
House of Helios Rising!

This is a story of a young boy born from a noble family of celestials who sets out to explore his territory and himself. His journey is a quest for physical, mental, and spiritual strength, and along the way, he encounters many challenges and obstacles that test his resolve. As he travels through different Factions, he delves into the rich culture of the world around him, using it as a tool to reflect on his own ideologies and perspectives. He meets dynamic characters who challenge him to think deeply and broaden his understanding of the world.

BigMommyYggdrasil · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Entering the Inferno

Nodding his head Virgo replied, "Yes, I will be joining…" He froze for a few seconds, letting his consciousness, that was currently thinking of a way to make fun of his Uncle Hassan, connect the dots of what he had just heard. "Huuuuh?!"

The excited Prince could barely contain his excitement. Sleep was the furthest thing from his mind, as he imagined himself walking through the home of passionate Flame Dancers. That entire night was a restless one.

The next morning, the prince started his day early. After getting ready and eating something, Virgo left to get his Uncle Hassan and Athena.

"Are you finally ready to depart?" asked Uncle Hassan. He had been talking to his fellow Captain, the 'Crimson Sun' Athena, as he waited for his nephew. Seeing as the Prince had arrived, Hassan activated his rune circles, the legacy of the Helios Family. That legacy being the power held by the Oracles of an Unspoken Tongue. The birthright of all who carry the divine spark of the main Helios family, though only the Matriarch and him possess the spark for now.

Contemplating the unique abilities of his uncle, the young Virgo watched with great interest as intricate Circles were drawn on the ground in front of them. Although the curious prince tried desperately to hear the exact words Captain Hassan was speaking, he seemed as if he was merely moving his lips devoid of any real words whatsoever. If anything, it sounded as if there were tens of people whispering on top of each other. It was quite eerie as they were being heard from every direction.

As he decided it was a waste of time to uncover the old man's secrets, he focused on what his senses could have a grasp on. The young prince's eyes were fixated on the intricate patterns being meticulously drawn on the ground before them, a tapestry of symbols interwoven with profound meaning and power.

The rune circles were a manifestation of ancient knowledge and mystical craftsmanship, each line and curve etched with precision and purpose. They glowed with a faint, ethereal light, as if infused with the very essence of the divine. The symbols, a symphony of arcane language, conveyed hidden secrets and invoked the forces of the Divinity in the atmosphere itself.

Within the circle, intricate sigils representing the elements of fire and the sun intertwined, their forms flowing seamlessly into one another. Flames flickered and danced along the edges of the symbols, casting an enchanting glow upon the scene. The air crackled with anticipation, carrying the aura of 'Rune Summoning.'

As Hassan completed the final strokes of the rune circle, a surge of energy rippled through the air, resonating with the vibrations of the Cherry Blossom Cosmos, beyond the Dimensional Rift that protected them. It seemed strange but the space in which they hid seemed to reject the existence of their abilities, as if they were in a different Universe all-together.

From the depths of the Circle, a majestic creature began to materialize. Its form emerged gradually, revealing a fearsome wyvern, its scales shimmering with an iridescent crimson hue. The creature's eyes burned with an intense gaze, reflecting her power and fierceness. The wyvern's wings unfurled with grace and might, casting a shadow that engulfed the surrounding area. Its body was strong, bearing the marks of ancient battles. The creature exuded an aura of raw majesty and a primal force that demanded respect.

Virgo stood in awe, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. The sight of the summoned wyvern, brought forth through the ancient arts of rune circles, ignited a spark within him. Hardly containing himself, he hurriedly asked, or more pleaded, "PLEASE!! Let me have a ride!"

Hassan lifted an eyebrow, "Obviously. Do you suspect that I would summon my divine companion to simply show her off and stunt in front of a tiny brat like yourself."

"I would never put it below you, great uncle. For there is no mountain too high, nor valley too low for a crafty old man such as yourself." Virgo sarcastically replied.

With the patience of a man who has been existing for generations and has outlived countless enemies, Uncle Hassan issued a rebuttal, "So you have chosen…walking. What a brave soul! Remind me again Captain Athena, how long of a distance is it to 'the Inferno'?"

"Oh, only a few hundred miles. A bit of a walk really", smiled Athena sadistically.

The blood literally drained from the young prince's face as he bowed at a precise forty-five-degree angle, with such perfection that the two captains believed he practiced it. "I apologize for my rudeness Honorable Uncle!! Please forgive my stupidity!"

Sharing a look between them for a full three seconds, both Athena and Hassan almost fell over laughing. Still afraid to move, Virgo stayed bowing his head, which of course led to the two laughing even harder.

Eventually they gathered themselves and decided it was time to leave. Picking up Virgo by the collar and jumping onto the Wyvern, Hassan immediately took off. Waving goodbye to Captain Athena who still had business to attend to at the Helios Estate.

As the wyvern's powerful wings beat against the air, a rush of exhilaration filled the young prince's veins. Virgo clung tightly to the wyvern's scales, his heart pounding with a mix of awe and excitement. Beside him, Uncle Hassan maintained a serene composure, his gaze focused on the horizon ahead. They soared through the sky, carried aloft by the majestic creature summoned through the ancient arts of rune circles. The wyvern's movements were both graceful and powerful, navigating the currents of the air with a natural ease. Its wings beat rhythmically, propelling them higher into the boundless expanse of the sky. Virgo marveled at the incredible strength and agility of the creature beneath him, realizing the profound connection between a Helios celestial and their summon.

Uncle Hassan's voice broke through the roar of wind, his words carried by the breeze. He pointed out notable landmarks of the territory, and shared tales of celestial lore, filling Virgo's mind with knowledge and inspiration. The young prince listened intently, absorbing every word, as the bond between nephew and uncle grew stronger amidst their shared journey. The wind brushed across Virgo's face, creating a symphony of freedom and adventure. It wasn't long before Virgo was lost in his thoughts, 'The world beneath me is stretched out like a vast tapestry, painted with hues of white, blue, and…red?'

Seeing that Virgo had finally taken notice of the destination, Hassan introduced, "That is where you will be learning for the next few years. Welcome to your new home, albeit a temporary one, the home of the Flame Dancers…Apollo's Inferno!"

Noticing the volcanoes casting a bright glow upon the land, Uncle Hassan guided the wyvern back towards the earth. The creature's descent was gentle, as it skillfully controlled its strength, weight and overall position. With a graceful touchdown, the wyvern set its powerful talons upon the earth once more. Virgo dismounted, his legs trembling with a mixture of exhilaration and a touch of sadness at the end of their flight. He turned to his uncle, a radiant smile adorning his face, and thanked him for the extraordinary experience.

A person in charge of the new trainees came forward to greet them. It would be her who takes Virgo for his tour of the Base. This was the last time Virgo would see his uncle for a while. Although somewhat sad, he was happy he had the opportunity to spend this time with him. They said their goodbyes and the guide escorted him away, "So young prince, I am happy to receive you as this is your first time being to Apollo's Inferno. My name is Charon. And I believe I'll also be your teacher for your basic courses."

"It's good to meet you Instructor Charon," Virgo slightly bowed his head to show respect. The teacher was somewhat taken back from the humbleness of the young prince. She drifted to the memory of his older brother, whom she had to beat into submission for ordering her to bow her head instead when they first met.

Shaking her head from such 'fond memories', she replied with a kind grandmotherly smile, "Let's begin the tour. I can tell you can barely contain your curiosity as it is."