
Funeral II

(Third Person POV)

After the Velaryon Burial Ceremony, the nobles and Royal Family were on the patio, socializing as they mourned the death of Lady Laena Velaryon. Baela and Rhaena sat next to Aerion Targaryen, their half-brother as they held his hand while they cried. 

Aerion, an imposing presence among every single one there, merely sat straight and looked ahead, his eyes piercing through his Father Daemon who merely leaned against the railing on the other side of the patio. 

For sixteen years, he had yearned to meet him, to know what his father had looked like. He had grown to become a tall and strong young man, his hair cut short in a slick-back style, which many old lords have stated it reminded them of his Grandsire, Baelon the Brave. After all this time, he had finally laid eyes upon his Father during the burial ceremony. 

After so long, he could finally have his first thoughts on him. 

He didn't think Daemon would be so....small. Smaller than him, at least.

Aerion was told about the reputation that Daemon Targaryen had; feared and loved by everyone in the realm. Many shook in their boots when they spoke of the Rogue Prince, others smiled with great pride when speaking of the man.

They praised Daemon for his prowess with the blade and dragon-riding skills, yet they critiqued the man for his ruthless and foul nature. 

And now that he saw him with his own eyes, Aerion did not know what to think of him. Daemon did not seem to want to approach his own son, not even making eye contact at all. 

Baela looked up at Aerion, "Brother...." She sniffed, "Are you angry?" 

Aerion did not look away from his Father, "No." He said simply

Rhaena was hugging his arm, "Are you sure?" she asked, "You seem....serious..." 

Aerion still did not move his gaze from Daemon, who was across the patio, a crowd of nobles between them. 

"I am not angry, sisters." He said, "Why do you ask?" 

"The way you look at father..." Baela said softly

"Worry not about that." Aerion said as he looked at her with a smile, "It is fine." 

"Father has been silent ever since Mother's death." Baela told him

"He.." Rhaena said, "He hasn't spoken to us since...." 

Aerion nodded, "I see." He said, "That is something I am familiar with. But it is fine, my dear sisters, I am here with you. I vow to you that I will not leave your side." 

Aerion moved his arms and pulled them into a hug as they nuzzled up to him, tears running down their cheeks. 

From the middle of the patio, underneath a shade, Viserys saw this, Aerion sitting with his sister. He coughed into a napkin as Otto Hightower stood next to him, the Hand of the King's badge on his shirt. 

He then looked at Daemon who was glancing at Aerion momentarily, an awkward silence from his brother. 

Viserys then looked ahead, seeing Rhaenyra with her boys as she talked with Lord Corlys and The Princess Rhaenys. 

"How could this happen, Otto?" He said

"Your Grace?" Otto said

"Death all around us." Viserys said, "Ser Laenor, Ser Gerold, Lady Ariana, Lady Laena, and Lord Lyonel." 

Lyonel Strong, the previous Hand, had died in a freak fire accident shortly after Aerion returned to Runestone after he was betrothed to Rhaenyra. It was only then that Viserys summoned Otto back to the capital to name him Hand once again. 

"The gods....." Otto started, "Well, you know....." 

Viserys stood up and leaned on his cane, "I know too well of that." He said as he hobbled over to Daemon who looked ahead into the sea

Daemon saw this, his brother walking towards him and said nothing, merely studying the sight of The King's condition. 

"Your girls...." Viserys started, "A spitting image of their mother. It could be a blessing and a curse, can it not? To see their faces....is to be reminded of her...The Gods can definitely be cruel, brother." 

Daemon looked at him, "They've been especially cruel to you." He said

Viserys chuckled as he stepped closer, "That they have." He said, "Have you spoken to him?" 

"Who?" Daemon said

"Your son." Viserys asked, "He's right there, right across the patio. Sixteen years is a long time, my brother." 

Daemon looked away and towards the sea, "Hm..." He said, "I have no interest in it." 

"You should." Viserys said, "Aerion is quite the man now, he's grown to be big and strong, a formidable warrior and dragonrider." 

"I am told." Daemon said

"Aerion...." Viserys continued, "He reminds me of Father, sometimes. In appearance, that is. He's a bit taller, however." 

"It's the hair." Daemon said

"It is, isn't it?" Viserys chuckled, "He's a good boy, strong, skilled with the sword, honorable, and kind....." 

"That's nice." Daemon merely said

"You ought to be proud, Daemon." Viserys said with a serious look on his face, "You should be proud that you have such a man as a son, as Father was proud of you. Go and talk to him, there is so much to catch up on." 

"Is that a command?" Daemon looked at him

"No, it's a request from your brother, the boy's Uncle." Viserys said, "Hells, brother, do you have any idea I have defended you from him? Sixteen years, he had always asked for you, sixteen years!" 

"A boy, hm?" Daemon said, "Did you consider the fact that it's a boy that you're wedding to your daughter? To Rhaenyra?" 

