
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


Anna Valerious, the name felt familiar to me and yet I could not remember where I had heard it before. I could not help but to feel like I had seen this woman somewhere before too. Maybe she was a character that I had forgotten about. Freya had spent the better half of an hour explaining to Anna what had just happened before she had found her in the woods. For some reason the woman seemed to think it was the eighteen hundreds and that Van Helsing was in grave danger. At the mention of the fictitious professor turned vampire hunter I got a flash of a distant memory of a movie with Dracula in it. I cursed and looked at Anna again. I understood why she felt familiar, she had come from another fictitious production that contained vampires. A million thoughts blazed through my mind. Such as; 


'Does this mean the multiverse is real?'


'Did Morgana have something to do with this because it smells an awful lot like something Morgana would find entertaining.'


'What the hell should I do now? There's literally characters from other movies popping up in the world."


'This really seems like a headache waiting to put me into a stress induced coma."


I sighed and looked at Anna.


"I'm assuming that this Van Helsing happened to be 'infected' with lycanthropy?"


"Yes, but how did you know? I haven't gotten to that part of my story yet."


She had been telling us her life story, which I found slightly disturbing that her whole family would be content with just dedicating entire generations into trying to kill supernatural creatures. Mainly Dracula, but it was still disturbing nonetheless. 


"Don't bother asking questions like that, he won't give you a straight answer."


I pointed at Freya. "What she said. All that matters at the moment is that you are stuck here for the time being, and until we can find a way to send you home, Freya will help you blend into Modern society."


"Modern society?"


"Ah fuck, I forgot to mention, its about two hundred and fifty years into the future from your point of view. Have fun."


Waving at Freya I blur out of the room and into my vault where I had set up a sort of man cave slash 'panic room'. I collapsed on a couch and groaned out loud.


"You could at least bring me a present every time you visit."


I turned to the corner of my vault where Morgana was leaning against a shelf filled with old tomes and books I had collected over the years. She had finally changed from her usually shimmery black dress to a lacy blue dress that almost seemed to float around her.


"Your situational awareness is getting better."


"Meh, I figured out your little fading into reality trick. I can't do it myself but I can definitely sense when someone, mostly you, is using it."


"Ten points, and I did bring you a present. What do you think Anna is?"


"Morgana, you can't just pluck people up from their worl-, oh what am I saying, you do whatever you want."


"You are beginning to get it Seth! Good for you."


I sighed, "Alright, is there any particular reason that you brought her specifically?"


"Well, I'm trying to stick to the theme you have for your harem silly."


"I don't have a harem, and what theme are you even talking about? There is no theme."


"Seth," She feigned shock. 'How could you not see that you have been gathering quite a collection of dangerous and beautiful women."


"I'm not doing it on purpose."


"Of course you are you silly man. Besides, Anna will be good for you. You have no clear goals, maybe she'll push you to one." 


"Why do you care about my goals?"


"Seth we are linked, having a set goal will only lead you to becoming more powerful. So the stronger you become the stronger my power becomes. We both win." 


"How? All I've ever wanted was to go back to my world."


Morgana sighed. "Fine, tell you what. Complete this worlds story and I'll let you travel." 


"Travel? That's not what I want."


"Your world is one of many I will be able to send you to. It'll be like an adventure." 


"That sounds like something I wouldn't like." 


"How would you know." 


"Morgana I know what I like, and what I like is to return home. All this money, this power. It means nothing if I can never see my home again." 


"My, aren't you a dramatic one. Do what I said Seth. Maybe you'll find something worthwhile."


With that Morgana faded out into the air and I sighed before sitting back down on the couch I had in the vault. I don't even remember standing up while talking to Morgana. She had been right, in a sense. Ever since coming to this world, this universe, I haven't really done anything worthwhile. Sure I have a lot of money and power, but nothing stood out. I had practically relegated myself to being a background character. 


'Would playing out this story lead me to something I could actually be proud of?'


