

Leon searches for the reason for the disappearance of people from the new world into which he was reincarnated, only to discover that this world is not as simple as he thought. House of the Cat is a novel that describes the state of the world of Apocalypse. This book is also a side story of the AfarHaven book series.

SAYID · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Change In Plan

On the morning of the second day of this world, Leon inspected the abandoned house in which he stayed. Fortunately, he found many documents that described the history of this world accurately and well, and among the most important things that were mentioned were the societies before the appearance of magical beasts. Humans were in a state that was unstable, and the kings and leaders were in a constant state of war with each other. While the magic towers spread throughout the world were an ancient mystery that no one dared to discover, with the greed of the kings and their desire to possess power, they sent invasion trips to the towers, which ultimately resulted in the appearance of creatures. Magic and the annihilation of 79% of humanity As for those who survived the annihilation, they built fortified cities in the great desert, which, for some reason, the monsters could not enter. With time, humans returned to multiplying and slowly returning to living a normal life within the cities and within the Great Desert, but according to the latest news that Leon read in the newspaper, in one of the new cities that had not even completed its first year, humans had disappeared from it, and this is strange because monsters cannot enter the Great Desert, but Leon knew the reason. From the beginning, Leon's mission was to eliminate the curses in this world, and he was either an intelligent being born in this world but afflicted with the ancient sun and fog curse or the transmigrator. The ancient curse was able to eat his soul, turning him into a cursed one.

Both possibilities are dangerous, but Leon certainly prefers to face the first type. After completing the documents, he looked at a new map of cities in the desert, which describes the presence of 13 human cities in the desert, with one of the cities being the largest, strongest, and best, as if that city represents the capital. To the rest of the isolated cities, without hesitation Leon decided to go to that better city in order to begin his search for the cursed one.

With all the residents of the city he was in now asleep, Leon summoned his motorcycle and prepared to set off, but suddenly he felt something jumping behind him. He turned his head and found the brown cat rubbing itself with the leather of the chair and circling around it as if preparing its place for sleeping. Leon lifted it and put it back inside. The house, but she jumped after him again. Leon brought her back into the house several times, but every time she returned to it, and Leon looked at her strangely and thought intuitively.

Isn't this your house? Then why do you follow me? Leon was thinking about this question while looking into the cat's radiant eyes before he gave up and let it follow him in the end, but he ordered the system to reconfigure the motorcycle to have a side seat near the driver's seat. Seeing the transformation in the motorcycle, the cat jumped straight into the side seat. It was as if she realized that he was in her place while Leon was just watching with a small smile on his features before he clenched his fist and the bike set off at great speed, penetrating all the buildings and walls as if it were a semi, and exiting the city walls, heading towards the capital.

During the trip, Leon's silver hair was swaying in the wind while the cat moved its small ears as if it was also enjoying the refreshing breeze. After about an hour, Leon arrived in the capital and was able to enter without problems thanks to the advantage of his motorcycle, which can penetrate anything like a ghost. That motorcycle is better. A weapon and a means of transportation that Leon obtained in all his lives and in all previous worlds Without any hesitation, Leon first searched for any source of information about the place, but he did not search for long because today was a special day for the city's residents, as they celebrated the ancient history of their city and held plays and donations. With books and other things, and thanks to the fact that this city was crowded with people, Leon was able to simply ride the wave, and thus Leon was able to learn many things about the city, but the most important information was about the Adventurers' Guild, in which all people wishing to discover the desert gathered, and also the Scientists' Guild, where she studies magical beasts and constellations.

These two unions were a valuable source of information that would make work much easier for Leon, so he decided to go in and steal what he wanted.

He first started with the Adventurers' Guild, which was not well guarded from the outside and was open to outsiders. They might want to become adventurers, but this did not arouse Leon's attention. Instead, he wanted to enter directly into the documents room, but that room was so heavily guarded that it was difficult even for Leon. Same; there were surveillance cameras and ten security men spread around the outside of the room, and the door itself was made of a strange material and had a smart lock that could only be opened by those with permission.

Leon was sure that he would be able to penetrate all of these defenses if he was able to study this place for a while, but this plan changed when he saw a young girl with an elegant appearance and an enthusiastic spirit approaching the room and raising her permission to enter the room. The strange thing was that Leon heard some people. They whisper behind him about how this girl is a genius who only needed one week to become one of the elite adventurers.

Upon hearing these words and looking at the girl's young appearance, Leon's goal was clear this time. He wanted to steal the statement from that girl the moment she neglected it.

Leon thought that it would be as easy as stealing candy from a child, so he decided to just watch the girl, who left the room after a full hour and went to sit on a VIP sofa and order some drinks and food while Leon watched her from afar.

The girl continued eating, drinking, and making jokes until late at night, which surprised Leon. Finally, the girl decided to go home in that drunken state, so she left the door of the guild, swaying while Leon followed her without raising any suspicions, but with every step the girl was... She swayed and got closer to the motorcycle's location.

