
HOTD: Targaryen Requiem

A story about the Targaryen dynasty in its prime. it’s also the story about a traveler who wondered into this worlds as the son of Viserys and Aemma. Watch how he deals with both the political side of Westeros and the mythical side. additional Tags: • Op Mc • System •World Conqueror • Politics •Strong to Stronger •Family Values • Revenge none of the art belongs to me. it belongs to its creators. ASOIAF Is the work of George R.R. Martin.

Papakuna · Book&Literature
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Death In The Family

-Location: Kings Landing, Crownlands- 

-Date: 100 AC- 

-POV: Narrator- 

It's been three years since Rhaenyra was born. She's been like a big ball of energy. She never leaves her brother's side and always plays with both of their dragons. 

Syrax was born along with Rhaenyra. So they shared a very close bond. Syrax is like the princess, she the size of a small horse now, and she can fly, but she doesn't hunt for her own food like Haedes. 

Haedes is more like a warrior woman, while Syrax is a spoiled princess. Haedes does bring food back for Syrax, so both dragons are close. 

Rhaenyra was loved by all in the court. Everyone wanted to see the new dragon princess, but she had a guardian. 

Rhaegar was a bit overprotective of Rhaenyra. During Rhaenyra's name day, their father held a banquet and invited all the lords to celebrate. 

Jason and Tyland Lannister where both trying to carry favor with the young Rhaenyra. But she didn't care, and wanted to find her brother. 

That's when Jason grabbed Rhaenyra's arm In front of everyone, causing the crowd to gasp loudly. 

This brought the attention of Viserys and Rhaegar. Viserys was speaking to Otto, while Rhaegar and Laena were eating together. 

When Rhaegar seen his sister being held by the hand, he instantly disappeared and punched both brothers. He had broken Jason's nose, while he broke Tylands jaw. 

This cause Lord Tymond to get angry, but he was met with the gaze of all the Targaryen's. Including King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne. 

Tymond apologized profusely for the actions of his sons, and said he would punish them accordingly. 

Rhaegar stayed with his sister the entire night. Only letting a select few talk to his sister. 

And that brings us to current events. 

Right now, everyone is at the Red Keep. King Jaehaerys wanted to see Rhaegar and Laena. 

Rhaenys wasn't the happiest, but Corlys convinced her to look at the bright side. Inside the throne room, Jaehaerys sat on the iron throne with Alysanne next to him. 

Alysanne looked at her great grandchildren with love. She was the closest with Rhaegar as she was sure the he was Aemon reborn. 

Alysanne would also spoil Rhaenyra because of her resemblance to her daughter Daenerys. 

But all that was for another time. Viserys was with his wife and children, while Daemon was with his soon to be wife, Lyanna Stark. 

Gael was standing with her husband, Gerald Dayne. The current sword of the morning, and heir to House Dayne. She was also currently pregnant. 

Rhaenys and Corlys were with their children, Laena and Laenor. 

"I've summoned you all here today to give an announcement. Next year, I will announce my heir." Said Jaehaerys.

The room grew silent, but everyone looked at each other. Rhaenys had a smile on her face, knowing she had the highest chance at being selected. But her delusions were crushed. 

"But I will tell you now. This conversation doesn't leave this room. If it does, you will be exiled from the family." Said Jaehaerys with a commanding voice. 

He may be old, but he still had the presence of a king. 

"Viserys will be the heir, making Rhaegar next In line." Said Jaehaerys as he dropped the bomb. 

Rhaenys stood there in shock. She wanted to voice her opinion but was stopped with a stare from Queen Alysanne. 

"I did this knowing Rhaenys had the rightful claim. So me and my wife came up with another idea. Why not have Rhaegar and Laena marry. Securing both House Targaryen and House Velaryon." Said Jaehaerys. 

Rhaenys wanted to object, but stopped herself. She began to think and knew that it was still a win in her books. She would have her blood on the throne. Meaning any child that Rhaegar and Laena sire, will be the next king. 

Corlys was also on board with this, because this was also his goal. So this arrangement was something he didn't mind. 

