
HOTD: Aerion Targaryen

- I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 34

Otto's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized his daughter. "What do you mean, blood magic? Explain everything clearly," he demanded, his patience wearing thin.

Taking a deep breath, Alicent began to recount the events of the previous night. She described how Aerion used blood magic to heal Viserys, detailing the ritual and its aftermath. As she spoke, Otto's frown deepened, his expression growing darker with each word.

"So, he performed a ritual?" Otto mused, his tone more contemplative. "This blood magic... it's the same ancient power that allowed the Valyrian Dragonlords to conquer and rule much of the known world. There are even rumors that dragons themselves were products of such magic. It's a power both formidable and terrifying."

Alicent nodded, her eyes filled with worry. "Yes, Father. This is why I'm afraid. Aerion's knowledge of blood magic makes him a threat we cannot ignore."

Otto's demeanor shifted to one of cautious optimism. "While blood magic is indeed powerful, it must have limitations. Aerion hasn't used it until now, not even when his own mother was dying. This suggests he can only use it under specific circumstances."

"But your actions could provoke him," Alicent argued, her voice tinged with desperation. "If you push Aegon's claim to the throne, Aerion might be forced to use his magic against my children. I can't take that risk."

Otto shook his head, his expression stern. "Whether we act or not, your children are already at risk. Aegon is the king's firstborn son, and Rhaenyra is the named heir. Conflict is inevitable. One day, Rhaenyra will come for your children, and you'll regret these naive thoughts."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "And consider this: Aerion's blood magic likely requires Targaryen blood as a medium. He loves his sister too much to sacrifice her, but your children could be seen as expendable."

Alicent's heart sank. The gravity of the situation was clear. She couldn't simply ignore her father's words.

"But those are just your speculations," Alicent whispered, her voice barely audible.

Otto's eyes softened slightly, but his resolve remained firm. "Perhaps they are, but are you willing to gamble your children's lives on the hope that Rhaenyra and Aerion may show mercy? Are you truly prepared to leave everything to chance without taking any precautions?"

"I... I don't know," Alicent stammered, her voice faltering.

Seeing her hesitation, Otto pressed on. "You are an adult now, a queen and a mother. You must have the wisdom to see the dangers ahead and act accordingly."

Alicent remained silent, her mind racing with the implications of her father's words. She knew he had a point, but the thought of endangering her children was unbearable.

Satisfied that he had made his point, Otto turned and moved towards the door. "Think carefully, Alicent. The future of our house depends on it." With that, he opened the door and left the chamber, leaving Alicent to grapple with her thoughts.

As the door closed behind him, Alicent sank into a chair, her mind a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty.


Days passed,

The Redkeep buzzed with whispers and rumors, none louder than the murmurs of the king's conscience. It wasn't merely guilt or the love for his son that troubled him, but a profound awakening. Prince Aerion's selfless sacrifice of twenty-five years of his life had stirred something within King Viserys that had long lain dormant.

Viserys, a king known more for his kindness and understanding than for decisive action, was acutely aware of his own flaws. He knew he had been a good king, but not a great one. Today, however, he was determined to honor his son's selfless act by setting his mind to be decisive and resolute.

Within three days, the members of the small council began to arrive, their carriages clattering over the cobblestones of the capital, banners fluttering in the wind. One by one, they entered the hallowed halls of the council chamber, each bringing their own thoughts and speculations.

All had gathered, save for Lord Corlys, who was embroiled in battle with the Stepstones. His absence was a silent testament to the ongoing strife. The councilors, clad in their finery, exchanged greetings and subtle glances, their minds teeming with questions.

Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, found himself the center of their inquiries. "What urgency calls us here?" they asked, their voices a mixture of curiosity and concern. Otto, ever the stoic, could only offer his ignorance as a reply, for the king had kept him in darkness.

The chamber was filled with tense anticipation, the air thick with the scent of polished wood and wax. The lords took their seats, the murmur of their voices ebbing and flowing like the tide. It was then that the doors of the council hall swung open, and King Viserys entered.

The members rose as one, their greetings echoing off the stone walls. Viserys, his countenance grave yet resolute, acknowledged them with a nod. His presence commanded silence. His visage, once marred by illness, now radiated health, causing a stir among the council members.

Lord Lyonel Strong was the first to break the silence. "Your Grace, you appear rejuvenated. The Maesters must be commended for their diligence," he said, his voice echoing in the chamber.

Viserys offered a wry smile. "Indeed, Lord Strong, but it is not the Maesters to whom I owe my recovery. It is my son, Prince Aerion, whose wisdom surpasses his years."

A murmur rippled through the room. Lord Lyman leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Prince Aerion has always been known for his valor, not his knowledge of the healing arts. What remedy did he conjure to bring about such a transformation?"

The king's laughter filled the room, light and carefree. "Ah, Lord Lyman, that is a tale for another time. Today, we have more pressing matters to discuss."

Grand Maester Mellos adjusted his chain, the links clinking softly. "With all due respect, Your Grace, such a discovery could revolutionize the healing practices of the Citadel. It is imperative that we learn from the prince."

Viserys nodded, acknowledging the Grand Maester's point. "Your concern is noted, Grand Maester. However, Aerion's methods are not easily replicated" he tried to explain.

Observing the happy and rejuvenated king, Otto Hightower's gaze lingered on him, his expression unreadable.

Unlike the rest of the lords here he knew the secret behind the king's newfound vitality, a truth that weighed heavily on his heart. When Viserys raised his hand to silence the room, Otto could only wonder at the ramifications of what was to come.

After some small talks and kingdom's affairs were discussed Viserys decided to come to the main point of today's discussion.

Inside the chamber of the small council, tension thickened the air. King Viserys stood at the head of the table, his gaze sweeping over the assembled lords and ladies, each adorned in their house colors.

"Before we delve into the main matter of today's gathering, I thank you all for gathering at such short notice," Viserys began, his voice steady and commanding. "I have called this meeting to discuss a matter of great importance—the appointment of a new Commander of the City Watch."