I knew it wouldn't be without effort on my part. I'd have to actually care about the people, even go out of my way to rescue them. 


'Is it even still the same story? I've already screwed up canon by being here. Me getting involved with the past must have changed something. Then again there's the whole scripted events thing that never change.' 


My thoughts wandered back to Anna, she was another anomaly here. Just like me, ripped from her world and cast into this world by Morgana. Apparently she would help with any goals I set. 


'What goal would that even be, Silas was dead, Klaus is going to be Klaus, there wasn't a bad guy to point me in the right direction in the story. If I intervened anymore without fully knowing what was what I'd only complicate things further for myself.' 


I knew Klaus would still be trying to break his curse, he had already found a doppelgänger. I wanted to kick myself for not paying attention to the show. There were details that I knew nothing about. I could only react to them as they happened and I did not like that. Elena was safe for the moment, that is until Klaus learns about her. He'll probably think that she has to die too in order for his curse to be lifted.


The house shook and I bolted up right, Dahlia must have returned. Running back to where I had left Freya and Anna I looked at the two women. Anna had a spiked mace she pulled from god knows where and Freya was holding her back from charging out of the door. The human woman was surprisingly strong. Looking out the window I saw Dahlia standing at the gate looking a little worse for wear. Her dress had been shredded and her hair a tangled mess. Leaves and twigs had attached themselves to her hair and clothes. If she wasn't attacking my home I'd have laughed at the sight. 


I stepped out and immediately was slammed into the ground by Dahlia. Cursing I stood back up, she must be exerting her power on my clothing. Smiling, I blurred as I stripped out of my suit. Dahlia's eyes widened as they met mine. Stark naked I charged at Dahlia, without anything to control she had no choice but to dodge my attack. Freya and Anna watched from the house window in open mouthed shock. 


Years ago if you told me I'd be fighting a woman who was throwing sharpened sticks at me while I wore nothing but my birthday suit. I'd look at you and laugh in your face, and yet here I was. Butt naked, dodging stakes that Dahlia threw at me with magic. I attempted to crush her with my telekinesis again to no avail. I duck under a stake and just as I straightened out I realized that Dahlia had stopped moving. Her eyes went wide with shock, blood poured out of her mouth and Klaus stepped out from behind her. A strange dagger was in his hands. He glances my way and grins. 


"I never thought you to be an exhibitionist." 


"Where the hell did you come from?"


"I believe the word you are looking for is 'thank you'. I capitalized on the fact that my dear old aunt Dahlia was distracted. With a bit of ash from my father, Norwegian soil, and a bit of my mothers blood, I managed to kill the unkillable witch." 


Freya joined me outside handing me my clothes. "Why did you help Niklaus?" 


"I may be a cold calculating killer, but I am still your brother Freya." 


"That still doesn't answer the question." 


"A witch," Freya crossed her arms. "More of a seer really, has predicted that Dahlia will be a great obstacle to me one day. I aimed to solve that problem before it became an actual problem." 


I finished getting dressed and looked at Dahlia, her body had turned gray and sandlike. 


"Is that supposed to happen to her body?"


"It matters not, she is dead all and is well. Sister, would you like to join me when I break my curse in three days?"


I tuned out of their conversation, Dahlia's death had been rather anticlimactic. The logical side of my mind was screaming at me that it wasn't over yet. However I sensed no life coming from the sand sculpture like body of the once powerful witch. Klaus finished a rant about family and sticking together before leaving. Freya let out a sigh and I looked at the blonde witch. 


"What's wrong?"


"I have agreed to watch as Niklaus breaks his curse. There's a clearing in the woods that he wants to do it in. He wants me to make sure that it is warded from all those who would plot against him." 


"I knew he was paranoid, but that's just a bit-"




"Yeah, though we should get back. Anna is probably wondering where we went off to." 


"You know, I'm starting to think that women are just drawn to you." 


"Not you too."