
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 27

After clearing the horde, we regrouped and settled down. Rei went to check on Saya, while Sawa and I scouted the area to search for any remaining infected and secure the front door.

"Takagi-san..." Kohta's voice trembled as he looked at Saya, concern etched on his face.

Rei and Shizuka-sensei rushed to Saya's side, their worry evident as they checked on her well-being.

 Amidst the chaos, Shizuka-sensei's haste nearly led to a mishap. As she hurried past Kohta, her momentum carried her forward, and in her rush, caused her to collide with Kohta, her chest unintentionally hitting him in the face with enough force to send him tumbling to the ground.

"Are you alright, Takagi?" Rei asked Saya, his voice laced with concern.

"Miyamoto..." Saya muttered weakly as Shizuka-sensei checked for any injuries.

The tension eased slightly as Saeko decided to break the silence. In a clear, confident voice, she addressed the group, "We are all acquainted with the school nurse, Dr. Marikawa, yes?" She then pointed towards Kyoko-sensei, who was keeping a watchful eye out the window. "And the biology teacher, Kyoko-sensei. I am Busujima Saeko of 3-A," she finished, introducing herself.

Takashi, who had been contemplating their next move, responded, "I'm Komuro Takashi from 2-B."

Hiashi, eager to avoid further awkwardness, quickly added, "I'm Hiashi from 2-B as well."

Rei, recognizing Saeko's name, blurted out, "You're the same Busujima-sempai who won at the national championship last year? I'm in the Sojutsu Club. My name is Miyamoto Rei." Her voice displayed a mix of awe and excitement.

Kohta, ever the one to blurt out his thoughts, stammered, "I'm, uhm, Hirano Kohta from 2-B."

Saeko, despite the tense situation, offered a warm smile to everyone. "A pleasure to meet all of you," she greeted kindly.

However, the moment of peace was short-lived. Kohta, unable to control his emotions, blurted out, "What the... You're so pretty."

"You call her Senpai? Seriously?" Saya pushed herself up after Shizuka-sensei finished checking her, her voice laced with a mix of disbelief and frustration.

The tension in the room felt thick enough to choke on. Saya's outburst hung in the air, laced with a raw mix of fear and anger.

"How can you all be so relaxed after all that just happened?" she continued, her voice trembling slightly. As I returned from my perimeter check, I observed the tense atmosphere in the room, Saya's distress evident despite her attempt to stand tall.

"You two are the same age! You clearly don't know how to count since you got held back a year!" Saya directed her frustration towards Rei, her voice laced with anger.

"Calm down, Saya," Takashi interjected, his voice calm and steady as he approached her. 

"Don't treat me like I'm a child! I'm not stupid! I can do anything I set my mind to!" Saya shouted, her voice rising with defiance. But as quickly as the outburst erupted, it seemed to fizzle out.

"I'm... I'm just..." Saya stammered, her frustration giving way to a wave of exhaustion. 

Before she could ramble further, I stepped forward, the echoes of my boots hitting the floor momentarily cutting through the chaos. All eyes turned to me, Saya included. Her face, pale and streaked with blood and tears, held a desperate vulnerability.

"That is quite enough," I stated, my voice firm but laced with a hint of concern. "You did your best, Princess." The nickname slipped out instinctively, a comfort born from countless childhood memories.

Saya's eyes widened for a moment, a flicker of recognition flickering across her stormy blue depths. My words seemed to have the desired effect, draining the anger from her voice as she stammered, "I'm... I'm..."

Before she could finish, I pulled her into a tight embrace. Her body, rigid at first, slowly relaxed against mine. The scent of blood and sweat mingled with the faint aroma of her shampoo, a stark reminder of the horrors we'd just faced.

"Your late..." she mumbled against my chest, her voice muffled by my shirt. "Look at how dirty I am...I need to tell Mom to get it cleaned..."

A lump formed in my throat. "I'm sorry I'm late, Saya," I whispered, trying my best to shield her face from prying eyes. But her tears, once restrained, fell freely now, soaking the fabric of my jacket.

