
House Of Death

Alex's left at an orphanage all alone all until he meets a new friend Katie. but soon they discovered that the orphanage isn't what It seems and must decide between escaping or uncovering the dark Truth.

billgardea · Horror
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12 Chs

The Dark People That Run It

Chapter 3:

The Dark People That Run It

As time passed, Alex began to notice that not everything was as it seemed at the orphanage. Strange things would happen in the middle of the night, and he would hear loud noises coming from the caretakers' offices. The caretakers themselves seemed to have an air of authority and control that was unsettling.

One day, while sitting in the dining hall with Katie and the other children, Alex overheard two caretakers talking in hushed tones. They were discussing the possibility of relocating some children to another site because of overcrowding. Alex didn't understand why they would do such a thing, but the tone of their voices made him uneasy.

He turned to Katie to ask her about what he had heard, but she just shrugged her shoulders and said that it was something the caretakers did all the time. Alex couldn't help but wonder about what else the people that ran the orphanage were capable of. He felt a dark cloud looming on the horizon and knew that things at the orphanage were about to change.