

"Hmmm... " I hummed a valyrian song as I leaned against Neltharion's back. The rays of the sun shined upon me, often blocked by the clouds drifting apart.

If one listened closely, then aside from my humming and the flapping of Neltharion's wings. One would probably hear the wails of a crying half burnt man.

Craghas Drahar.

Shaking my head up, I rested my chest on the blanket of fur before shouting.

"Could you shut the FUCK UP? CRAB-FUCKER!"

It was getting really annoying. We had already dipped him into seawater twice but that seemingly fueled his rage to scream even more.

The Crab-ass was not even becoming unconscious and we could not dip him for a long time, after all, I had a promise with the Velaryons. I figured that an alive Craghas would be more valuable than a dead one... seeing how the Sea Snake is now dead.


The dragon grunted in annoyance. He was still reluctant to my control but I could feel his intellect. A cunning creature, that was listening to my commands and acting upon them when it could not wait to pounce upon me, to devour.

Sadly, he does not know I can feel everything and know him better than he knows himself through the blood bond.

Every thought, emotion... he is naked to my mind.

He can resist... but for how long? The more blood I drink, the stronger our blood bond becomes and it seems that if Neltharion drinks more blood, he gets stronger too... strong enough to weaken the blood bond... however I can extract blood energy from him at will... strengthening the bond again.

Another fact I have learned is that- even though the blood bond can be weakened and possibly broken... a creature can not get stronger than it's progenitor.

My blood suppresses Neltharion, it dominates over it... after all the latter possesses my own blood and tiny particles I call genes circulating in his body and something I call cells.

Aside from domination over Neltharion, my Vamdragonpyre, my blood easily suppressed blood-sucking and similar animals. Maybe they posses a gene similar to mine but weaker.

The animals being- rats, mosquitoes, bats...

The difference between Blood bond and Blood Supression is that the higher the blood bond... the more favorable the latter is towards me.. as, for Blood Supression, this forces the latter to follow my order no matter what.

Neltharion as if reluctant in nature but obedient externally, dipped below and let his claw that was holding Craghas skid in the ocean producing huge fountains.

As he was doing that, land came into view. A yellowish beach with quite a bit of greenery. The skies above were now completely clear with daunting rays of the sun that itched the very skin.


"We're here," I muttered and stood atop the Dragon's back, to stretch my legs.

A smile crept onto my face as I tipped off the back, free-falling onto the dornish land. It was time to walk to Sunspear while drinking blood from all the randoms in the way and kindly show House Nymeros Martell my mighty dragon presence which will have them gift me Dorne out of gratitude.


Qoren Martell glanced outside the Old Palace. He had recently got news of the entire Triach army being wiped out by a single dragon rider.

It would be easy for Westeros to guess who was the backer behind Prince Craghas Dragar but he doubted they would attack Dorne.

They would be fools to risk a war... especially during times of peace and prosperity.

He stared at the vast expanse of the garden in front before drinking a vial of poison.

"Tastes same as usual."

By now Qoren had built a strong tolerance to most known poisons hence why he would drink them for their savory taste.

However, sometimes he would need stronger poisons for more stimulation. It did not truly affect, Qoren... the result of the Stepstones war. Yes, he supported the Triarchy and had a good alliance with them... but it was pure business.

If by chance, the Triarchy won it would be pleasing to hear. A real pity they did not...

Qoren looked up at the sky, glancing at it's beauty when a shadow passed across the Old Palace leaving it dark for a split moment.

He frowned. In the field of his vision, a huge bird flew across. However... birds were pretty rare in the Dornish climate.

It was at that moment that he heard a shout.


He turned around as an ominous feeling covered his back.

"Yes, Coryanne?"

The olive-skinned girl stammered as a pool of tears burst out of her eyes, turning her beautiful dress damp. Her brown lockets of hair that she inherited from her mother were in tatters.

"What happened? Did you lose all your money in gambling again?"

She looked at Qoren with eyes that radiated pure fear as she shook way too much to be able to speak.

"N-no... i-its elder s-sister, she is d-dead."

Qoren's eyes widened. He quickly rushed towards Coryanne with extreme worry.


At that moment, another pair of footsteps could be heard.

Coryanne's body quivered as she hugged her father tight. Her nails dug into her father's skin as her visage contorted.

Qoren as if sensing Coryanne's discomfort immediately hugged her back as he looked toward the newcomer.

A tall man with pale skin that almost seemed as if covered in marble to make it that white. A beautiful mane of silver hair followed after along with piercing red eyes that screamed danger.

The man walked towards the father-daughter duo with a smirk on his visage as he licked the remainder of blood that was present on his fingers.

"Rhoynar... taste quite adequate. Much satisfying."

Looking at the intruder, Qoren immediately shouted.


The silver-haired man raised an eyebrow as he chuckled a little.

"Don't bother. They are sleeping for eternity."

Qoren was enraged. He looked at the silver-haired man carefully before a look of realization crept onto his visage.

"A Targaryen... Baelon Targaryen."

The silver-haired man nodded as he moved towards the two of them.

"In the flesh, Prince Qoren Nymeros Martell."

Qoren was silent as he clasped his bearings back.

"Why did you kill Aliandra?"

Baelon touched his chin as if thinking hard before smiling at the duo beneath. He smacked his head lightly.

"I forgot haha."

Qoren's eyes widened as a look of hate replaced it.

"Even if you kill my child, take my castle, my riches, and my land... you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. This is Dorne. You are not wanted here. Return at your peril. We are Unbowed, Unbowed, Unbroken..."

Baelon circled the father and daughter as a scummy smile tugged at his lips.

"If no one lives in Dorne? Is it even Dorne? Is it not just free land and resources? I could care less about bending you, breaking you, or making you Martells bow. In front of a dragon, scorpions are but insignificant bugs that we do not even have to look at... to crush."


Saying that, Baelon crushed a scorpion in his hand as its blue-colored blood smeared his hands.

"It was a wonderful attempt, Prince Martell. To distract me with your words as the real peril sneaked beneath me."

He observed Qoren's face which was rather pale now, making his smirk deeper further.

"...but as I said before. In front of a dragon, scorpions are but insignificant bugs that we do not even have to look at... to crush."


A/N: Yo. What do you guys think? Is Aliandra dead? Will the Mattells be... bent? At their knees, broken as they worship the dragon? Bowing to its length?

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