With Saya's outburst simmering down, we moved toward the teacher's lounge. Working together, we used whatever furniture we could find to barricade the door, offering a flimsy shield against the threat outside. 

As I carried a still-shaken Saya into the makeshift shelter, Takashi's voice echoed in the room.

"Think it'll hold?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of doubt.

Hiashi, ever practical, replied, "It's not foolproof, that's for sure. But it might slow them down, buy us some time."

Saeko, surveying the group with a keen eye, observed the exhaustion etched on everyone's faces. "I believe we are all at our limits," she stated. "Let us rest here for a short while, conserve our energy."

With a heavy sigh, everyone shuffled to their chosen corners, collapsing onto the floor or chairs, seeking a moment of reprieve. 

The air hung heavy with the weight of the ordeal, punctuated only by the soft sounds of ragged breaths.

Unable to shake off the lingering worry, I approached Shizuka-sensei. "Hey, Shizuka-sensei," I began, my voice hushed, "Can you take a look at Saya? I'm concerned about the infected blood..."

"It's not a problem, Will-kun," she replied, her voice carrying a gentle assurance. "It is my duty as a nurse to check on my students, especially in a time like this."

With a grateful nod, I watched as Shizuka-sensei began her examination. Turning my attention to the room, I started rummaging through drawers, searching for anything that could be of use. 

Every piece of food, bottle of water, even a blunt object could potentially mean the difference between life and death in this new, unforgiving world.

As I searched, a heavy silence settled over the room, broken only by the quiet murmur of Shizuka-sensei's voice as she spoke to Saya. Despite the exhaustion clinging to each of us, a glimmer of resilience flickered in our eyes.

As I continued my search through the drawers, a voice broke the silence. I turned to find Rei approaching me, a playful yet concerned look on her face.

"Senpai, stealing is bad, you know," she teased, her voice barely a whisper.

I let out a chuckle, the sound a welcome break from the tense atmosphere. "Well, after all of this," I said, gesturing to the wreckage outside, "I think stealing is the least of our problems at the moment."

A smile spread across Rei's face, her eyes sparkling with a mix of understanding and determination. "Hmmm, true," she agreed. "Do you want some help?"

Grateful for her offer, I replied, "Yes, that would be very helpful, Rei."

She beamed, turning towards the opposite side of the room. "I'll get this side, Senpai," she declared, her voice filled with a newfound purpose. 

Soon, we were both rummaging diligently, searching for anything that could be of use.

Suddenly, my thoughts drifted towards the outside world. "Oh yeah, Rei," I asked, "have you tried contacting your dad?"

"That's right," Rei exclaimed, suddenly realizing something. She reached into her cleavage and pulled out her phone.I couldn't help but be impressed by her ability to keep her phone secure in such a place, especially after all the fighting we had endured. But my thoughts were interrupted by Rei's words, pulling me back to the present moment.

As the last digit clicked on the phone, Rei held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. The dial tone stretched into an agonizing eternity before a crackle broke the silence.

"Hello?" A voice, faint and distorted, came through the receiver. It was him.

"Dad?" Rei breathed, hope flooding her voice. "We're at school..."

"Hello? Rei?" The voice crackled again, the connection wavering like a flickering flame. "This... city... panic..."

Panic clawed at Rei's throat. "Dad? Can you hear me?" she shouted, desperation creeping into her voice.

The response was a garbled mess, punctuated by static bursts. "...get out... ASAP..." Then, silence.

The automated voice filled the air, cold and impersonal: "Out of range. End of call."

Rei stared at the phone, the blood draining from her face. The world seemed to tilt on its axis. The fragile hope that had buoyed her moments ago shattered, leaving behind a chilling fear.

"Out of range? But I just got through!" Rei's voice cracked, her hope dissolving into raw panic. "Why?!" Despair threatened to consume her, but before it could take hold, a hand gripped her shoulders.

"Rei. Calm down," I said firmly, my voice a steady anchor in the storm brewing within her. "I'm sure your dad is okay. He wouldn't say something like that unless it was important."

Rei looked up at me, her eyes filled with unshed tears. "Senpai..." Her voice trembled, barely a whisper.