"Grandfather, is that wise? House Baratheon will not take this lightly." Said Viserys. 

"They will have to, I agreed to this. I may not be Queen, but my grandchildren will rule." Said Rhaenys. 

(A/n: In some HOTD fics, they make Rhaenys to be a bitter woman who wasn't smart, and was just angry. In my opinion she is definitely far from stupid. Yes she was angry at Viserys because he took something that was supposed of o be hers. I would be angry too. But then hearing people call her "the Queen that never was" added to her rightful anger. Because as you can see, she doesn't have the best relationship with Rhaenyra, but she still supported her.) 

And just like that, Rhaegar was betrothed. He didn't mind because he liked Laena, but knowing what's to come in the future, they will need all the allies they can get. 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

Well that was surprising. Getting betrothed to my childhood friend is something i didn't expect. 

I like Laena but I think it's too early. We're both 8 name days, so we will not marry until we're 15. But I'am not having children until she's ready. 

With how much Rhaenys and Corlys wants their blood on the throne. I wouldn't be surprised if they encourages Laena to take initiative. 

I will shut all of it down. They can wait a bit longer. And I'm not ready to have children at the age of 15. No matter the times, that is still the age of a child. 

Now, with me being born, a lot has changed. First, House Targaryen has powerful allies. 

With my Uncle marrying Lady Lyanna. We will have the entire north on our side. And since the Starks are so driven by honor, we don't have to worry about betrayal. 

My aunt has married Ser Gerald Dayne. He's the current Sword of the Morning. So we have Dorne also. My father promised the current lord of house Martell that his blood will be on the throne. 

He threw me under the bus though. He said that one of my future sons will have to marry his future daughter. 

Way to go dad. 

Anyway. With one of the richest families in Westeros, The North and Dorne on the Targaryen side, we are unstoppable. 

I know my mother dying is a canon event the kicks off my fathers downward spiral. But that canon event will not pass. 

She's surviving, and I'll kill anyone who says otherwise. I can feed her the immortal herd I have. I have a shit ton of them, so it's not an issue. 

The real issue is if I should save my father or not. I love him, but he's the reason the dance starts. I can't have someone like that tearing this family apart. 

Otto is already trying to scheme. I've seen him hang around grandfather a lot. Maybe the reason he died was because of Otto. It was never explained, they just said he had a burst belly. 

But is that really the reason he died? I'll keep an eye on Otto. He's brought Alicent to the red keep, and she's friends with my sister, but that's it. They're both children, so of course they'd become friends. 

Another weird thing is Otto's wife. Apparently she's dead. Some say she died giving birth to Alicent, but i don't believe it. 

Alicent herself has memory of her mother. How do I know this? I heard it while watching Nyra and her play. 

Call me a sis-con, but Rhaenyra had a horrible life. I just wanna make sure she doesn't have to suffer. 

When she gets older she will be able to fight. If not, she'll carry a dagger with her at all times. 


I forgot about the gifts that god gave me. First is my Heavenly Restriction. Having a superhuman body is cool had hell. 

My next gift is something called Sword Saint. Basically I'am the best when it comes to sword play. I also gain abilities. 

Sword Aura: When I use my aura, I can coat my sword in it to make my sword sharper. 

Auto-Parry: I can parry an opponent's attack automatically, no matter the angle. 

Formless Sword Art: It basically allows me to make my out sword Art. 

There is another gift called Martial Saint. Which makes me the best hand to hand fighter on the planet. Its abilities are. 

Combat Aura: Like Sword Aura I can re-enforce my body with this aura, making it stronger and more durable. 

Mimicry: Any martial arts I see? I can perfectly copy its movements, 

Formless Martial Arts: I can make my own Martial Art. 

Six Sense: I can feel danger, coming from anywhere. 

The six sense ability was kind of useless because my senses were already superhuman. I can hear most of Kings Landing, and can even feel the changer in wind vibrations, and atmospheric pressure. So I can't be caught off guard. 

