
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Morgana I

I let another body fall from my grasp drained completely of blood. Morgana is holding a teenage girl in her arms, her fangs buried in the girl's neck. The girl sees me and reaches out to me for help. I step over, taking the girl's arm and biting into it. A moment later Morgana and I let the girl's dead body fall to the floor. Blood stained our hands and mouths, I looked at her for a moment realizing that her eyes were glowing gold. 


She smiles at me, "Your eyes are gold too." 


"So you are reading my mind." 


"I never said I couldn't" 


Before I could say anything else Morgana was on me, our lips locked in a battle without a care for the blood covering our faces. I felt her tongue trace my lips and I attacked it. She gasps in surprise as I pull her in, I feel her hands wander lower on my body. With a growl I take us to the floor still kissing. I cupped one of her breasts and she moaned into our kiss. 


I felt her fingers undo my belt as I tore at her dress. She flips our positions and slips out of her dress as she finally relieves me of my trousers. Tearing my shirt she licks my chest before sinking her fangs into my neck. I felt my growing arousal prod her slick folds. She comes up from my neck with a smile, my blood on her lips. I pull her down onto my cock sheathing myself deep in her heat. She lets out a moan and I sit up as she begins to roll her hips. She throws her head back and I seize the opportunity presented to me. As my fangs sank into her I felt her tighten on my manhood as she let out another moan. Her blood was like fire, I pulled back and met her bloody lips with my own. Our tongues fought for dominance as we continued to thrust into each other. I flipped her on her hands and knees while still buried deep in her, my thrusts causing her breasts to sway. Grabbing both I lean forward and kiss a trail on her shoulder before biting down hard, drawing blood. She screams and I feel a wetness splash into my thighs, I felt her tighten again and that was enough to send me over the edge. Sheathing myself fully in her I painted her womb with my seed, thrusting a few more times. We collapse onto the forest floor, a sweaty tangle of limbs. 


The next morning I woke up alone, a new set of clothes lay neatly folded next to my sword. Another roll of parchment tucked into the belt. Remembering the previous night my breath caught in my throat. Groaning, I looked around at the scattered bodies in the nearby camp Morgana and I had attacked. I quickly washed off in the stream and got dressed, I put on the belt and unrolled the letter. 




I had fun last night, who knew you had a wilder side beneath that mask of bravery that you wear. I had so much fun drinking that camp dry with you that I forgot to explain what I did to you. I dulled your emotions, well, I dulled your negative emotions. So no more pesky regret for killing people. That would be oh so boring, I never thought I would share a bed with one of the vampires I sired but you really know how to make a girl blush. Last night will be one of the last times you see me again, I'm going to get rather busy in the near future, so take what happened last night as a farewell present.  



I threw the parchment into a small fire I started as I began to clean up the mess we made. I dragged bodies to the center of the camp. Gathering all the firewood I could find I created a large pyre and stacked the bodies on top of it. Setting the camp ablaze after I lit the pyre I stepped back and watched the smoke lift high into the sky. 


I knew that everything that had happened thus far was fucked. Killing that girl, running into Morgana who just happens to always conveniently appear when I'm in the middle of something, finding this camp with Morgana, killing everyone in the camp by drinking them dry, having hot steamy but highly questionable sex with Morgana after murdering over a dozen people. I knew I was supposed to feel regret, disgust, even shame, but no thanks to whatever the hell Morgana did with my emotions I just couldn't bring myself to care. That honestly frightened me, not being able to properly feel things how they're supposed to be felt. Could I even fall in love anymore? Sighing I turned and disappeared into the forest leaving behind the burning camp and the last of my humanity. 


Weeks passed and I wandered around the land, I had a general sense of where everything was due to my sense of smell. I decided that I would go back to check up on the Mikaelsons siblings. When I entered the village something felt off, the villagers avoided each other. The massive white oak tree was still standing so I knew the Mikaelsons were still in the village. I hid in the outskirts of the village till nightfall, carefully sneaking back and using my sword to cut a few large branches from the tree. I sped around the village a bit more liberating a small leather pack from an empty home, putting the chunks of white oak into the pack along with a hatchet and a dagger. I ran back to Silas' island deep in thought as I made my way. 


Henrik must have just died, and the family are hiding somewhere. Either that cave they mention in the show or in their home. Either way they'll become vampires soon and the plot is about to start. As I reached the island I stepped into the cave and sat on the cold floor. 


"Maybe I should pull a Lestat and go to sleep for a few hundred years."


My voice echoed in the cave, it would be nearly a thousand years before the hunters started showing up to guard this cave or whatever they did here and a bit longer for Elena and her friends to come here looking for the cure. Assuming that I could figure out how Lestat managed to go to sleep for a few hundred years without turning to a petrified corpse. I wasn't going to endanger whole tribes and groups of settlers because Morgana dulled my morality. I made up my mind, pulling the white oak I carved a dozen stakes and stuck them back into the bag. I stashed the bag deeper in the cave and covered it with a few loose stones. Satisfied with my work I returned to Silas' tomb and looked at his caged coffin. Morgana had burst  it open with her black hole spell. The sarcophagus beneath the human shaped cage Silas was unused. I wondered why they didn't just stuff him in the stone sarcophagus in the show. Shrugging, I tore the rest of the mangled steel cage from the sarcophagus. I had my answer to hey they had him in a cage instead of the sarcophagus once I opened it. It was filled nearly to the brim with gold and other precious gems. Cursing under my breath I started to look for a place to store the valuables so that I could have a box to sleep in. I found a few barrels laying around the tomb and stuffed as much gold and gems into them. Once I was done only a third of the stone coffin was full. 


Laying on the cold piles of gold and gems I closed the sarcophagus and took in the darkness of the stone coffin. Closing my eyes I willed myself to sleep, slowing my thoughts I began to ignore the rest of the world. I focused on myself and let out a breath. Sure I didn't need to breathe, but the movement still felt natural. As I lay there I felt my mind drift and soon I was out of my own body.