
How (NOT) Survive in Another World

Synopsis: Icarus is a kind crazy young man with a strange common sense. He loves money, lying and deceiving people. His life philosophy is to do only things that seem fun. During a certain incident, he dies. After his death, he receives the opportunity to reincarnate in a world of swords and magic to live a better life. However, things do not go as expected, as fate has other plans for the young Icarus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AUTHOR'S NOTICE: I'm a novice writer, so don't read this expecting a great masterpiece Besides that, there's probably a lot of grammatical error here, after all English it is not my mother tongue The focus of this story is on comedy! However, if by chance you don't find the story funny, that doesn't mean that the story is bad or that something is wrong with you. It just means that we have a different sense of humor, and everything is fine with that. After all, people have different tastes! Anyway! If the story not to be your cup of tea, you can do two different things. You can, make constructive comments with tips on how I should improve the story, and keep reading and see if you like it. Or you can just stop reading the story! Don't be a hater who swears at me in the comments saying that my story sucks and that I'm just wasting my time writing it. For if you hurt my feelings, I will hurt yours in return! (Basically I'm going to curse you back!) That's all, please enjoy the story! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer - The Cover doesn't belong to me. All rights goes to the artist. If you are the image owner and want me to take it down, please contact me.

NotNumber44 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
192 Chs

A Strange Man (2)


With the Rushed-Panther's body in hand, Icarus slowly walks to the last place where he remembers seeing the lions.


About thirty minutes later, Icarus finds himself in a part of the forest full of colorful shrubs.

"Just a little more and I'm finally going to get there! Phew! It was a pain in the ass to get here without having to fight!"

Along the way Icarus was ambushed five times

The five attempts were orchestrated by monsters of the same type

They were all – Rushed-Panther's

Although these monsters are very good at hiding and their ambushes are practically perfect

All five times, Icarus had no problem escaping them.

This is due to the sharp instinct that Icarus developed after successfully surviving the first and second trips to hell

With this, he always detected the danger a few seconds before and thus easily dodged the attacks of the monsters

Although these are perfect opportunities for him to strike-back and kill these monsters

Icarus's sloth spoke louder and all five times, he chose to activate the Skill <Phantom Steps> and leave the place silent


As he walks slowly through the colorful bushes, Icarus absently chats to himself

"I hope they are still there. I want to see those cubs at least one more time... I mean, I want to make sure this body is not wasted. Yeah, I hate to waste food-"

At that moment, Icarus feels a shiver in his back

Feeling this, he doesn't think twice and quickly jumps to the side

In the next instant, a shadow hits the place where Icarus was a second ago


The impact is generates a large amount of dust

"What the fuck was that? Wait a minute, don't tell me that..."

After a few seconds, the dust settles and Icarus sees the creature that attacked him

Surprisingly (or not), the monster that ambushed him is a... Rushed-Panther

Seeing this creature again, Icarus grimaces and curses it

"Damn it! I knew it! Leaves me alone, you goddamn motherfucking little piece of shit!"

The monster ignores Icarus' constructive comments, and prepares to attack him

Seeing this, Icarus lets out a breath and activates his skill

"Sigh! Whatever... <Phantom Steps>!"

Soon after saying this, Icarus's body and the body he carries disappear from the monster's vision

Seeing this, the monster raises its guard and looks around carefully, preparing for a possible surprise attack

Obviously, this is useless, after all Icarus has already left the place

A few hundred meters away Icarus leaves his stealth state

"Sigh! Why the hell don't these guys leave me alone? Is it so wrong to be handsome like I am? Well, I'm used to being pursued since my past life. However, I was generally pursued by women who fell in love with my beauty!"

In fact, only a small portion of the people who persecuted him were women who were attracted by his beauty

The vast majority were people he deceived, authorities like the police and politicians, gangster... or often the husbands and boyfriends of the women he slept by accident

Which were mostly police officers, gangsters or both

This is why Icarus dresses, as if he were a fugitive – because in a way he really was one, and always feared for his life


He turns his attention to the dead monster in his hands and with a strange face he wonders

"Are these guys attacking me because I am carrying the body of one of their companions? Or is it just me who am very unlucky?"