She retreated to a corner, hugging her phone to her chest as if seeking solace from its cold plastic. Tears welled up, blurring the screen as she tried in vain to call her mom, only to be met with the same chilling silence.

After a few minutes, I noticed a flicker of determination replace the despair in Rei's eyes. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her tears and joined me. 

Together, we rummaged through the room, gathering any supplies we could find – duct tape, extra phones, anything that might help ensure our survival. Despite the uncertainty looming over them, Rei's actions spoke volumes. 

After that, Shizuka-sensei came to me, her usual air-headed demeanor intact. "She's alright. She doesn't seem infected. I only advised her to rest," she said absentmindedly, as if her thoughts were elsewhere.

"Thank you, sensei," I replied, appreciating her reassurance. But then she continued to gaze at me intently, her eyes fixed on mine. After a moment of silence, I couldn't help but ask, "Umm, sensei, do you need something from me?"

She suddenly snapped into a pensive pose, tapping her chin with her index finger. "I want a reward," she declared.

"A reward?" I repeated, slightly puzzled by her request. She nodded eagerly in response.

"I want you to pat my head, like what you did with Saya. She seemed to like it when you did that, and I want to know how it feels," she explained with an innocent smile.

Feeling a bit bemused but willing to indulge her request, I gently patted her head, running my fingers through her silky blonde hair. She closed her eyes, seemingly lost in the sensation, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in the simple gesture. After a few seconds, I withdrew my hand, and Shizuka-sensei opened her eyes, looking contented.

As I withdrew my hand, Shizuka-sensei opened her eyes, looking contented. "Thank you, Will-kun," she said softly, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"You're welcome, sensei," I replied with a small smile, finding her request oddly endearing amidst the chaos surrounding us.

Just then, Sawa approached us, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What's going on here?" she teased, raising an eyebrow at Shizuka-sensei.

Shizuka-sensei quickly composed herself, her air-headed facade returning. "Oh, nothing at all, Sawa-chan," she replied cheerfully, though a hint of embarrassment lingered in her tone.

Sawa chuckled knowingly. "Well, as long as you're both having fun," she remarked with a playful wink before turning her attention back to our surroundings.

She nods and walks away. I'm glad she's happy, but that was still confusing. I then headed toward the bathroom and knocked at the door.

"Hey Saya, it's me," I called out as she opened the door, her face still wet, likely from washing her tears away. She held a towel in her hand.

"What do you want, Will?" she asked, her voice trying to maintain calmness, though I could sense her embarrassment after crying on my shirt and trying to hide it from the others.

"Just coming to check on my favorite princess," I replied with a gentle smile, attempting to pat her head. She swatted my hand away.

"I just washed my hair, Will," she protested.

"Right, right," I responded, realizing that maybe my gesture was a bit too childish for her liking.

She turned around to try and put her contacts in, but they kept slipping out.

Feeling frustrated, she turned around and rummaged in her bag, pulling out a case and opening it to reveal a familiar pair of pink-rimmed glasses. She wore them and adjusted them in the mirror.

"Oh, you still wear these, huh? I thought you threw them away when you entered high school," I commented, looking at Saya.

"You still look cute in them, by the way. Honestly, I preferred this look," I added as she turned around, whipping her hair at me.

It hit me in the face. "My eyes! Saya, you!" I pretended to be hurt, and she chuckled, seeming to loosen up.

She composed herself and left the bathroom. As she left, I couldn't help but smile. Despite the chaos around us, moments like these brought a sense of normalcy.

After a moment, I followed Saya out of the bathroom. Kohta then approaches the bathroom to check on Saya "Are you okay, Takagi-san?"

"G-Glasses?" Shocked to see Saya wearing glasses 

"What about them?" As she looks at Kohta

Kohta waiting for a response as Saya felt frustrated for Kohta standing there waiting for an answer "My contacts kept falling out!" As she threw her towel at Kohta's

"Glasses~" Kohta still imagining Saya with glasses. I just look at Kohta weirdly as I followed behind Saya.

Hiashi approached Takashi, offering him a water bottle. "Here you go," he said, his voice calm and steady despite the tension in the air.

