

Phoenix stared at her into the window of a tiny shop that she and her partner had stolen from just hours ago. Guards swarmed the inside, dusting, taping, mapping...

Her gaze flickered curiously to the sign above the door that read Runes and Rods.

Normally when Gunner gave them assignments, they weren't allowed to know the name of the place they were stealing from. But now the little shop struck her as vaguely familiar. It was a cheap little tourist shop on the edge of the square.

When Phoenix's eyes fell back onto the inside of the shop, her gaze clashed with that of a guard's.

Masking the rising panic inside her, she turned away from the window and started across the cobblestone road.

She heard the store bell ring as the door swung open behind her, and a guard ordered her to stop.

Sweat beaded her forehead and her stomach was now in knots as one thought kept replaying in her head, Gunner's gonna kill me...

Phoenix risked a quick glance over her shoulder and saw that the guard was hot on her heels.

A sob escaped her lips as she quickened her pace.

Knowing she had to lose the guard somehow, Phoenix took a sharp left, leading her deeper into the sea of people.

She was about to turn into an alleyway when a hand grabbed the back of her jacket.

She was spun around so fast, it took her a minute for her to realize that this was not the guard who was chasing her, but her partner, Mace Ambrose.

"Your crying," Was the first thing he said. "Why on earth are you crying?"

Phoenix hadn't even realized that tears had spilled from her eyes, but she quickly swatted them away.

Mace straightened her jacket, then said, "Gunner's been asking about you. I told him you were out by the lake again, but he didn't seem convinced."

"Thank you." Phoenix sniffed.

Mace nodded, then the two of them cut through the alleyway and took the backroads to the edge of town where the two of them knew Gunner would be.

Phoenix entered the Tavern with Mace at her side, but this didn't make her feel any less terrified.

Mace leads her to the usual spot. It was where Gunner always met with them; a little booth in the very back of the tavern, where they couldn't be overheard.

All around them men gambled and drank themselves silly. It was loud, dim, and hot...It was the place she felt most at home.

Across the room, a door swung open, and Gunner stepped out onto the floor. Phoenix had nearly forgotten how to breathe when Gunner spotted her. He smiled that terrible smile that usually meant that someone was about to die.

He jerked his head toward the door and left the room.

"You've got to go." Said Mace. "Gunner doesn't chase after people. He's got guys like us to do that for him. And I'd hate to have to bring him your head on a silver platter."

Phoenix nodded, and scooted out of the booth. She gave Mace one last pleading look, but he just frowned and shrugged. They both knew there was absolutely nothing he could do.

And with that, Phoenix shuffled her way across the bar, opened the door, and climbed the old staircase to Gunner's quarters.

At the top of the stairs, Gunner's door was wide open. Phoenix had always found his quarters interesting. There was always something new hanging on his wall, or on his desk. It was like playing a game of I spy every time she came up here.

"Sit down Phoenix." Said Gunner from behind his desk.

Phoenix made her way to an old acid green armchair beside Gunner's desk and took a seat.

"Where were you all evening after last night's heist?" He asked lazily as he uncorked a bottle of whisky and spilled it into a crystal glass which was no doubt stolen from some in-town shop.

"I was at the lake." Said Phoenix.

"Missing your family?"

Phoenix nodded.

Gunner took a swig of his drink then set down his glass hard in front of him. "Why do you lie to me Phoenix?"

"I-I didn't--"

"After Mace told me that you were down by the lake, I sent one of my men to fetch you...But you were not there..."

Phoenix stared at Gunner at a loss for words.

"So I will ask you this one more time. Where were you?"