Viserys frowned, "Is that what this is about? Rhaenyra?" Viserys said, "I have made my decision, Daemon. Ser Laenor and Lord Aerion were the two options when considering suitors for Rhaenyra, my Heir. It is unfortunate that Ser Laenor passed but now that Rhaenyra is alone, she requires someone to support her." 

"Is that so?" Daemon said, "And he's going to be that person?" 

"Yes. Yes!" Viserys coughed, "You don't know him, how can you know him? You were never here, I was, as much as I could. I cared for that boy, I loved him. The Knights of Runestone watched him become the man he is, the greatest warrior in the Seven Kingdoms." 

Otto walked up, "Your Grace, are you well? Let's get you seated." He said as he grabbed Viserys's shoulder

"Sit down, Brother." Daemon said as he looked away, "You're in no condition to walk at this hour." 

"Fine fine..." Viserys waved Otto off as he walked back to his seat, "I'm okay." 


As the sun was setting down, some Lords were making their way inside. King Viserys was already taken to his chambers to sleep as Lord Otto and Queen Alicent stayed in the patio, discussing matters. 

Lord Corlys saw as Aerion Targaryen stood in front of the railing, looking out into the sea. Daemon had left a few minutes prior and the Sea Snake had watched as Aerion's eyes never moved from his own father. 

Rhaenyra walked up to Lord Corlys, "The girls, Lord Corlys?" 

"They've gone to bed." Corlys told her

Rhaenyra then looked over to Aerion, his back to them, an imposing sight. Everyone that was there steered clear of Aerion, the reputation of his father making them cautious of his serious demeanor despite the fact that Aerion was never like him in any way. 

"I'll go and speak to him." Rhaenyra said, "Can I trust that you check on my boys?" 

Corlys nodded, "Of course." He said as he turned around and walked away

Rhaenyra walked up to where Aerion stood, she was taken aback by his stature. He had always known that Aerion was taller and stronger than your average Targaryen man but she never noticed how ridiculous it was; he stood well over six feet and three inches tall. His two Valyrian steel swords were strapped on the same side, making it look like it was an easy feat to be holding them at once. 

"Milord..." Rhaenyra cleared her throat as she stood next to him

"Princess." Aerion said

"I..." Rhaenyra said, "I haven't heard from you since my father betrothed us...." 

"Apologies." Aerion told her as he looked into the sea, "I was preoccupied with duties at Runestone, getting my cousins and uncles ready for my sudden change of position. I am to be your consort, I assume I will be at Dragonstone by your side." 

Rhaenyra nodded, "I know....." She started, "I know that our age difference can be quite....off-putting....But....I would like to assure you that I am still fertile and will be able to provide children....and-"

"Speak the truth, cousin." Aerion cut her off, "You don't want this." 

Rhaenyra looked at her with surprise, "I...." she started, "Aerion, that's...." 

Aerion gave her a serious look, "But it is the King's Command." He said, "We must do our duty." 

She then placed her hand on his, "Aerion, I care for you, I really do." She said, "Do not think otherwise." 

"You once told my Mother that you would rather die a warrior's death than be some Lord's wife that produces Heirs one by one." Aerion said as he looked back into the sea, "I was young, yes, but I remember that. You've told your Mother the same thing, I recall you saying." 

Rhaenyra frowned, "T-That's....." She said

"I don't wish to place such a burden on you." Aerion said, "You have three sons already. If you wish to stop at that, I don't blame you." 

"Aerion..." Rhaenyra said, "It's not like that...." 

"Then what is it like?" Aerion said

Rhaenyra then glanced back at the crowd where Alicent and Criston Cole were throwing glances at them. 

She looked back at Aerion, "I need someone to help me, to support me...." She said as she gripped Aerion's hand, "Nobody will question my claim to the Throne if I have a Targaryen as a husband....Nobody will.....nobody will look at my sons like they do..." 

"The throne?" Aerion looked at her, "So that's what it is about?" 

She nodded, "That's what everything has always been about." She whispered, "I need your support, Aerion. I don't think I can do this without you." 

"You're willing to do this?" Aerion asked her, "To marry me?" 

"For the sake of my duty...." Rhaenyra said as she composed herself, "I....am willing....My Father commanded it, did he not? He's aware of the circumstances, as are you, I am sure." 

"Pit of vipers..." Aerion said softly as he glanced back at the crowd

Rhaenyra nodded, "Indeed..." She said

"I never liked them." Aerion said as he looked back at the sea, "The Hightowers...Aemond and Helaena are my kin, I care for them. But their mother and grandsire....." 

"It is them that have their clutches on my Father..." Rhaenyra whispered, "I need you to help me in case something happens. This is for the sake of my family, Aerion and yours should we start our own....." 

"Please, help me see this through."