"Thanks, Hiashi," Takashi said, accepting the water bottle with a grateful nod. He took a long gulp, the coolness momentarily relieving the tension in his throat.

"Where are your car keys, Marikawa-sensei?" he asked, turning to Shizuka, their eyes meeting for a brief moment.

"Oh, they're in my bag," Shizuka replied, rummaging through her purse with a slightly flustered expression.

"Do you think your vehicle is spacious enough to fit all of us, Marikawa-sensei?" Takashi continued, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

Shizuka paused, her hand momentarily hovering over her belongings. "Now that you mention it..." she mused, her eyes darting around the room as if considering the logistics. 

It was clear she was contemplating their options, a touch of worry etched on her features.

Suddenly, Kyoko-sensei interjected, her voice cutting through the thoughtful silence. "We were actually planning on taking the miniature buses used for club activities," she explained, pointing towards a wall rack where several sets of keys hung. "They should be big enough to accommodate everyone."

Rei, who had been peering out the window, exclaimed excitedly, "They're here!" pointing towards the familiar silhouette of the club buses parked outside.

A wave of relief washed over the group. The uncertainty regarding their transportation had been swiftly resolved.

Saeko furrowed her brow, a flicker of worry crossing her features. "That's a good idea, but where do we even start?"

Takashi, his jaw clenched tight, took a deep breath. "We head to our families. We'll check everyone's homes, starting with the closest and working our way outwards." His voice was firm, yet laced with a tremor of uncertainty.

"And if they need us?" Saeko asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Takashi met her gaze, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll do everything we can to help them. But first, getting there safely is priority."

A heavy silence descended upon the group, the weight of the situation settling in. 

I approached Rei, who sat glued to the television screen. Her face was pale, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at the images flickering before her.

"What is it?" I asked gently, my voice barely above a whisper.

Without turning her head, Rei pointed towards the television in a trembling hand. "What the..." she stammered, her voice choked with emotion.

I followed her gaze, and a wave of nausea washed over me. The news report displayed scenes of utter devastation. Flames engulfed buildings, and the desperate cries of injured people echoed through the speakers. The stark reality of their situation hit me like a physical blow.

I turned back to the group, their faces reflecting the same horror that mirrored my own. Fear flickered in their eyes, and the once determined plan to reach their families now seemed daunting and filled with unimaginable dangers.

"What's on the news?" Saeko approached me as she asked. As everyone started to gather as hear the devastating news.

The clear-cut plan they had formulated moments ago now seemed riddled with unforeseen challenges.

They exchanged silent glances, the weight of the news report hanging heavy in the air. The question hung over them, unspoken yet clear: how could they possibly navigate through this unfolding nightmare and reach their loved ones alive?

The news report crackled with static as the anchor continued, "...government has started to take action against this escalating crisis. However, politicians..." Her voice trailed off, replaced by a growing sense of urgency.

"Revolt? They're calling this a revolt?!" Rei scoffed, her voice laced with disbelief. The situation was far worse than anyone had imagined.

Suddenly, a banner flashed across the screen: "Breaking News: Saitama Correspondent Reports." The image shifted to a bustling park in Saitama, where a young reporter stood, microphone in hand.

"The number of deaths in the Saitama prefecture has tragically surpassed 10,000," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "The governor has declared a state of emergency--"

Before she could finish, a deafening gunshot echoed through the room. The camera lurched as the anchor ducked, her face contorted in fear.

"That was gunfire! Just now, the police opened fire!" a panicked voice shouted from off-screen.

"What are they shooting at?!" The reporter cried, our eyes glued to the screen. The camera panned, revealing a scene of utter chaos. 

An ambulance crew desperately wheeled in bodies, only to have the lifeless figures rise again, their moans echoing through the park. Police officers, faces grim, fired upon the reanimated corpses.

The camera jerked violently, then fell silent. A bloodcurdling scream pierced the air, followed by the anchor's frantic plea: "No! Stay away! Help!"

The room erupted in a collective gasp. The weight of the situation slammed into them, the horrifying reality of their world laid bare. The news report, meant to provide answers, had only intensified their fear, leaving them facing a future far more terrifying than any of them could have imagined.