

One day-she can say precisely when she knows the date- she will find out who she truly is. And what

The irony is incredible, isn't it? It would be nice if she could scream as far as she could before the sun sets again, but will she reach her goal that way? Even though the goal is unclear, there is still the unstated goal of passing the test. There will either be a fork in the road or no road at all. No matter what, she keeps walking down the road, the road she knows by heart, even if she turns blind.

Even though she hates walking to school. The chilling winds made her ears feel like they were about to fall off, but at least she had a jacket. Half the kids in her school won't even wear this, just to show off. That doesn't concern her.

Approaching the school she heard a familiar voice. Suddenly she felt a kick in her back. Her whole body flew forward and she almost fell face-first into the glacial ground. With lightning speed, Lue turned around to see who dared to pull this stunt on her.

"What's up?" Eve asked, winking at her.

"My serotonin levels after seeing you, my friend," Lue replied, finally gaining her bearings.

Smirking, they looked at each other.

"Well, well, well," Lue said sternly. "Tomorrow is finally the cadet exam, right? "

"You need to pass the written exam for that"

"Will you ever stop picking on me?" asked Lue.

"I'd be happy to answer your most pressing questions over a handwritten letter- of course, with love," said Eve as she gestured with her hands putting them in the shape of a heart.

The two didn't realize that they had already reached the school grounds which were decorated with a large white screen, with students slowly surrounding it. As they kicked their heels, they could feel it in the air, how much it had changed around a few students. It's been only six dawn to dark, and Lue thought she needed to confess. She swears Mr.Kael is such cryptic and machiavellian, they learned so much, and it seemed effortless. Though she was a knife user, to begin with, with his guidance, she learned a few tricks.

The screen lights up, shining blue and green while displaying a few names. Murmuring among the students regarding the written test results spread like wildfire.

Uh-oh! It's out?

Lue and Eve searched with their eyes on the screen for their names, squeaking their eyes, too small to read. There was a rush of adrenaline, and their stomachs flipped.

Oh no, it's out?

They made their way a few inches closer to the screen, close enough that they were able to see the names.

Oh, it's out.

Lue held Eve's shoulder suddenly. "It's there!" she shouted while jumping.

Eve held her hand slowly turning towards her, "Yea", she held Lue's shoulder. "It's there. We seriously passed."

"It's there."

"It's there."

They repeated, jumping out for joy and holding onto each other tightly. Not knowing how many people they stepped their legs on.

After a while, Mr.Kael confirmed it, it had to be the written test result. Not to his surprise only fourteen people passed. It was a revelation and a bombshell for many students. None of them expected the number of students who passed to be this low.

It was a giveaway, why Apocalon is only for the best of the best. It's easy to guess from the faces of students that they can be vigilantes and will get executed by the domains; ok, maybe not executed, but maybe they'll get suspended from school, right? Well, no one knows, as this has never happened or someone witnessed something similar.

Mr. Kael announced the names and asked them to come forward. The rest of the students can go back to their classes. He directed them as he continued, "Aelia, Alisa, Eliseu, Eve,..."

Eve patted Lue's shoulder and jogged her way to the front.

"Hilary, Lorek, Lue,..."

Lue's eyes widened as she took a step forward. "Are you sure?" she pondered, "Lorek passed." She moved her eyebrows upwards, and her lips formed a straight line. She moved forward, passing the crowd slowly.

Mr. Kael continued with the last few names, "Ben, Beric, Xanthe, Ayaan, and lastly Kayan." He paused and looked at the students, "I congratulate you all for passing the test. Tomorrow you will have your final cadet test. Details will be passed."

As suggested by Mr. Kael, the other students dispersed. Lue thought this thing was crashing down but somehow she managed to turn it around. She felt almost electrified like she was in an energy state higher than normal. She wanted to run to her mother and tell her this happy news, hug her, and hear her appreciation. What might she say? Will she smile just like that? Thoughts kept Lue busy enough for her to listen to Mr. Kael.

As Lue stared at Mr. Kael, she slowly moved her left leg behind, squatted a bit, then turned around and began moving backward. She looked from the corner of her eyes to see if Mr. Kael had noticed her yet. Eve noticing her presence, started waving her hand.

'Don't come here', she gestured with her eyes

'I am anyway', Lue shrugged

"I don't think this is fair," a voice came from the other side, and everyone on the stage turned quickly toward that voice.

She continued, "That, Alisa," she showed her finger and pointed out, "She never scored more than me, but she passed? I can't believe that. Did she bribe you or something?"

Mr. Kael did not say anything. He stood there watching all these rucks begin. Was he waiting to make this a big issue? All of them thought he should stop them as they stood near him.

Not surprisingly, after a while a few more students joined her and started their small protest.

"WE WANT A RE-TEST!" students yelled.

"We'd like to meet the higher authority, the people who conduct these tests," the girl said in despair.

"WE WANT A RE-TEST!" students yelled again.

"SHUUUUUTTTTTTTTT UUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP" the voice echoed in the ground, it was loud; a bit too loud to be clear and it was heavy.

He had a strange appearance, almost as if it was contrived. His hair was wizened and straw-like, nearly fossilized it was so dry. He had sad, way-worn eyes and a distinctive beard. It wasn't thick, but rather something a lunatic might have: straggly, unkempt, and spittle-flecked. His face was toil-worn and tanned from exposure to the elements and he walked with a weary, lethargic air until he would suddenly explode in a burst of rage. He was holding an electric mic in his left hand and had staff coming behind him. That's the principal.