
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


News of the 'victory' against the vampires spread through the town. News also got the people about how Giuseppe was murdered by a vampire and I spread a lie about how the brothers had gone to hunt the vampires. The people ate up the lie, I was after all the one to fight off the vampire according to the Mayor. Jonathan Gilbert came into the office while the mayor and I were discussing what would happen with the Salvatore Estate. 


"Mayor, Seth, I have news." 


"Come, take a seat Jonathan. What is this news?" 


"Last night I was attacked by a vampire."


Feigning shock, I look at him. "Dear god, are you alright Jon?" 


"Quite alright Seth, in fact better than alright." 


I look at his hands and notice a large silver ring on his ring finger set with a black stone. It was a Gilbert ring. 


'So he actually got it to work, I wonder who helped him enchant those. Emily was already gone before she could.'


"So what's the news Jonathan?" The mayor looked slightly annoyed. 


"Ah yes! I almost forgot. George is back, he came into town about an hour ago, he's headed to your Mansion, Mayor Lockwood." 


"I see, thank you for bringing me this information Jonathan." 


Jonathan Gilbert nodded and left the office, closing the door behind him. I turned back to the mayor, raising an eyebrow. 


"George? Your son George?" 


"Yes, he's been off fighting in the war." 


"Brave boy. About the Salvatore Estate," 


"Yes, Damon being the eldest will inherit it once he returns." 


I inform the mayor that I will be leaving to travel soon, and that I would leave my servants at my estate to keep it in check. I told him that if he needed to send for me that all he needed to do was have Mary send me a letter as I would update them on where I was in the case that I was needed. The mayor thanked me again and I nodded before taking my leave. 


Walking back to the mansion I packed two bags, one for my clothes and another for some gold and supplies. I wanted to travel the world and give people time to cool off. There were also a few places I wanted to visit that I never got to go to in my previous world. Going there in the mid eighteenth century was just an added bonus. After informing Mary and the rest of the staff about my plans, I informed them that if they wanted to seek jobs elsewhere while I was gone they would be free to do so. I gave everyone a heft sack of gold and bid them farewell. Stepping out into the darkening street I shot off into the sky and out of Mystic Falls. 


I flew north deciding to check up on the brothers before I kicked off my 'vacation'. Landing outside the cave on Silas' island I looked around. Eventually I ran into Damon who was sitting by a small fire he had started inside the cave. There were two makeshift cots by the walls. Damon looked up at me when I approached. 


"Seth! What's wrong, why are you here, did something happen?" 


"Nothing happened, calm down, you're turning into Stefan." 


"You take that back." He growls, "I'm nothing like Stefan." 


"Could have fooled me, anyways I'm just here to tell you that I will be out traveling for a bit. The mayor decided that once you two returned that you would inherit the house. Also George Lockwood is back. Pretty sure he's a werewolf." 


"Woah woah woah, wait up. Did you say that George Lockwood, as in the mayor's son, is a werewolf." 


"Yeah, you can smell it on him." Sure I made that up, but I needed to warn them in case they get bitten. 


"Fuck," He slumps on the log he's sitting on. "That explains a lot actually." 


"Just watch out for the guy. Werewolf bites are deadly to vampires when the werewolf is transformed." 


"How do you know all of this?" 


I let my fangs pop out and I'm pretty sure my eyes glowed their signature gold because Damon kept back.


"Yo- You're a Vamp-"


"I'm a vampire, yes. I'm a different species though. I don't have your weaknesses and I can not die." 


"How long? Have you been a vampire I mean?" He sat back down on his log when I didn't attack him. 


"Almost a thousand years now." 


He blanches when I mention my age, "So we really do live forever?" 


"Yeah, it gets pretty lonely. So keep your brother close. I've got to go, tell Stefan I said hello yeah? I'll see you guys around." 


With that I walked back out of the cave and flew back up into the sky levitating my bags next to me as I flew through the air. 


"California here I come." 

[Scene Break]

I reached California a day later, touching down in a field by a town well past dark so that I wouldn't be noticed. I blurred into the town noticing that there wasn't anyone around. I walked around for a bit before sitting on a bench and focusing my senses. I felt people in their homes and at a nearby railway. I dusted myself off and began to explore the town. I discovered that I had landed in Sacramento. It wasn't the capital city just yet however that was still years away. I smiled, a plan forming in my head. 


