
Phos was WHAT?! part-1

----Third person POV----

"Need any help?"

"Nope last time you managed to put my legs on backwards so no thanks, not to mention Rutile and Rain are here to help put me back together"

"Anyway don't you have an Encyclopedia to write?"

*Phos grabs the bowl full of Helio and has a tugging match with Morga*


"It's soo boring!! And besides no one will actually need it and it's just a big pain to deal with"

"that sounds just like you"

"Shut your mouth!"

"Hey, Rutile Helio was turned into a pile of shards, but if we get all of them they'll come back right? "

"Yes, of course"

"Within our bodies, we carry microorganisms said to have created us as (inclusions) currently they eat light and move around us. Even if we shatter, as long as the pieces can be put back together our wounds will close, and we can come back to life. Even if we turn to dust, mix with the dirt, and sink into the ocean... It is merely a state of suspended animation"

"It's a wonderful trait we alone possess. Of course because of this we find ourselves unable to give up on anything"

"There you're all finished"

"Alright let's get back to our post"

*Phos grabs Goshe and Morga almost bumping into them*

"Hey that was close! You would have been the one broken instead"

"I am well aware. O mighty SEVEN take m-"

"Not a chance!"

"But why!?"

"If I hadn't told Sensei both of you would be on the moon right now!"

"Rutile can you make Phos's body as strong as their mouth?"

"It's not possible with modern medicine"

"I won't let you say no!"

"Do something about me having this lame job!"

"Do you hate it that much?"

"Yeah! I wanna do something cooler!"

"Is that so?"

"Isn't it a great work that saved us before it even began?"


"Want to trade?"

*Goshe holds out their sword to Phos*

"You shouldn't let Phos take that sword ya know?"

"It will be fine plus we have you and Rutile here"

*Phos reaches for the sword then withdraws their hand slightly*


"I'm not so pathetic as to steal from you"


"Hey that's heavy!"

*Phos pulls harshly on the scabbard of the sword and makes the blade fly out above them*


*Phos falls on their back the blade and clipboard Above their face*


"I told you so~"

"That'll teach him a lesson"

"I just fixed that..."


*The clipboard hit Phos in the face and the blade hits the clipboard*

*Thud Ting the clipboard and sword falls to the ground*

"Oh, they didn't break. Thank goodness sorry I didn't think you'd actually grab it"





"You wanted that to hit me just now, didn't you"

"You got me"

"Ugh, I get it, my only ally.... Is you it seems"

-------------------------------Micro Time Skip---------------------------------------------------

'By the way'

"I wonder what a Natural History Encyclopedia is supposed to be, that's not what you're thinking is it...."

*Morga starts looking at the Encyclopedia*


"You threw such a fit over having to do it even though you only have a vague idea of what it is? I'm appalled"

"No! Ugh Morganite"

*Phos takes back the blank Encyclopedia*

"You're so Pink, But so violent and-"


"And haughty and-"


"Are you trying to be mean?"

"A Natural History Encyclopedia... Is something that records and categorizes everything in nature, I heard"

"Goshe you're an angel!!! But like how tho?"

"Umm… Like bugs by the beach and the plants and everything I guess?"


"We already know everything that's useful, so maybe the things we don't know about yet?"

"C'mon give me more~"

"The two of us Aren't really familiar with it, Sorry, us groups on patrol only watch the sky..."

*Goshe and Morga start walking off but stop*

"Cinnabar or Rain might know"

"Cinnabar, you mean... THAT Cinnabar?"

"Why don't you ask them?"

"No way! I can't even get close to them, and I haven't even spoken to them before!"

"Well maybe I could ask Rain"

"I think Cinnabar would be the one to go to about this though..."

"Well, do your best and make a grand discovery... Sensei Scholar"

*Goshe and Morga start walking off*

"Sensei.... Scholar"



*Phos slumps down against a stool*

"Cinnabar huh... No way"

"If I have to ask Cinnabar, I might as well just ask Sensei or Rain"

"that's even worse though I'd have to sit through one of Sensei's long lectures, but if I ask Rain I might get what I'm looking for because they patrol alone"

"But I can't just figure it out on my own, but i wanna make a big discovery and get everyone's admiration…"

"Alright, this Scholar is gonna go be open-minded and get multiple opinions"

*Phos gets up and walks off*

--------Micro time skip-------

"HUH? Something new? I dunno about anything we don't use, more importantly, I wanna fix this chair before I head out for patrol so could you hold onto that side for me?"

*Phos holding a now fixed chair walks off to the next person*

"OH! Phos! What good timing! Be a model for me! Recently everyone's clothes have been wearing down fast, so I tried making a more durable kind!"

*Phos now wearing a new uniform and flower hair ornaments, with a fixed chair walks off to the next person*

"You! I heard you're supposed to be making an Encyclopedia... We didn't get much Hemp, this year so don't go wasting paper!"

"Even if your clumsy, help out to make up for what you use!"

