
House Of The Dragon-For The Queen, Not The Prince

(Prequel To The Black Lord) [Takes place before/during/after the Dance of Dragons] Aerion Targaryen is the son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce. The Rogue Prince drunkenly forced the consummation of his marriage to the Lady Rhea and easily discarded her and his son after he was born. Aerion then grew up with an absent father, only rarely getting gifts from his Uncle, King Viserys. He took part in the Dance of The Dragons, supporting the only person he found worth fighting for. [Read My Novel: Cursed As A Dragon God. I would appreciate any support]

Lunacia_Yujin · TV
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94 Chs


(Third Person POV)

"Where is Daemon?" King Viserys said as he looked across the table

Inside the Council Room, the members of the Small Council sat as Viserys I Targaryen was sitting down. It was a few days until the King's Tourney, held in celebration to his second child's birth, whom Viserys was sure was to be a boy, his Heir. 

Viserys had heard of some rumors that Prince Daemon, his younger brother, had been in the Capital. He was sure they were true considering the Rogue Prince's love for attention and the tourney was a great way for him to show off. 

"We...do not know, Your Grace." Lyonel Strong said as Viserys glanced at him, "Last we heard, he was....at Dragonstone...." 

Viserys frowned, "Dragonstone? What is he doing there? I thought he'd be at Runestone, with his Lady-Wife." He said, "The fool has never once invited me to see him, the boy. I understand that he was recently made Commander of the City Guard but at the very least bring he should bring him here to show me." 

Otto Hightower leaned forward, "Your Grace, it is true that Prince Daemon did in fact consummate the marriage with Lady Rhea...but.....he hasn't been at Runestone for quite some time, effectively leaving his wife and son abandoned...." He said, "I've heard several....unsettling tales of what happened the night after the wedding...." 

Viserys looked at him with another frown, "What do you mean?" 

Otto looked down, "Your Grace..." He said, "Well....these are just rumors and stories, but Prince Daemon allegedly forced himself onto Lady Rhea while drunk and...." 

Viserys looked at him as the other members of the Council shifted awkwardly. 

"What?" Viserys said, "Out with it." 

Otto cleared his throat, "He beat her, mercilessly." He said, "The injuries she sustained were hard to recover and it is a miracle that the child came with a smooth birth after." 

Viserys stood up, "Those are lies...!" He said with an angry tone, "Daemon would never stoop so low!" 

Otto looked at him, "With respect, Your Grace...." He said, "Nobody, not even I, had seen Lady Rhea for the majority of her pregnancy.....mayhaps it is true, considering the Prince's nature..." 

Viserys shook his head and closed his eyes, completely in shock of what he had just heard. He never thought he would hear those words come out of someone's mouth regarding his brother. Yes, Daemon Targaryen had a fierce reputation but Viserys didn't think Daemon would even dare to do something like that. 

Two years ago, he had Daemon wed to Rhea Royce, whom he thought was a good match for his brother. He didn't think he would be so wrong.

"Find him." He said seriously, "Bring him to me. That is unacceptable, if true. Otto, send a raven to Runestone, I need a definite answer. I want Lady Rhea to bring my nephew to King's Landing at once, it's been two years, I've waited enough time." 

Otto nodded, "As you wish, Your Grace." He said as he stood up

Viserys looked at the other silent council members, "Do not..." He said, "Utter a word of this to anyone. I do not wish for a scandal." 

Lord Corlys Velaryon spoke up, "With the utmost respect, Your Grace." He said, "It has been 2 years. I am sure word has spread but it is Daemon's reputation that has kept everyone quiet." 

Viserys looked at him, "That may be so." He said, "But Rhea Royce is my good-sister. For something like that to happen to her, I cannot accept it. I was the one that made the match, it is my responsibility to make it right. Now..." 

"Fetch me Daemon." 


"What is it now, Brother?" Daemon said as he walked through the doors of the council room where Viserys stood

He was wearing his armor, covered in blood, as he nonchalantly walked. He even gave Ser Harrold Westerling a slight nod when he had walked in, the Lord-Commander of the Kingsguard standing idly next to Viserys. 

Viserys frowned, "What is this?" He gestured at his armor

Otto walked inside, "Your Grace, there has been an incident in the streets...." He said with a scowl while looking at Daemon, "Prince Daemon and his City Guards have turned them upside down and have rounded up criminal after criminal to....discipline them. It was but a crude display of cruelty and violence..." 

Daemon smiled as he stood there, "Hm." He said, "Ser Otto, you know I take my duties very serious. I am in charge of cleaning up my brother's city, am I not?" 

"In your 'cleaning'..." Otto replied, "You have left the streets soaked with blood and fear!" 

"Otto." Viserys raised his hand

Otto cleared his throat and nodded silently, composing himself. 

Viserys walked up to Daemon as he gave him a serious look, "This.....street business aside, I require some answers, Daemon." He said, "And you will answer them." 

Daemon looked at him, "Yes, Your Grace." He said

"Why haven't you been with your wife and son?" Viserys asked, "I've been told that you haven't been in Runestone in two years, Daemon." 

Daemon rolled his eyes, "Oh, that." He said, "My bronze bitch and her little shit can stay there for all I care." 

"Little shit?" Viserys raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Otto, "Little shit, he says.....that little shit is your son! My nephew! He's of Targaryen blood, he's not some commoner shitstain!" 

Daemon's expression changed to a more serious one. 

"D-Do you even know what he looks like?" Viserys asked, "What color his hair is? His eyes? Hm?" 

"Do I need to?" Daemon asked

"He has your white hair, Daemon. He has your eyes, they say." He said, "A Targaryen in the halls of Runestone. He is two, now. Do you not care for him at all? Your own flesh and blood?" 

"Did I come here to be lectured about this?" Daemon asked, "I have no intention of going back to the Vale, where men fuck the sheep and the women are less desirable...." 

"Aerion." Viserys said, "I bet you didn't know that was his name. Aerion Targaryen. The poor girl....Lady Rhea.....she had the decency of picking out a name from the list I sent her before the birth...despite you beating her mercilessly while conceiving the boy!!! Are you fucking mad?!" 

Daemon looked away as Viserys glared at him, "Hm...." He said

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Viserys said, "Is that how our father raised you, Daemon?! We Targaryen men beat our wives now?!" 

"Do not speak to me about Father." Daemon said seriously

"Enough of this." Viserys said, "I will allow whatever this...display of violence in the streets tonight was....but I will not accept you neglecting your son any longer. He's of Targaryen blood, he deserves to know his Father. I have invited Lady Rhea to bring him here before me. You will be here." 

Daemon scoffed, "I don't think so." He said

"Then you will not be allowed in this city." Viserys spat with an angry smile, "Go on, hide in Dragonstone if you want. Lady Rhea will not be here for the Tourney but at the very least, she'll be here after my son's birth. I will have Rhaenyra and Aemma greet them with nothing but loving hospitality. And because his father is Targaryen, he will have his pick of a Dragon when he grows, do you hear me? You can ignore him if you want...." 

"But he is your blood."