
House Of Death

Alex's left at an orphanage all alone all until he meets a new friend Katie. but soon they discovered that the orphanage isn't what It seems and must decide between escaping or uncovering the dark Truth.

billgardea · Horror
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12 Chs

Miss Craven

One night, while they were exploring the neglected hallways of the orphanage, Alex and Katie stumbled upon a locked door that they had never seen before. Weary of what they might find, they decided to try and open it.

After trying their methods of lock-picking, they realized that the door was impenetrable. They knew that they could not give up, but even after using force and trying different tools, they only ended up injuring themselves.

As they sat rubbing their bruises, a new caretaker arrived on the scene. Her name was Miss Craven, and she was unlike any of the other caretakers. Her eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and her sharp nose reminded Alex of a bird of prey. Whenever she appeared, Alex and Katie felt a chill run down their spines.

Miss Craven had a peculiar way of speaking. Her voice was soft and melodic, but when she spoke, it was as if she was whispering secrets. Alex and Katie often found it hard to catch what she was saying and were left feeling uneasy.

The new caretaker seemed to know more about the orphanage's secrets than anyone else. She was always in the shadows, watching them, and Alex and Katie could never shake the feeling that she was up to no good.

All in all, Miss Craven's appearance only added fuel to what they already feared. She was the cherry on top of the already unsettling activities that surrounded the orphanage.