
House Tarth (SI) Fanfiction

First Fanfic I’m writing it’s probably shit but who knows give it a try. It’s about someone who Reincarnated in house Tarth when dragons still roamed the planetos

Star_Maker4 · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 Events In the World 2


Tyrosh is a fortress harbor city protected by high walls and is one of the Free Cities. It is on an island to the north of the Stepstones, just off the coast of the Disputed Lands of Essos.

According to legend, there used to be a land bridge linking Westeros and Essos, of which the Steptones are the only remnants. Therefore, Tyrosh is the closest of the Free Cities to Westeros, located not far from Dorne and the island of Tarth.

People from Tyrosh are known as Tyroshi. Tyroshi are known for wearing bright colors and painting their beards and hair bright colors to show status. They also have a reputation for being insatiably greedy. They speak a bastardized version of High Valyrian.

Like most other Free Cities, Tyrosh originated as a colony of the Valyrian Freehold, Tyrosh began as a military outpost of the Valyrian Freehold on a bleak stony isle to control shipping through the Stepstones. They soon discovered in the nearby waters a unique variety of sea snails whose secretions were used to create a dye popular with Valyrian nobles. After the Doom of Valyria, it became an independent city-state. During the ensuing Century of Blood, Volantis attack on Tyrosh was the beginning of the Volantene's downfall because Tyrosh had all other free cities join them in an alliance against Volantis and stir up rebellion in Lys and Myr, which led to their defeat at the end of the century of blood.

The leader of Tyrosh is the Archon, chosen from among a council made up of the city's wealthiest and most prominent citizens. A number of different religions have a presence in Tyrosh; a monument known as the Fountain of the Drunken God is dedicated to the eponymous deity, and the Temple of Trios honors the three-headed god of the same name. The faith of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, also has followers in Tyrosh. Pentos went to war with each other over a trade dispute in 55 Ac, which ended in 58 Ac after both sides requested that King Jaehaerys I Targaryen act as a mediator in negotiations to end the dispute. The Prince of Pentos and the Archon traveled to King's Landing to conduct negotiations in person, and they eventually agreed upon "A Treaty of Eternal Peace".

During the years of 56-61 Ac

Inside the palace of the Archon

Magistrate Casso Mogatt

The war with Pentos has been horrendous for our trade in the narrow sea and served us no purpose we even had to go to King Jaehaerys I Targaryen to solve Essosi's problems.

Archon Collio Quaynis

Yes, you would have rather us go to the Braavosi instead and spread are legs open like a common whore for them wouldn't you. I said while laying on my triclinia and eating some grapes nearby before saying, we know of your dealing with one of their key holders Casso we know you married your daughter to one of his sons. If we had gone to them the war would have continued and they would be selling food and war supplies to both sides while we continue to bleed.

Magistrate Moreo Ryndoon

I agree with the Archon that the Braavosi are looking for Tyrosh and Pentos to continue the war, so they can attack a weakened Pentos. They were trying to use us like pawns In their game of chess.

Magistrate Tumitis Alequo

Chess what is chess, I asked Magistrate Moreo (It's a new strategy game like Cyvasse, which one of my merchants got from the island of Tarth) he explained to me. Ah yes, Tarth I've been hearing a bit about them during the winter years they started to export a lot of clothes nothing special but the quantity was enough for us to be able to keep the slaves from freezing to death. But anyway what do we need to talk

about is the Ancient Guild of Spicers of Qarth almost double the price of spices on our merchants,

Archon Collio Quaynis

Well, the reason for that is simple those greedy bastards want more money to fund their disputes with each other and also the Dothraki are breathing down their necks all we can do is try to negotiate the prices If not we can also up the prices for our dyes to mitigate the extra costs of the spices.


also known as Lys the Lovely - is one of the Free Cities, as well as the most beautiful: the land is covered with palm and fruit trees, the surrounding waters are abundant with fish, and sunsets in Lys are said to be the most beautiful in the world. The island chain known as the Stepstones lies to the northwest of the city and the Disputed Lands to the northeast. Lys frequently wars with the cities of Myr, Tyrosh, and Volantis over control of both these regions.

As with most of the Free Cities, Lys was founded as a colony of the Valyrian Freehold. Due to the area's natural beauty and mild climate, the Valyrians established Lys as a retreat/resort. Since it was founded from scratch by the Freehold rather than being a conquered territory, Lys retains stronger Valyrian bloodlines than any of the other Free Cities. Even the smallfolk often possess Valyrian features, including light-colored hair, skin, and eyes.

Lys is home to a native love goddess (whose image graces the city's coinage), but temples to many deities can be found within its walls, including a temple to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Another of these deities was the Weeping Lady of Lys. The pillow-houses of the city are far-famed, and they are known for producing the finest bed slaves and prostitutes in the world.