Kings Landing sticks, but it's not bad. Flee bottom is where all the stink is. During Bobby Bs era was when the smell was overwhelming. 

Apparently you can smell kings landing before you even enter the gate. Thank god i wasn't born in that era. 

Anyway, my next gift is called Conqueror's Haki. It gives me the will of a supreme king. People with conqueror's haki are ones that are meant to lead. 

I haven't unlocked it yet, it seems my ambition isn't enough. I've expressed my goals for my future, but it seems I need to be more ambitious. 

My next gift is call the Immortal herb. It's from a series called UQ Holder. It was a pill that Juzō Shishimi took as a child. I gain immortality and a minor regeneration. It looks like tree roots when I have a wound. 

But thanks to my Heavenly Restriction, i already have regeneration so stacking these is a good thing. I have 150 herbs so I can give this to people that want them. 

(A/n: Obviously he's talking about his family. I have to clarify this because some people can't use context clues.) 

The first person I'll ask is great-grandma. She's getting old and I don't know want her to die. My great-grandfather is another story. 

I'm not really close to him. I think it's because I remind him of his son, but knowing the fact that I'am not his son pains him. So he keeps his distance. 

My father is a difficult one too. He does a lot of bad, but he's my father. Am I obligated to save him from his sickness? 

My mother is a no brainer. She's gonna live. That's the only way for me to feel good about myself. 

My last two gist are a personal dimension, and something called the multiverse system. I can access the dimension now, but the system is something that won't awaken for a while. 

I don't know when it will come but I don't really care. It's not like I can do anything about it, when it comes it comes. 

Now let's train, I'm currently making my own sword style, and martial art. So I need to focus. Nyra is gonna look for me after a hour so I have time. 

-POV End- 

-Date: 101 AC- 

-Location: Dragonstone- 

It was a cloudy day and a day of morning. The beloved Baelon Targaryen has died. He died of a burst belly. 

He was bedridden for the entire week because of a pain he felt on his side, after returning from a hunting trip in the kings wood. Five days later, he finally died. 

Rhaegar had thought it was poisoning, but when he went to see his grandfather, he did smell any poison from his wound. 

But how can a small cut on his side kill him so easily. What could possibly kill a healthy man so easily. 

They were currently watching his corpse burn at the hand of his dragon, Vhagar was the one who set fire to the pyre. Her greenish bronze colored flames danced while the wind blew. 

The king Jaehaerys had lost another son. Queen Alysanne wasn't in the best of times. She was depressed, and angry that she lost another child. With Gael being her only child alive. 

Saera had died while traveling at sea to Essos. After hearing that she and Jaehaerys became distant. He was the one who cast her out of the family. 

She may have been a scandalous woman but she was still their child. She didn't forgive Jaehaerys for that. 

Viserys and Daemon were both sad, but Daemon was more angry. He and Rhaegar. They were sure something happened to Baelon during his hunting trip. 

Lyanna calmed Daemon down while Aemma held both Rhaenyra and Rhaegar hands. 

Today a dragon had been put to rest. 

-2 weeks later- 

Jaehaerys had announced that Otto Hightower will become the new hand of the king. Meaning he and his daughter, Alicent, will live in the red keep. 

Rhaegar knew it was coming, so he just decided to train more. But he couldn't do that today because Laena had come. 

Laena had expressed her desire to become the new rider of Vhagar. so she was here today to see if she was compatible with the she dragon. 

To be continued


This chapter was more of an info dump. Next chapter will focus of progressing Rhaegar and Laena. There will be a timeskip after Jaehaerys names Viserys the next king. 

It will skip to a 16 year old Rhaegar and Laena. They will have their wedding, but they WILL NOT have children until later. 

It's gonna be around 116 AC when they have their first child. He'll be 24, that's the  best age imo. Laena will have a fully developed body, so carrying a child and birthing it will be less dangerous. 

You can guess who the first two kids will be. Baela and Rhaena. His next two children will be Oc. 

Oh and the system isn't gonna come until after the dance. Since I know some of you will ask. 

Thanks for reading.