There were still a lot of people. Leon thought about the inconvenience he would get if he tried to steal her now, so he just continued following the girl until she suddenly stopped. Leon stopped far away from her and watched her as she held her stomach, shook her head right, and left nervously before walking into anyone. The dark alleys, which happened to be the same alley in which Leon hid the motorcycle with the cat, so instead of canceling the call for his special bike, he decided to make it a place for the cat to rest, but now, with the girl entering there, Leon felt some tension, so he hurried to catch up with the girl, who turned out to be She was vomiting, and then, without warning, she lost consciousness.

Fortunately, she did not fall on the place of vomiting, and her current condition was the best time for theft, so Leon did not waste any time and carefully searched the girl, but he did not find any permit card or anything. Leon stopped searching for the girl and stood awkwardly while rubbing his chin to think of a solution to this problem, but he heard a voice from behind him.

"Guys, look what I found here~"

"Wow, he's strange, isn't he? I've never seen his face before."

"Nah, we just haven't stolen it yet. Haha,  let's introduce it to us."

At the entrance to the alley, there were three people blocking the way: a woman and two men. Their appearances were also strange and ridiculous, but they were holding daggers in their hands. Leon is a skilled person in planning and espionage, but he fails in fighting, so when he saw these three trying to steal him or even harm him, he immediately thought of escaping, but he remembered about the cat and also about the girl on the floor. He has not finished investigating her yet, and he will definitely not allow him to do so. These scoundrels kidnapped her.

Leon looked back because he felt a movement behind him. The adventurous girl had regained consciousness and was looking at the gang before she looked at Leon and gritted her teeth as she tried to stand up, but she failed and lost consciousness again. Leon watched her silently before sighing and turning to face the gang while raising his hands in a gladiator stance.

"Look behind him, leader. She is a famous woman. Do you think this is her secret lover?"

"I don't know and I don't care, but if that's the case, then kidnapping them together will guarantee us a larger sum. Haha. Just imagine the news of the kidnapping of the genius adventurer and her secret lover."

"Right right"

The gang was approaching Leon, who had eyes like a tiger. Suddenly, he quickly attacked one of the men and hit him with all his might. That blow was a surprise and was directed at the man's jaw with all of Leon's strength, but nothing happened to the man.


Everyone reacted like this, but Leon the Brave only smiled because only he knew what this meant, and while the three of them were busy trying to understand how weak that punch was, Leon quickly turned around like a rampaging beast.

"The curse! "

The man felt that this skill that Leon would use would be very powerful!

With speed and a great thirst for blood, Leon completed the detour that was intended to spread a cloud of fog to remove the gangster's ability to see.

"Now he will try to hunt us down, but haha, I am not that simple either!"

The leader thought about Leon's upcoming attack with a nervous smile on her face, but what she saw next was the empty alley in front of her.


Out of hesitation, Leon ran away, carrying both the adventurous girl and the little brown cat while panting deeply. Only after he had moved away appropriately did Leon rest to catch his breath, but at that moment the girl regained consciousness again, and the features of confusion were clear on her face. But when she looked at Leon, she remembered the last thing she saw before, so she quickly got up while holding a small pistol in her hand. She scanned the place with her gaze as if searching for any enemy, but after several seconds had passed, she did not find any enemy near her, so she returned her gaze to Leon and asked with a confused face.


Leon straightened his back as he tried to explain what happened through his hands, but unfortunately the girl did not seem to be able to understand him, so he asked his system about the sign language used in this world.

The girl thought that this man in front of her was crazy because he was looking into space and shaking his head, but after a moment, he communicated with her in understandable sign language, which surprised the girl.

"Oh, you're deaf. Oh, I apologize for that... So, um, sir, what happened?"

Leon explained what happened in as little detail as possible.

"Wow, sir, you use sign language in a very narrow way. I feel like you want to say more but you can't, but don't worry. Fortunately, I know sign language well, and I can teach you."

Leon formed a sign of categorical refusal to the girl's offer, but the adventurer with long brown hair and hazel eyes was not paying attention to him because she was placing her finger on her cheek while thinking before he clapped decisively, which surprised Leon.

"Well then, sir, I decided to thank you by giving you anything you want from me."

Hearing the girl's words increased Leon's astonishment, but of course he felt happy because he now had a direct way to enter that room, but his joy did not last long because the girl completed her words.

"Of course, don't think about sex, money, or any secret information. As you know, I'm a broke girl, but I also keep my bosses' secrets."

The girl stopped again after seeing the frustration on Leon's face, rubbed her chin, and said

"Well, other than those things, I can make you an adventurer with us, and I can even teach you until you become an important person like me."

Those words made Leon regain some hope, so he agreed by shaking his head without hesitation.

The girl smiled and said,

"Good, then. Nice to meet you....sir?"

Leon coined his name in sign language.

"Ah, Mr. Leoner, then, nice to meet you."

The girl smiled and extended her hand in the form of a handshake. Internally, Leon was feeling frustrated because he had failed to even formulate his name, but that did not matter because he got what he wanted. While he was extending his hand to shake the adventurous girl's hand, the cat jumped on the girl's head, causing the adventurer to jump from place to place. He tried to push her away while she was screaming.