
HOTD: Mafia King

Ayato Eiji, a young but influential Thug, gets killed after engaging in some intense R18 activities and transmigrates into the world of apocalypse and zombies. In a world where every rule is meant to be broken in order to survive, how would Ayato Eiji, who is desperate for action, fare? ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Additional Tags :- Gore, Smut, Gangs, Dark-world [Note : Cover Art Is Not Mine. Chapter uploading schedule 6chaps/Week.]

CorruptMind · Anime & Comics
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Chapter -3| The realisation.

Chapter -3.

"My, my, you sure are nimble, as the rumors say."

Ayato, who was now crouching on the ground, felt a metallic object touch his temples.

"However, sadly those rumors do not include the part where you have a tendency to poke your leader's girl in the wrong place."

Hearing the taut voice, Ayato raised his head to confirm that the man standing in front of him was indeed who he had assumed.

"Tsk, it's you, Baldly-uncle." Ayato cursed out loud.

"Now now, what's up with that reaction? You should be happy to see me because if the boss was to be here... you know what would've happened, keke." Baldy laughed as he took away the gun from Ayato's forehead.

"I know, you crazy old man, but you sure have a nice way to repay the favor." Ayato laughed while glaring directly into Baldy's eyes because he knew what it meant or to be specific where this situation was going to be just by being alone with the presence of this man standing in front of him who also was pointing a gun at him.

"Is there truly no alternative?" Standing up and reflecting on the events that had led to this situation, Ayato sighed.

"This time none... Well, if I were your age, I would have taken a chance to fight my way out; however, as you can see, all I can do now is curse like a frustrated old bull and use the left out predator aura."

"So you're in a pickle as well, huh?" Ayato sighed as he observed the robust old man, who although appeared in shape, lacked much tenacity.

However, If that was the case, Ayato would've jumped on him right away, but he knew that even though the old guy would do anything in his power to avoid getting blood on his hands, if he was ordered by that guy, the end was already decided.

"Not as much as you, but killing a boy I raised, who would've taken over my position someday if he wasn't an idiot who chased holes, is extremely difficult for a heart patient like me." Baldy motioned for him to return to the room.

Ayato smiles sadly upon listening to Baldy's rant and walks back inside the room; however, knowing that death was nothing but the truth of the universe he lazily sits down on the sofa and looks back at the baldy and asks, "So how's it going to be this time?"

However Baldy didn't answer his question and just sat down on the sofa in front of him.

"Hah, it's really hard, tsk." The old man clicked his tongue in annoyance but then looked at Ayato and said, "Eiji, how about having a drink with this old man."

"keke, you sure are getting old, baldy-uncle." Ayato smirked as the old man chose the easy way out over a bullet or a beating.

In any case, Ayato knew his time was up, and it was much better to die here in front of someone he depended on than to die in some bizarre ass factory or dangling upside down in some random basement while yet another comrade skinned you alive.

After a few moments of silent stares, the door to Room 716 opened, and yet another baldy with a bucket full of ice and bright red venom walked in.

"Thank you, Alberto." Ayato muttered as he reached for the fancy-looking bottle in the bucket.

"All right, baldy-uncle... Let us rejoice for the life of fulfilment and heart-pounding action you gave to me."


"I really wish I could help you, my child." When he saw the young one he had raised gulping down the venom in one go, his cold stone heart ached, but there was nothing he could do since the older he got, the more he weighed in favour of clinging to his remaining life.


"burp… That was a tasty beverage, old man, but what about Ai-chan? Are you going to k..." Ayato began to speak, but before he had a chance to finish, foam began bubbling out of his mouth, and he instantly fell back onto the couch, never to wake up again.

"Where is she?" Baldy turned to Alberto and inquired after seeing Ayato sleeping off in death's embrace.

"She's still weeping in the lavatory, hiding in a corner." Alberto replied.

"All right, let's get this job done." He stood up and started walking towards the lavatory.

As he walked through the small hallway leading to the loo, he saw countless human beings on the floor, drenched in blood.

"HaHa, that kid was really something." Baldy laughed menacingly, but there were lingering ceases of sadness in his laugh.


"Baldy-sama, should I dress her or drag her outside naked?" Alberto asked, looking at the woman who appeared to be dead since she was dead silent and didn't even flinch once he arrived; and now looking at her there was no hint of disgust or shame in his eyes.

"There's no need to do all that; let me just send her off as well, or else my child will probably get lonely on his way." Baldy-sama said as he drew his gun.

"What about the leader's order?" Alberto stuttered since he didn't dare to oppose either of them.

"Alberto, you must let go of the things you cherish or you, too, will end up like this old man."


The shot was fired, but the trigger was not hatred or lust for power, but rather a simple realisation.

[Scene change]

A transparent man suddenly appeared in a space that was bathed in bright light and an endless loop.

The man appeared befuddled by his surroundings.

"What is this, a gateway to hell?" The man inquired since he was aware that there was no room in heaven for someone like him.

Buzz.... Buzz...

The Bright hall trembled, as if it was dissatisfied with the man's deductive thinking.

[Would you like to reincarnate?]

"Huh! What's the deal with this strange screen?" The man pondered while attempting to touch the screen, but his hand passed right through it.

'I can't touch it... Is it because I'm in astral form?'

'Sigh, I wish I could be reborn as a mafia king like that man.' He was unable to touch the screen, so the man simply thought in his heart and began moving forward.

Ten minutes later.

"Wait, what the fuck is this? Why am I standing in front of this thing again?" When the man realised he was floating in front of the same screen he had seen ten minutes earlier, he cursed instinctively.

Note : Lend me some power-stones if you like the start and comment and let me know if you see any mistakes, peace ):

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