
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


1864 finally arrived and I felt the anticipation twist my gut into a knot. The vampire attacks had increased and it was becoming difficult for the mayor to keep coming up with excuses. Eventually he had elected to tell the town the truth. Over the next few days the town became a hunting party. Roving patrols at night on the lookout for vampires. Mayor Lockwood handing vervain laced stakes, the patrols became confident. Days passed and I got word that Giuseppe had found Stefan collapsed at the steps of the estate. They had found him pale and sickly, describing him as if he was dying. They had taken him to his room and he had yet to awaken as of receiving the letter from Giuseppe. It sounded like an awful lot like Stefan was in transition. I could not act yet however, if I did I could potentially expose myself for knowing more than I should about vampires which would lead to questions that I could not answer. 


I paced in my study contemplating whether I should just intervene anyways. I could pass it off like I was in the area and heard a commotion, but without knowing for sure if Stefan was in transition I hesitated. I silently cursed myself for letting myself get too close to Katherine. If I had gone with my gut instinct and refused her I wouldn't be in this predicament. She would still be crashing at the Salvatores, and it would have been much easier to save the two brothers. Now both were in danger. Their mother had disappeared a while ago, I figured she must have been turned and was subsequently cast out, she was probably trapped with the heretics now. 


'Fuck it, what's the worst that can happen.'


I open my window and fly over to the Salvatore house. Just as I land I hear a scream, running to the home I burst through the doors just in time to spot Giuseppe's body fall from the second floor. Stefan stood at the stairs, blood stained his mouth, black veins under his blood red eyes. He sees me and jumps through a window. Cursing I rushed over to Giuseppe, the man was already dead, his neck twisted at an odd angle. I ran up the stairs calling out to Damon. I found the older brother crumpled in a heap by the door to Stefan's room. Blood stained his mouth, a stake stabbed through his chest. Before I could examine him further I felt myself get grabbed by the back of my coat. 


I was thrown into a wall hard, I blurred back to my feet and looked at my attacker. Stefan had come back expecting to catch me off guard. 


"Snap out of it Stefan, I don't want to hurt you." 


"You can't hurt me Seth, I am stronger and faster now." 


"Stefan, I will literally fold you like an omelet. Stand down or I will make you stand down." 


"Don't underestimate my power."


Stefan ignored my warning and blurred to me expecting to crush my throat. I freeze him mid air before punching him in his nose. I felt his nose shatter on my fist and I winced, 


"Ouch didn't mean to hit you that hard. My bad Stef." 


I let him fall to the ground groaning in pain. He recovers faster than I expect and is charging at me again, as he draws close I push my telekinesis into my palm before slapping Stefan so hard that his neck snapped. He crumpled to the floor temporarily incapacitated. I turned back to Damon who sat up with a shout. He looks at the stake in his crest and lets out another shout. 


'This is going to be a long day.' 


After explaining to him what had happened to him while I was restraining the unconscious Stefan, Damon immediately wanted to beat the shit out of his brother. He didn't want to die so I handed him my flask of blood. After drinking a swig he completed his transition and looked around. 


"This- this is amazing. I feel so powerful, I feel like I could take on anyone." 


"Relax Snow White, don't go picking fights. There's vampires that are older and stronger than you."


Before Damon could reply Benjamin Lockwood burst in through the door.


"Giusep- oh god what happened here?" 


Shutting up Damon I answered, "Benjamin, a vampire attacked the Salvatores. I was able to drive it away but it was old and powerful. Stefan was knocked unconscious when the vampire attacked and Giuseppe was killed before I could save him."


Paling at the sight of Giuseppe's body the mayor informed us that they had caught a dozen vampires and had trapped them in Fell's church. Telling the mayor I would rush over as soon as I was done helping the Salvatores I turned back to Damon. 


"Listen, I need you to take your brother and disappear for a bit. The town is on edge; they'll hunt you down and kill if they ever discover what you are. There's an island where you and Stefan can lay low for a bit while things cool down here. Go back to my place for now, go to my cellar and wait for me to come get you two. I'll give you directions to the island and supply you with a way to survive in the sun." 


Damon looked like he wanted to ask questions but he just nodded, he picked up the still unconscious Stefan and disappeared out the front door with a burst of speed. I sighed and stood back up. I ran out the door and kept a decent pace till I reached the church. The towns folk had gathered and they had torches in their hands. In any other situation I would have made a 'torches and pitchforks' joke but I spotted Emily Bennett hiding by the church. I closed my eyes and focused on the scents in the air, I found the one I was looking for. Opening my eyes I cursed silently. Katherine had gotten captured. 


'That would explain why Emily is back too. They must have brought back Stefan and expected him to kill his family, not expecting Damon to have come back from the war.' 


"Seth, good you're here. Just in time to watch these foul creatures burn." 


"A whole church Benjamin. You're going to sacrifice a piece of the town's heritage?" 


"No cost is too high to rid the world of so many of these beasts in a single strike." 


I felt magic gather around the church before a wave of it exploded washing over the crowd. Benjamin gave the signal and the torches were thrown into the church through the window, fires erupted catching the wood on fire almost instantly. There was a cheer from the crowd. I looked around and spotted Emily walking away towards the woods. Looking up at the sky I saw a comet blazing overhead as the fire consumed the church.