
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


[Multi POV]

Elena Gilbert didn't was not having a good day, her parents just grounded her for a month and that would mean she would miss the party that a few of her friends were having. What's more was that her brother Jeremy was sneaking out every night to meet up with Vicki Donovan, her ex's sister. She wouldn't have had a problem except for the fact that she had a feeling that Vicki was a terrible influence on her brother. 


"Elena we're leaving, your aunt Jenna is coming over to watch you guys for the weekend." 


"Alright mom." 


Her aunt Jenna would know what to do, Jenna always knew what to do in situations like this. Elena threw herself back into bed with a huff and pulled out her journal. She began to write. An hour later Jenna Sommers pulled into the driveway of their home and she ran downstairs to greet the blonde. 


"Aunt Jenna!" 


"Lena, hey. You didn't tell me your neighbor was hot." 


"Wait what neighbor?"


"The one moving into the big mansion in the center of town? You know the one who looks way too young to own a house that big."


"Oh that's the Williamson estate, they're moving in. Apparently they have some history with the town according to Tyler."


"Why does Tyler know this?"


"His dad told him that the family moving in would be old money. Whatever that means." 


"Any plans for the rest of the week?"


"There was a party next month but I'm grounded because I failed history." 


Before they could continue their conversation there was a crash from up the stairs and they both ran up to check on what the noise was. Elena warily pushed the door to her room open and jumped back in fright. There on the floor was a mangled fox covered in glass from where it had been thrown through the window. 


"Oh my god, is that a fox?" 


"How did it even get up here?" 


"Someone must have thrown it through the window how else." 


Jeremy had come out of his room and was standing in the hallway looking at the bloody animal on Elena's rug. He shrugged and went back to his room leaving the two women gawking at his nonchalant behavior. 


"What's up with him?"


"Nothing, he's been like that since he started 'dating' Vicki."


"I have not!" Came Jeremy's voice from behind his door. 


"Well I think he's getting into his emo phase." 


"Jenna do you even know what an Emo is?"


"Sure I do, heavy makeup, hates everything, prefers dark musty rooms over the outdoors?"




"Hey I had a life before you kids knew me too. I had a punk rock phase." 


"I'd have paid to see that." Jeremy shouted through his door. 


"Okay can we get back to the fox bleeding out on my floor now?" 


They carefully picked up the animal and took it outside after Jenna called animal control. The guys that came to pick up the injured fox were dumbfounded at how the fox ended up going through the second story window. They figured it must have been some sort of prank by the local high schoolers. Jenna ordered pizza and the two siblings settled in for the night. 


Meanwhile at the Salvatore boarding house, Stefan and Damon were having an argument with Enzo caught in the middle. 


"Look, all I'm saying Stef, is that it's not her. Katherine has been gone for nearly a hundred years. This girl, Elena, has a family and a kid brother."


"She looks exactly like Katherine Damon. I'm going over there to find out why." 


"Mate I don't think that's such a good idea. We've managed to lay low long enough here. There was already that accident with your dear old descendant Zach. We only managed to get the town council to turn their attention away from us." 


"Enzo it's not going to help, superhero hair over here won't listen cause he's already made up his mind hasn't he?"


"Shut up Damon. Why don't you just leave, take Enzo with you too." 


"Because I made a promise to look after you brother." 


"And I've got nowhere else to go but here." 


"No family Enzo?"


"None that would want to see me." 


"Well we've got plenty of room here." 


"Just give it time then Stefan, if you're really dead set on finding out don't do anything stupid."


"Should I enroll myself at the high school?" 


"That would be 'something stupid'." 


"Brother are you crazy? You might be seventeen forever but you look more like a narc." 


"If you're not going to help Damon just stay out of my way." 


"All I'm saying is don't do anything stupid that would jeopardize us. Look, I know Katherine really fucked with your head when she had you, but this girl. She's not Katherine."


"Seth here, we can ask him for help too." 


"Enzo is right, Seth will be able to help you out. He always knows what to do." 


"Fine, I'll keep an eye on her from a distance. Once Seth is settled in we'll ask him for help."

[POV Restored]

I sneezed again, Freya looked at me with concern. 


"Third time today in the span of an hour. I think someone might be gossiping about you." 


"Really Freya? You, the witch who can fling flames from her hands. Believes in that old wives tale?"


"There's some truth to these 'old wives tales' you know. Wouldn't be the one to scoff at them so lightly." 


A few hours later we finished unpacking our belongings into the master bedroom. I sent for Yvette our live-in maid to start preparing our dinner as I started undressing to get washed up. I ran the warm water and got ready to get in when Freya, equally nude, came into the bathroom. 


"Room for one more?" 


"Always love, always." 


I pulled her into the shower and she let out a surprise little yelp. Kissing her we took turns washing each other before toweling off and getting dressed. Just as we made our way down the stairs to get our dinners the doorbell rang. 


Yvette answered the door and Richard Lockwood along with his wife Carol stood at the doorway. I offered the Mayor a smile. 


"Mayor Lockwood, please come in." 


Shaking his hand as Freya greeted Carol, "To what do I owe this surprise visit, would you like to join us for dinner?"


"Thank you for the offer, but I'll just keep this short. We would just like to welcome your family back to town. Your grandfather paved the way for us to become what we are today with his generous investments." 


"Well you're ever so welcome Mayor, the council will always have my financial support of course. All for the betterment of the community."


Exchanging a few more pleasantries the mayor and his wife eventually left. Freya and I proceeded to the dining hall and sat down at the tables as Yvette served our dinners. 


"Do you really support the council?" 


"So long as they keep providing me with valuable information and stay out of my way then yeah I don't see why not." 


"They hunt vampires." 


"So far the bumbling fools have only managed to kill vampires that have made themselves too obvious. I doubt any of them even know that the Lockwoods are werewolves anymore." 


"That's another target for Niklaus to attack should he come here." 


"He has the moonstone, all he needs is a werewolf, a vampire, and a doppelgänger. One of which is in this town attending high school. Not that he knows that, but one of his spies will eventually find out." 


"This town is stupidly convenient." 


"Don't look at me, I'm not the one that decided that this was where all supernatural creatures should congregate." 


"No, we're just the idiots that came here with them." 


"Oh come on, you have to admit. The place has a certain charm to it." 


"That's about all it has going for it lover boy." 


"Well, where else is more entertaining but right in the middle of where all the action will be." 


"You've got me there." 


We finished our meal and cleaned up, I thanked Yvette for the food and made my way to the cellar to check on my blood supply. I had been getting blood delivered to this house and packed away for months now. I paid a little extra so no questions were asked. The delivery company most likely just chalked it up to rich people doing weird shit with their money. I entered the 'cellar' which had been remade into a massive walk-in fridge in my basement. Shelves were lined with hundreds of blood bags. Freya came in and took a blood bag popping the tube into her mouth and sipping the crimson fluid. 


"This has to be the most outrageous way you spent your money. Really? A whole room dedicated to just blood bags?" 


"What?! You're enjoying the fruits of that "waste of money" you're implying." 


"I admit, it's nice not having to hunt every day." 


"How are we on tracking Klaus?"


"He has a witch with him, he's shielded from locator spells."


"Well, let's hope he doesn't keep us waiting for too long."