

During the Qing Dynasty, I was an assassin. But in this era, I was just a cheap mother's daughter who had to suffer with a bastard family. Escaped from the hell that we call home Doug encountered another headache. Pi Lan wanted to go crazy.

jukkaland23 · Teen
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280 Chs

It's too insulting.

They arrived in front of the gate of a villa that was as large as a palace in Huang Bai Lan's previous life. Jingguo drove into the door that was open for today's guests. He followed the other car and parked it, then prepared the invitation and, holding his wife's arm, he led his two daughters towards the front door of the large reception hall where many people could be seen inside.

Before reaching the door you must hand the invitation to the bodyguard for inspection. They heard a young woman's voice coming from behind with disdain.

"Oh, who do you think it is? It's actually the country people that Grandpa and Brother Cai Long met at the park." Kang Feijiu, who was accompanied by her mother, spoke loudly for the surrounding guests to hear. Today, she and her mother arrived later than the men at home because they were busy getting dressed. They couldn't wait and came to the event in advance.

Jingguo turned around and looked at the person who had spoken, wide-eyed. Who was this woman and why was she suddenly speaking so rudely to them? Huang Bailan saw his father getting angry. So I whispered that it was the person she had told me about when we went to the park at that time. When they found out who she was, their expression changed. Jingguo kept his expression calm and his eyes cold. Jin Qin Yu and Ai Xiaoqing looked at Huang Bailan worriedly. They remembered the story that Huang Bai Lan had told them.

"Sorry, I don't think my family knows you. So please be respectful to us and the host who invited us." Jing Guo looked at the mother and son with disrespect as well.

"Who would invite a countryman like you who is blind? I will go in and tell Brother Cailong to punish him and get you all fired." Kang Feijiu still thought that she had the right to do anything here. Since today is her grandfather's best friend's birthday.

"Oh, it's just the birthday friend's niece. But he was able to show such great power. I really want to know what Grandpa will say." Huang Bailan couldn't stand this woman's disrespectful name calling her family in front of the people at the event who had gathered to watch the fun.

"Really cocky, Jiu Jiu, don't mess with these lowlifes. Let's hurry up and wish Grandpa Long a happy birthday." Mother Kang Fei Jiu didn't want her daughter to cause too much trouble. She was previously taught by her father-in-law not to let his daughter get involved with Uncle Long again. But who wouldn't want a son-in-law who is both talented and rich like this?

"I won't accept it, Mom. This bitch dares to challenge my authority. I'll make it known who it is. And who are you?" Kang Feijiu, seeing so many people listening, wanted to announce to the guests that she was the future young mistress of the Gongshan Family. Because her mother said that she would discuss her marriage with Brother Cai Long today. So she had to dress as beautifully as possible to deserve that position. But she didn't expect that she would meet this woman who caused her to be betrayed by Brother Cailong back then here.

The crowd all knew Kang Fei Ji well. She was nicknamed the spoiled young lady. Plus, I couldn't study in the country, so I had to flee to study abroad, and I've only been back for less than a year, but I've had conflicts with people all over the capital. They all despised this mother and daughter's personality. But her grandfather and father were in political positions where they were dependent on them and could only hide when they saw the mother and daughter. Today, they dared to cause trouble here. They also want to know what will happen next.