
House of Helios Rising!

This is a story of a young boy born from a noble family of celestials who sets out to explore his territory and himself. His journey is a quest for physical, mental, and spiritual strength, and along the way, he encounters many challenges and obstacles that test his resolve. As he travels through different Factions, he delves into the rich culture of the world around him, using it as a tool to reflect on his own ideologies and perspectives. He meets dynamic characters who challenge him to think deeply and broaden his understanding of the world.

BigMommyYggdrasil · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Birth of the Second

A loud cry echoed throughout the halls of a large estate. Although its rooms were large, they were not needlessly embellished with wealth of the many generations that lived before them. The simplicity with which they were decorated did not take away from their beauty however, as it seemed to only add to their majesty.

Still, one of these rooms stood out from the rest, having multiple fierce warriors guarding it. With a quick glance one could tell these sentries were not ordinary, but a cut above the rest in terms of both strength and aura. From inside the room, where the cry originated, laid a mother holding her newly born child. Here lay Matriarch Helios, the leader representing her Noble House of Helios. Her dark skin was glistening from the beads of sweat dotting her face. The thick, black hair that was often styled in intricate braids, adorned with gold beads and jewels, was now somewhat disheveled, though one could argue it added to her charm. Despite her almond-shaped eyes straining to keep awake, one could still appreciate their rich pink color. This beauty being only heightened by her full lips being adorned with a faint smile.

She had just finished expending absolutely immense amounts of divinity to birth her second son. Turning to look down on her child, the Matriarch smiled and spoke the first words that would greet his ears, "Through your innocent eyes my son, I see the beauty of the world reflected. I will name you Virgo, in hopes that your purely curious gaze will remain unchanged all your life." The young Virgo felt the warmth and love directed at him and smiled, blessing this world with a joy unlike any other.

Despite this grand moment between mother and son, the Matriarch would soon enter a great period of weakness, as the birthing of a divine celestial is a difficult process. It requires building a reservoir of divine power and faith, spanning ridiculous amounts of time depending on the quality and quantity amassed.

A few of the warriors entered the room and cast special 'RUNES' around not only the resting place of the Matriarch and young Virgo, but throughout the entire residence. There was no greater asset within this world worth protecting. After all, these are the feared 'Flame Dancers of Dante's Inferno', and they exist with no other duty than to the Helios Noble Family and its people.

The Matriarch looked upon one of the Warriors who was leading the rest in setting up the defenses. This specific person had an air of fierceness to her. Standing well above the non-combatants in the room, both in height and muscle build, she went about her job with a focus expected of the position bestowed upon her. As if sensing a gaze, the Warrior looked upon the newly birthed child and his mother, nodding to express a sense of safety.

Matriarch Helios, nodding her head in return while expressing her thanks spoke, "I thank you again for your protection while I recover my strength. There is nothing to fear when my life is in the hands of one of the legendary Three Spears of Dawn, 'The Crimson Sun' Captain Athena ". The Captain deadpans and stares unimpressed at the Matriarch's greeting, replying, "…you know damn well how much I hate that title." She sighs as a darkness covers her face, "Besides, do you know how hard it is to find a partner when the title you gave me LITERALLY makes it sound like I paint the very skies with the blood of our enemies??" The matriarch turns her head to the side replying, "But, that's exactly what you— ". Sensing the emotional breakdown of Athena to her side she quickly shifts gears, "—you definitely do not do."

Memories of the battle a few decades ago, when they had violent intruders from beyond the 'Dimensional Rift', are brought to the front of the Matriarch's mind. It remains clear as day when the Captain Summoned her iconic 'Tear from the Burning Sky', a miniature red sun fueled by her divine blessing. This 'Tear', as Athena adorably calls it, evaporates her opponents bodies by boiling their blood while giving her own incredible boosts in physicality. Leaving her to decimate whoever is unlucky enough to be left alive by the initial attack. The skies become literally painted not only by the color of her sun, but also by all the blood on the battlefield boiled into the atmosphere.

The matriarch shakes her head of the thought while looking back at her sensitive Captain sulking. "Yep, you definitely do not do that", she comforts with a weak and unconvincing smile.

A few uncomfortable minutes later, a young man bursts through the door covered in sweat and excitement, "WHERES MY SIDEKICK??! HAVE THEY FINALLY ARRIVED?!"

With a shadow appearing behind him, he promptly receives a punch to the back of the head from Captain Athena, "Please don't bring your idiocy around your younger brother, First prince Brutus. It may rub off on him" said the Captain as she shook her head.

The idiot in front of her was somewhat tall and more on the toned side, in comparison to her physique at least. The Prince was a striking figure, possessing a regal bearing that commands attention, characteristic of the faction he spends most of his time in. His bronze skin and strong jawline are reminiscent of his mother's legendary beauty, but he possesses a confidence and arrogance all his own. With a glint in the eyes that shines with a poorly hidden conceit, he exudes a sense of entitlement and superiority that often rubs people the wrong way.

As Prince Brutus was about to scream out against his attacker, he froze. "Di…Did you just say, my brother? It's a boy??" he asked as he turned to his mother.

To which she replied, "Say hello to little Virgo. Your little brother." Brutus silently fist pumped three times facing the heavens to give thanks for such a wonderful miracle, then sped right over to his future sidekick. Looking at the little figure of his brother, a thought came to mind which he spoke out loud, "Has his title been chosen yet?" Silence immediately filled the room, with all eyes on Matriarch Helios.