

FailureTimes · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Ricky

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? I hate leaving you outside like this." Emily pulled up to the empty bus stop, and looked over at her best friend. "It's really not that long of a drive. I promise I could drive you." 

Ricky smiled. "Don't be silly. It's an almost nine hour drive to my mom's house. Plus you have to work tomorrow. I don't want to inconvenience you. I take the bus all the time to there. It's not a big deal." He grabbed his backpack from behind the passenger seat, and sat it on his lap. 

"Well can I least wait here with you until the bus pulls up? It's cold outside Rick. I don't want you to freeze." She turned the heat in the car up a notch.

"Sure, Em. Thanks." He smiled at her, and they sat and watched the cars go by. 

"How long are you gonna be gone?"

"Only a week. Mom needs help with dad since the cancer has spread. She can't handle working full-time and taking care of dad, so I'm going up for a week until my sister gets back from vacation." 

"Oh I didn't realize Beth was gonna take over after you left." She smiled. "How is she? I feel like I haven't seen her since we were kids."

"She's been good. She's been focusing on her work a lot so she's been kinda absent for a while. But I think helping mom out will bring her back you know?"

Emily nodded and smiled. The screech of the bus tires as it pulled up next to them, caught both their attention, and they both climbed out of the car. She hugged Ricky as he grabbed his things out of the trunk, and he smiled sadly at her. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too Rick. Safe travels." 

She watched as he climbed onto the bus and took his seat. He stuck his palm to the window in a goodbye, and she waved back at him as his bus pulled away from the bus stop. She sighed and climbed back into her car, beginning the drive back to her house.

Ricky and Emily had been best friends for as long as she could remember. Her mom and his mom were best friends from high school, and Emily was even named after Ricky's mom. She knew he would be fine leaving, but she couldn't shake the pit in her stomach as the bus drove away. 

She got home and opened the door, her dog Bucky practically attacking her as she walked in.

"Hi Buck!" She laughed as she hugged him, and made her way into the kitchen. "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie! How was the drive?" Her mom was cooking something at the stove, and had her back turned. Emily sat down at the island, and ate one of the Christmas cookies out of the jar they had. "Long. I really wish he didn't have to leave so close to Christmas. I mean I know it's going to be good to see his family, but I just really wanted to do our thing this year."

Every year Ricky and Emily would go to the homeless shelter down the street from his house, and volunteer around Christmas time. They went every weekend and brought lots of food and supplies, and helped cook a big feast for the people staying there. 

"You can still do all of that, honey."

"I know. It's just going to be weird without Ricky."

Her mom walked over and placed a gentle kiss on her head, setting a bowl of warm soup in front of her. "I know. I'm sure it will still be worth it though." 

"Of course. I love the people there. It's always worth it."

"That's the spirit." 

After eating with her mom for a little longer, Emily said goodnight and went upstairs to get ready for bed. She sent Ricky a quick text telling him to have safe travels, and then she drifted off to sleep.

After a few hours of sleeping, she was woken up by the shrill of her phone ringing. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and answered it. 


"Is this Emily?" A man's voice on the other end asked.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is officer Daniel Johnson from the New York Police Department. You were listed as an emergency contact for Ricky Garcia. I'm calling to inform you that Mr. Garcia was found dead at a gas station off of 1st street.."

Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"Wait. What do you mean? He's supposed to be at his mom's." 

"Yes ma'am. We've contacted her as well to let her know. Our deepest condolences are with your family at this time. We will update you with any information we find out."

Emily hung up the call and threw her phone across the room, letting out an agonizing scream. She rolled into the fetal position, shaking and crying, feeling like her heart was ripped out of her chest. Her mom burst into the room, asking her over and over again what happened, but Emily could only cry in response, and hug her mom as tightly as possible.