*Phos still with the same stuff walks away from Benito and to the next person*

"I know about the things we put into paste and powder, but things no one uses... oh, Rain you got any Ideas?"

"Hmm not really but Cinnabar might know they do patrols at night"


"Yes, Yes I'm on my way"

*Rain walks off to help Hemimorphite*

*Phos Slumps forward*



"Are you sure you don't know best? Are you just lying because you're busy? Quack"

"Should I Stitch that mouth of yours shut..."

"Here they are! The hands of miracle!"

"Anyway, I know that Cinnabar's always walking along the beach, but that's at night right? Can they even see anything? We're totally useless at night"

"It's true that we who live off the sun slow at night and taking action then is quite dangerous. However, Cinnabar alone... The endless flow of silver poison from their body gathers the night's faint light, so they can walk all night and remain aware. However, the Lunarians have never come a single time during the night"

"HUH? Then why do they have to patrol at night? What's the point?"

"Just in case, that's their job, if you want to go visit them take care"

"Has anyone ever told you? Light will be unable to pass through any parts of our bodies that has come in contact with their poison"

"There's nothing to be done at that point but shave it off"

--------- TimeSkip---------

"Hey you! Stop that pointless job of yours! And aid me in making a great discovery! OH?! I can be of assistance to you, Great Sensei Scholar?!"

"Maybe it'll go like that and I can get Cinnabar to be my underling"

*Benito runs past phos*

'What is that guy up to?'



"Your room's next to Cinnabar's isn't it?"


"Lead the way!"

"What the heck?"

*Benito leads Phos to Cinnabar's room*

"Do you need something from Cinnabar? They probably aren't in"

"Huh? Even though it's daytime?"


"More like they are never in"

*Benito and Phos look into Cinnabar's room. Poison litters the floor*

"Sometimes they can't even control that poison of theirs you know?"

"Maybe he felt bad about it or something cause they haven't been back in a while"

"Benito, did you say something indelicate to my underling?"


"Why would I do that?! I'm not you! Their poison is like breathing or something, I know they've been trying not to be a bother too. But to be honest, I can't relax when they're next door "

"He makes trouble just by being there"


*Phos is at the Cave of emptiness sitting down and looking at the ocean*

"To think they'ed be on a higher level than me, A jewel useless since birth, how impressive!"

"No one expects anything from them, or worries about him, or praises him. I don't get why he does that job of his, they oughta just quit"


* A sun spot appears behind Phos while they are still sitting down looking at the ocean*

"I can't find Cinnabar anywheeeere"

*The Lunarians drawback their bows and get ready to attack phos*


*Cinnabar rushes past Phos as some of their poison lands on ther hand and Protects them with a poison wall they created*


*Phos falls back as Cinnabar jumps up*

"I was wondering, who'd be out in the evening like this... So it was you! Three and a half!"

*Cinnabar blocks another wave of arrows*




*Phos still sitting watches as Cinnabar fights*



*Cinnabar drops their head in sadness*


"Just by breathing I kill the grass, I don't..."

"I don't want to dirty everything anymore than I already have, I don't want to be seen"

"It's so shameful, I don't want to fight"


*Cinnabar vomits more Silver poison*


*The Lunarians lower ropes and come down while Cinnabar Slouches forward still leaking silver poison*

"Want to"

*The silver poison makes distorted clones of Cinnabar*


*Whoosh the Lunarians throw javelins*

*Cinnabar makes a tidal wave of Poison and floods the Lunarians on the ground, then jumps into the air and covers the rest of the Lunarians in their silver poison*

*As Cinnabar starts falling towards the Ocean they reach for the cliff covered in their poison*

"I guess this is fine, just"

*Phos slides to the edge of the cliff and holds out the clipboard for Cinnabar to grab onto covered in poison, when Cinnabar grabs onto the clipboard Phos's arms break off, and they along with Cinnabar fall into the water*

*Phos in a daze and covered in poison sits up*

"You're wasting your time"

*Phos comes out of their daze and turns around to see Cinnabar standing there with their severed arms*

*Cinnabar puts Phos's arms on the ground*

*Swaying Phos starts falling forward off the cliff, but before they do Cinnabar drags them back breaking one of their arms in the process*

"Among the twenty eight of us, I'm, the lowest solidity at two"

*Cinnabar picks up their broken arm, while Phos stares at them in a daze*


*Goshe and Morga run up to the cliff*

"what did you do?"

------Time skip--------

"there you go, we scraped off all the tainted sections, do you recognize us?"

"Rain and Quack..."

"Oh my, it seems you have an especially bad case. Should we take out another slice?"



"Rain you shouldn't laugh thats not funny"

"Nothing can be done for these anymore"

*Rutile hands the tainted shards to Rain, and Rain puts them into a container*

"This is the first time I've had any scraped off"

----To Be Continued----

I made an extra long chapter just for yall, part 2 will be out later today or tomorrow.

ShadowFlux1909creators' thoughts