the same thing as my own breakfast sat asuka did you wanted to try it out to how it taste.

Asuka : well yes you did said that it sounded good so I wanted to try it out

Alex : well alright! lets get eating shall we

Alex began to get excited to try it out with asuka so they took their forks out to get a taste of it by mark on 3 they counted as they did they took a bite and they're faces was filled with joy as it turned out how good the food is?

Alex and Asuka : mmmmmmm!! its really good! the sauce that goes with rice and eggs are goooood!

Alex : that's not all the toast I've hadn't had so long it taste so good to I just can't stop eating

Asuka : you don't have to say that again even the salad taste so fresh and its good

as both Asuka and Alex's enjoyed their breakfast Alex's thoughts about the tower he wants to asuka but for now he will need to savor the food that he enjoys with his priminister

end next chapter