
House of the Celestial

The Crown of Star. A mighty artifact that symbolizes the Divine Federations might across the galaxies. Gone. Missing. The Colony Planets region is on the brink of disaster after the uprising in the Federation. Meanwhile on a distant planet, millions of light years away from the Federation, a young woman awakens a power meant only for the chosen. Now begins her journey of self-discovery and growth as she learns the truth behind her otherworldly power and how it connects to the mystery of the Universe.

Daniel_Orions · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Yesh Academy

Luna, Terra

Gaea Solar system

Milky way Galaxy

Neutral Free Zone

3rd March 2019

 Sam woke up, the memory of the day when her Father died becoming more vivid than it used to be. Sam's memory of that night had been a mess. Most of her childhood memories that involved her Father had become muddy since the accident, and because of her guilt and mental disorder, she never bothered to try to gauge her memories. But now that she had Awakened and her body had gone through a metamorphosis, her mind had become stronger than it was before. She covered her face with her right arm as tears fell out of her eyes. She thought of the technique she had used against those assassins that had come after her. She instinctively used the Thunder recoil technique alongside her innate ability at that moment to damage her foe. Though her execution of the technique hadn't been perfect, thanks to Resonance, she had done more damage than she would have. However, that hadn't been enough to stop one of them. Her memories of their final moment returned and she felt sick as she remembered the blood. Leon had saved her in the end by killing them with one attack. After calming herself down, Sam began to take notice of her environment. She seemed to be in a medical facility with monitors connected to her, and she was wearing a hospital dress. The room had a window with the sun on display, a warm breeze filling the room through the open window. I must have been out for quite a while. Sam thought. She bought out the status window to check out what her current stats were.


Name: Samantha Sinclair

Rank: Peak stage Heroic [Tier 1]

Physique: Awakened

 Strength: 200 Agility: 199 Endurance:200 Stamina: 200 Luck: 300 Intelligence: 300 Magic power: 300 Spiritual power: 300 Physical power: 799 Odic power: 1399

Combat arts: Adamantium fist martial art- Five-star rank ( Peak stage Minor Mastery)

Bloodline Ability: Symphony: The ability to access the Música universalis.


Unique technique: Resonance, Consonance, Dissonance, Música Conductor,

Música conductor: A unique technique that allows one to be able to peer into the soul's frequency and wavelength.

Resonance: A unique technique that matches the user's resonant frequency with their target to unleash a highly destructive concussive blast

Consonance: ???

Dissonance: ???

???: ???

One thing Sam had learnt from the fight with those Assassins was that she had gotten a lot stronger than she had before. Just looking at her stats, she could see the improvements she had gone through. She was at the peak of the Heroic rank and from what she saw her total Odic power was even beyond what it was suppose to be for someone in the Heroic rank. But from the looks of it, it seems her physical prowess was what pushed her Odic power pass the average stats for someone in the Heroic rank. And she had finally used her bloodline ability for the first time. From what Sam gathered, Resonance was an application of her bloodline ability Symphony which had something to do with sound and Vibration. When Sam thought about it, her bloodline ability made sense in a certain way. Sam was an artist, a musician by heart. So the fact that even her ability to feel emotions had something to do with her bloodline ability seemed to fit well with Sam.

"I see your awake," A voice said. Sam dismissed the status window as she saw Leon leaning on the doorframe to the room. He was dressed in a white hoodie jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, white gym pants and white sneakers. Covering his beautiful luminous blue eyes was a sunglass. Sam couldn't help admiring his figure. He walked over to sit down beside her, his arms in his pants pocket.

"How long was I out for," Sam asked.

"Almost a week," Leon said, shocking Sam, who raised her upper body from the bed.

" I was knocked out for a week," Sam said. Why the hell had she been unconscious for that long? Leon could read the question on her face and held out a small grin.

"Your soul core was unstable. Rising to the peak of the Heroic rank from the Low stage immediately can be dangerous," Leon said. "Your body needed time to recover," The door opened and a red-haired girl in a red sweater outfit came in.

"So you finally woke up," Emanu said with a smile. She turned and was surprised to see Leon sitting across from Sam. Her smile turned into a frown as she glanced at Leon. "Did you tell her yet..."

"No....not yet," Leon said. 

"Tell me what," Sam said. Leon and Emanu exchanged a look, making Sam's stomach churn at their expression.


"What do you mean, "It's gone," Sam said. She was in Phoebe Yesh's office alongside Emanu and Leon. The two had insisted that Sam should hear the news straight from Phoebe and after Sam had dressed up, they had gone to her office. Now Sam was staring at the President, shocked upon the news she had gotten. Her stomach felt so sick that a part of her wanted to throw up, her mind was spinning, an echo of the darkness rising from the depths of her consciousness.

"Cedar Lake is gone. It was attacked by a horde of Abominations days ago," Phoebe repeated what she had said before. "The horde decimated the entire town and there is no survivor from the town-"

"I heard you the first time," Sam screamed, throwing her right arm to her side in rage. She had decided to embrace her anger instead of drowning herself in her sorrow. The powerful emotions that she was feeling drove back the familiar darkness. "What about Stella....Is she-"

"Guardian Stella McCoy's Vital status shows she's still alive," Phoebe said. "The same for Rosa. But the rest of the team that we stationed to keep an eye on Cedar Lake have been wiped out." So the assignment that Rosa went on had to do with keeping an eye on her aunt. Sam thought. She didn't even think to focus on the fact that her Aunt was involved with Golden Dawn as one of its Guardians, another thing she had kept from her. Her focus was only on the information that she was still alive.

