
Housemates: The Good, Bad and Sexy

What happens when people live together? James and Mira have been friends since they were kids, so maybe they could live without killing each other, but what about Rachel and Noah? Having to live with her brother and his good-looking narcissistic best friend, Rachel wanted nothing more than to get rid of him. It was either he got rid of her or she got rid of him. There were no other options left for Rachel. But what if there were other options? ~~~ Mia has her life all figured out. She was able to rise to the top on her own. All she wanted was for her boyfriend to return so they could have their happily ever after, but what happens when a baby shows up from nowhere? ~~~ Chloe is the typical example of a cold CEO. She was always business-oriented and kept a straight face. A lot of men wanted her. But everyone knew she only had eyes for one boy.  How the very innocent Jeremy manage to steal her heart, no one knew.  They will all face problems. Will they overcome it? Add this book to your library. I assure you, you'll enjoy their individual stories.  The Good The Bad and the SEXY

ThatAmazingGirl · Urban
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151 Chs


Hello Everyone! Sorry, this isn't a chapter.

You'll get the next chapter later.

I want to tell you a little about myself:

My real name is Alicia Queen, a 25 years old actress known all over my country. Surprise? I bet you are. I am also surprised at the rate I dropped from the top and hit rock bottom in only a week. My name was all over the tabloids with everyone having something worse to say about me. This invariably caused me to keep crashing.

So what did I do? I tried to commit suicide.

And what happened?

I found myself in the body of a 19 years old princess in exile, in the middle ages.

What's more? I am forced to marry Prince Harold; the infamous white-haired hot tempered Prince who wouldn't mind killing someone for the most irrelevant reason.

Now, my wedding is only a few hours from now and the 'princess', which happens to be me, is supposed to display some 'princessly' skills to the guest.

Quick question: Is twerking allowed in the middle ages?

Because I know one thing for sure, the wedding is going to be a disaster and the hot tempered prince is going to kill me before I find my way back home.

God Help Me!


ThatAmazingGirl in collaboration with Miss_Behaviour (The writers of: In Love With A Klepto) is bringing you another book.


What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the body of a princess in the ancient time?

What's more, he isn't only a werewolf, he is also cursed by the moon goddess.

Werewolf (Check)

Cursed prince (Check)

Transmigration (Check)

Comedy (Check)

Romance (Double Check)