When Valyria was destroyed in the Doom, Lys became an independent state. It was then conquered by Volantis, which was trying to reforge the Freehold. Lys and Myr remained subservient to Volantis until the city overreached and launched an attack on Tyrosh. Myr rose in rebellion and an exiled Lysene lord liberated the city with the help of 100 warships loaned to him by Braavos. Additional forces from Pentos and the Westerosi Storm King helped defeat Volantis and destroyed its armies in what are now the Disputed Lands.

Lys regained its independence following the war, but the alliances soon fell apart, so that Myr and Lys have been perpetually warring with each other for the past 65 years.

Lys is ruled by conclaves of magisters, chosen from amongst the wealthiest and noblest men of the city, with the First Magister as the preeminent figure. The gonfaloniere is an elected military leader.

During the years of 56-61 Ac

In one of the forums in the center of Lys

Magistrate Eladon Prenfahi

Put your vote in for me in this election for Gonfaloniere I'll bring glory to Lys and bring Myr to its knees and we will finally rule all of the disputed lands once and for all. We need more sellswords men at arms to be able to compete with the free city on the mainlands, Not more sellsails or fleets like Magistrate Kasporio claims would be beneficial to us. join me and enjoy this mummer show and free food and drink. I finish my speech with a drink of Lys sweet wine.

Magistrate Kasporio Istarion

We need not focus solely on the mainland or we will lose sight of what truly gives us power which is our fleets, which is what protect our shoes and homes from invaders and Magistrate Eladon would have us abandon such duty to protect his investments on the mainland, people of Lys do not be fooled by the mummer's farce he puts on because he care not for your well-being and protection only for his own greed. Vote for me and I'll see our fleet remain dominant from the summer sea, narrow sea, and shivering sea and beyond.


Pentos is a large port city-state of merchant lords. Located closest of all the Free Cities to King's Landing in Westeros, Pentos is one of the westernmost of the Free Cities. The city lies on the Bay of Pentos off the narrow sea, with the Flatlands and Velvet Hills to the east. People and things from Pentos are known as Pentoshi.

The Pentoshi descended from Andals, Valyrians, slaves, and ancient peoples. Like the Braavosi and Lyseni, Pentoshi are great lovers of song, and generous with those who please them. Some of their men dye, oil, and fork their beards

Pentos is nominally ruled by a Prince chosen by the city's Magisters from among the Pentoshi noble families. The Prince supposedly holds the powers of trade, justice, and war. The prince has a mostly ceremonial function, however, while the magisters rule. The prince presides chiefly over balls and feasts. He is carried from place to place in a rich palanquin with a handsome guard and on every new year he must deflower the Maid of the Field and the Maid of the Seas to bring good fortune to the city. However, should a crop fail or a war be lost, the Magisters slit the Prince's throat and choose another. In truth, the Prince's power is only nominal, and the true rulers of the city are the council of Magisters, wealthy merchant princes or cheese-mongers.

As the Century of Blood slowly came to an end, Pentos joined Tyrosh in their resistance to Volantis, which had conquered Lys and Myr in a Volantene attempt to seize control of all Old Valyria had left behind. Aegon Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone, was invited to Pentos, where he agreed to support Pentos and Tyrosh. Atop Balerion, Aegon used dragonfire to destroy a Volantene fleet at Lys. He later became the first Lord of the Seven Kingdoms through Aegon's Conquest. The alliance of convenience between Tyrosh and Pentos ended soon after Volantis was defeated they started to have quarrels and trade disputes which led to war in 55 AC which was only resolved in 58 AC after both parties went to Kingslanding to negotiate peace with King Jaehaerys as the mediator, which concluded in a signing of the "treaty of Eternal Peace", but the treaty was not well received by the magistrates of Pentos.

During the years of 56-61 Ac

In one of the temples of

No no, no no, you can't do this to me you can't, the war was not lost it was not lost no, please it wasn't my fault it wasn't Please it wasn't. Says the former prince of Pentos as he is dragged over the floor of the temple to be sacrificed, fighting, begging, and struggling all throughout the ordeal. After which his throat was sliced and the former prince bleeds out on the temple floors.

Two days later in a room of the Council of Magisters

Magister Qarlon Heann

I believe we should start this meeting off by informing everyone of the obvious, and that is we need a new prince to lead Pentos after the previous disgrace. After saying that and looking around and seeing no one raising an objection he continued. So who would like to volunteer to be the face of our great city? I looked around once more and saw everyone looking at each other and whispering but no one volunteered. Since no one is volunteering I suggest we take a vote. They all agreed and the voting took place which finally ended with the magistrate Moraqos Silvario being elected the new prince of Pentos, but for some odd reason, he did not look too excited about the honors being given to him.