"Then where is she," Sam said.

"We believe that the Horde must have kidnapped her," Phoebe said. " It's the only explanation as to why she hasn't responded to us but her vital status is still active."

"And Rosa?" Sam whispered.

"The same," Phoebe said in a calm tone. Sam took a deep breath and then turned around, heading for the door. But Leon got in her way, putting his arm in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going," Leon said.

"I'm going back to my town," Sam spat out. "Move it."

"No," Leon simply said.

"Sam, maybe you should wait and think-" Emanu began but was cut off by the look of pure rage on Sam's face.

"Don't tell me what to do," She spat out. "I'm going to Cedar Lake and I'm going to find Stella and Rosa."

"And how are you going to do that," Leon said. "Just because you managed to survive against those two assassins doesn't mean you're ready for the real world," 

"You!" Sam couldn't help but get annoyed at the expression on Leon's face. Her anger took a deep dive into the core of her soul, and she felt it begin to shake in motion. As her anger increased, a pressure from the bottom of her soul vibrated her entire body. Even the office of Phoebe began to vibrate as the World energy from the Odyllic began to shake from the pressure of the power emitting from Sam's soul. They all felt the power, the pressure increasing, spreading past the room to the rest of the towers and the entire moon itself. Phoebe recognized the strength of Sam's spiritual power. If Sam were to unleash her true Soul power right here, it would be enough to wipe out the whole moon. Emanu wanted to intervene but a look from her mother stopped her. Leon just kept staring at Sam with his sunglasses obstructing his eyes. The anger kept pushing Sam's soul power out of her core but after a while, Sam fought against the anger, pushing it back and throwing it inside a box in her mind. Now was not the time to lose her cool! Sam thought. And then the pressure was gone, the World energy went back to normal and the quake subsided. Leon raised his arms down surprised by the control that Sam had just displayed.

"I'm going to find them," Sam said with a tone of indifference though the expression on her face reminded Leon of Emily's cold look. Damn, People with soul-related abilities are crazy! Leon thought to himself. "If you want to help me, fine. If not, stay out of my business," She walked out of the office determined to see her goal through.

"Should we let her leave?" Emanu asked.

"What do you intend to do," Leon asked Phoebe. He wanted to know her intentions towards Sam's objective. The truth was that Leon had every intention to go to Cedar Lake with Sam and check it out for himself. But he wanted to clarify how strong Sam's resolve was. Yes, she was mad and enrage upon hearing her town being wiped out and her aunt being taken. But the truth was that from what Leon had inferred from Sam's expression when talking about her aunt in the past, she didn't really have a good relationship with her. And therefore her relationship with the town must not be that good. So the anger she was displaying might just be a temporary release. He wanted to know how serious she was about it. And she had proven herself to Leon.

"Finding Stella might not be so easy," Phoebe said.

"Do you think Sirius has anything to do with this," Emanu said. Sirius! Leon thought. That name sounded familiar to him. But he couldn't figure where he heard it from.

"Abominations of the lesser ranks don't work together unless someone of higher power has something to do with it." Phoebe said. "Not to mention Terra isn't an ideal environment for them to be spawning up," 

"Does this all have to do with what's going on in New York," Leon said. Phoebe and Emanu looked at Leon.

"What do you know about New York," Phoebe said.

"I know there's some kind of plague afflicting the city," Leon said. "The city has been put on lockdown. And other cities around the globe is going through the same experience. And then there's the Erlking I was chasing. How the hell does an Abomination get to this planet, without Golden Dawn being aware. And what does it have to do with the Federation base Emily discovered. I try not to involve myself with whatever crap is going on in the Hidden world, but it seems whatever is going on has some relations to what I'm after," Plus he couldn't forget about that crazy guy that killed Menthos and attacked him.

"And what are you after, Leon Haravok?" Adonis voice came out of a silver portal that appeared in the corner of Phoebe's office. He was holding an open book, his white long-sleeve shirt so pristine it fit with his silver hair and emerald eyes. He stopped by the side of Phoebe and closed the book. "Is it revenge against the Fallen stars for what happened to your Father. I've always wondered why not go after the Fallen. He is the one responsible for Jonathan's death. Instead of chasing the Fallen stars, you should go to the Phantom galaxy, to the Phantom prison and slay Arexander Pendragon." Leon glared at him. Adonis Yesh. The entire Yesh Family was an enigma that Leon couldn't understand. But worst of all was this young man. Leon was acquainted with Phoebe and Emanu through his Mother growing up, but Adonis was a different story. He didn't feel threatened by him, but he couldn't help feeling that same ick he always felt whenever he was in the presence of a seer.

"Instead of focusing on what Leon's goal is, I'm more interested in what we should do regarding Sam's request," Emanu said. Leon was more than fine shifting the focus from him back to Sam.

"What else is there to do, but to let her do as she wants," Adonis said.

"But Father...this could just be a trap set by that bastard Sirius," Emanu said.

"That's why she won't be alone," Phoebe said. Her eyes landed on Leon while she said that. Leon didn't miss it nor did he miss how it seemed these people were familiar with this enemy, Sirius.

"Then I can take her-"

"No, Emanu. You will stay behind and continue Leon's classes." Phoebe said.

"Again," Emanu said.

"And what about Emily," Leon said. "I'm not leaving without her,"

"I'll find someone to cover for Emily's class though I have to say for substitute instructor, you two really cost a lot of money," Phoebe said with a dry smile.