He looks at the body for a few seconds, but soon gives up thinking about it, and concludes:

"I think it's better for my mental health to believe that the first option is the right one!"

After fighting for a few seconds so that the frustration tears do not drain


He turns his attention to the dead monster in his hands and with a strange face he wonders

"Are these guys attacking me because I am carrying the body of one of their companions? Or is it just me who am very unlucky?"

He looks at the body for a few seconds, but soon gives up thinking about it, and concludes:

"I think it's better for my mental health to believe that the first option is the right one!"

After fighting for a few seconds so that the frustration tears do not drain

Icarus forces a smile while comforting himself

"Yes, it must be because I am carrying this body up and down. I refuse to believe that these guys are ambushing me just because of my luck!"

After lying to himself some more, Icarus arrives at his destination

Arriving at the location, Icarus notices something strange

The lions are gone, and there are only a few holes left in the ground

"If I'm not mistaken when I first saw them, they were in hiding. These must be the holes where they hid their bodies!"

Icarus remembers how lions hid their bodies in the ground leaving only their heads out

So pretending to be bushes to ambush unsuspecting poor monsters

"'They hid their bodies' that phrase sounded a little strange. Well, whatever!"

He throws the body on the floor and walks to the biggest hole (lol)

As he approaches, he crouches down and tries to see what's inside him

However, all he sees is darkness

After concluding that it is useless to just look, he looks around for a stone

As soon as he finds one, he picks it up off the ground and then throws it down trying to estimate the depth of the hole

A few seconds after throwing the stone, Icarus finally hears the sound of the stone hitting the bottom of the hole


"Wow, it looks like it's deeper than I thought! Are they in here? Well, let's see!"

Just when Icarus is ready to jump, he hears some leaves rustling beside him

Icarus stops and looks in the direction of the noise, while doing so he realizes that it is the lion that attacked him earlier

Besides to it, there are two more lions, an adult male lion and a cub

The others don't seem to be around

Seeing that his trip was not in vain, Icarus smiles, showing his sharp teeth and approaches them happily

"Hey! I came to visit! Did you guys miss me? Come here and give me a big hug!"

The leader and the other lion look at Icarus suspiciously and enter the combat position

Only the small cub continues to look at Icarus calmly while act as if nothing is happening

Seeing this, Icarus quickly realizes his mistake

Not wanting to be hugged by death so soon, he stops walking and quickly begins to calm the two lions

"Calm down! Calm down! I don't want to hurt you guys! In fact, I actually brought you guys a gift!"

While ignoring the lions' suspicious looks, Icarus quickly runs over to the monster he brings and with a proud face he says

"Here it is! Hope you like it!"

The three lions turn their attention to the monster's body

Originally the body was already covered in blood because of the Mana Orb

However, due to Icarus's lack of care in escaping the ambushes he suffered along the way

Now besides being all bloody, the monster's body is all dirty with dust

Seeing this, the three look at Icarus with disdain and contempt

Noticing this look, Icarus feels a little offended and says

"Come on? Are you guys serious? It's not as bad as it looks! it's just a little bit of blood and dirty!"

After saying this, he approaches the body and then using his hands he pulls a little bit of body fur, exposing the flesh of the monster

With that done he points to the meat and while looking at the lions

He once again smiles with confidence and says

"See? There's nothing wrong with the meat! It's still edible!"

Seeing how Icarus shows off his sharp, shiny teeth as he happily talks about eating meat

The three lions feel strange and look at each other

In doing so they realize that they are all thinking the same thing

'What's wrong with this guy?'

Hey, I'm still alive! Hmm... should I feel awkward about having to say this almost every chapter? Well, whatever! Here's the first chapter of the day! I'll post another chapter later!


That's all, folks!

Thanks for reading!

Have a great day!

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