'Yes, that could work. Fuck mining for gold, I'm gonna start a fucking bank.' 


I got myself a room at the inn and went to bed with a smile on my face. The next morning I head out again to begin my plan. A month of talking to government officials later I signed the papers to my new business. Williamson Bank, it would be a while before I could start taking in the profits, I had wanted to name it 'Wells Fargo' at first but that felt a bit dumb. Using a chunk of the gold coins I funded the bank and soon we had our first customers. I had absolutely no idea how to run a bank however so I hired a few trustworthy people to help run it for me, in turn I gave them a small cut of the profits each month. They ended up taking home about twenty dollars a month which was crazy to me, but apparently that made them happy so I didn't complain. 


Soon more and more people flocked to my bank and I couldn't help but grin like a madman. I had all the time in the world and I just started a bank based on a simple principle of credit and debit nearly a century early. I based the interest and loan system on an average I calculated from other banks. Once the systems were solidified and safeguards placed I hired veterans to guard my bank vault. They were overjoyed when I offered them five hundred dollars a year each. Once I was confident that it could run without me I gave clear instructions on how things would run and instructed them to send me a telegram should any pressing matters arise. I left California and headed back east to Texas. There I bought a small ranch from an aging farmer. The man's children had all moved away and had left him with too much work. He decided to sell the farm and I couldn't blame him. He was only human after all. 


I hired a few workers to help me work the land, a few months went by and soon I had fields of corn planted. I had also planted barley and hops. Knowing that prohibition was coming I decided that I would stockpile as much alcohol as I could so that I could profit off of that too. I didn't even know why I was so focused on making a lot of money. 


'I guess I just really want to live an extravagant lifestyle in the future away from all the drama and supernatural bullshit. Yeah. That's it, why spend eternity brooding when I can spend eternity on one really long stupidly extravagant vacation.' 


'Okay, new goals, fix the 'Vampire Diaries' universe so that nothing bites me in the ass while I'm on my eternal vacation, while that is happening my businesses will build up profits, after which I will take said profits and do some lucrative stock market deals, once crypto emerges immediately drop fortunes into coins I know will be profitable in the future. Finally, when everything is done. I will take my money and go on the longest vacation ever.' 


'Wait, why can't I just kill everyone that needs to be killed right now and save myself the headache later.' 


'Damn it, I'd I do that either something dumb happens or the plot still happens, I mean look at the Salvatore brothers, I took Katherine away from them, even killed Mikael hundreds of years early and yet they still Andes up as vampires.' 


Cursing under my breath once I realized that Morgana really did mean that I couldn't change events I closed my eyes and groaned. I had to go along with the story, whether I wanted to or not. 


'Fuck my life, I'll really need that vacation once I'm done with everything.' 


The months slowly crawled on by, I moved around the country going where I was needed. I went back to Mystic Falls when Stefan and Damon finally went home. Stefan had run off in the middle of the night. 


"Damon what happened?"


"Well… I kind of swore an eternity of misery on him." 


'What. The. Fuck. What changed? Why the sudden change of personality.' 




"Because Seth, my little brother is the reason I can not have a relationship, he's the reason that everyone I care about will wither and die while I stay like this forever, and he's the reason I am like this." 


"It was your choice to finish your transition." 


"But it was because of him that I had to make that choice in the first place."


"What happened, why did he run?" 


"Blood, he wants more and I stopped him from eating the whole town." 


'Fuck he's turned into the ripper, he's probably on his way to San Francisco.' 


"Now, if you excuse me, I have a date with some Bourbon." 


I watched Damon turn around and walk to the alcohol cupboard. Sighing I turned and left, this was slowly starting to snap back into what happened in the show. 


'Screw it, I'm not dealing with this right now, I'll let history run its course. Nothing I change affects the outcome much anyway.' 


I leap back up into the air in a blur of movement before flying back to my estate to check on it. The Williamson estate was still standing. I walked through the doors and walked around my home. The servants had all gone for the day. I checked my vaults. From my business ventures I had spent a chunk of my gold, I still had around three and a half barrels from the five I had come here with. Locking the vault again I exited my home before taking off into the sky again, I flew back to the farm and reached the main house by dawn. Slumping on the bed I was out like a light after having been flying around all day.