
HOTD- Rise of the Fire Emperor

In the mystical realm of Planetos, a tale of epic proportions unfolds, where destiny weaves its intricate tapestry around a young lad of but ten tender years. Our story commences in the depths of an ancient chasm, a place shrouded in mystery, teeming with whispers of long-forgotten entities, their voices resonating with prophecies that would shape the very course of history. This lad, who had once been but a curious Westerosi youth, embarked upon a fateful journey that forever altered his destiny. As he descended into the abyss, the chasm's enigmatic voices spoke of a future filled with unimaginable exploits and untold power. He emerged not as the boy who had ventured into the darkness, but as Agni, the First Fire Emperor, a name that would resound through the ages. Yet, fate had even more in store for our young hero. Coincidentally, within the same vessel, the boy shared his being with an unexpected passenger—a transmigrator from Earth. A convergence of two worlds, two souls, bound by the threads of destiny, as they navigated a realm brimming with magic, intrigue, and peril. In this extraordinary narrative, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, as Agni the First Fire Emperor embarks on a journey of self-discovery, power, and transformation, guided by the ancient voices of the chasm and his unexpected Earthly companion. As their destinies intertwine, the world of Essos will bear witness to a legend like no other, a tale that will captivate readers and immerse them in a world where the extraordinary becomes reality, and where the flames of destiny burn brighter than ever before. Will publish 5 chapters throughout the week, off on Saturday and Sunday. This can change to 7 chapters a week if I reach the top 5 of the power stone chart. You can read 15 chapters ahead of the release on Webnovel by accessing my Patreon. p@treon.com/Rhagnar just type patreon normally I wrote it that way to avoid censoring. I do not own the works of George RR Martin under A Song of Ice and Fire. I do not own Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon all its trademarks and copyrights are the exclusive property of HBO and its subsidiaries. Any characters that I create in the story are solely owned by me and of my creation. The cover is also not owned by me and was taken as a stock image from Google, If the original owner wishes for me to take it down then they may contact me.

Rhagnar2018 · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Mermaid's Tail

Dan followed Evelyn through the town streets, looking around and staying vigilant throughout. Even though he knew she had Damian's soul in her doesn't mean that he could trust her he needed to be wary if anything as a woman in this era involved in the business of robbing people could not be simple. Danger screamed from everywhere around Evelyn and Dan had also noticed at least two individuals following them around ever since he made contact with Evelyn.

In his mind, he figured that they were Evelyn's lackeys and there was no harm in letting them tail him because if they had wanted to harm Evelyn and himself they would have done it when they were in the alley.

'Damian, can you try to control or exert any force over the soul piece she has within her?', Dan inquired.

'Let me try it first', with that Damian began to focus on his soul trying to call the piece towards him. As soon as he caught hold of it and began pulling on the soul piece Evelyn who had been walking rather commandingly through the streets suddenly halted her steps staggering as she reached towards the wall near her to gather her balance. As Damian began to increase the force of his spiritual pull, Evelyn began heaving and clutching her head.

Seeing this sudden change in her demeanour the two followers immediately made their presence known as they took out their knives and approached Dan from different directions. Dan did not resist he only told Damian to stop whatever he was doing so that she doesn't die.

"Alright smart boy you better tell us fast what you did to her before we slit your throat", one of the thugs demanded. He wore a black fur coat on himself hiding his lanky physique to showcase dominance with leather boots and a sword hanging on his waist. He had a large beard covering his face with some dew still stuck within it. His black eyes spoke of ferociousness, detailing a man who had seen many fights and death yet there was also tiredness within him, reflected from his snow-white face wrung of all colour.

"It is alright Jack he didn't do anything something just happened to me all of a sudden", Evelyn stated with whatever space she could find within her long drawn breaths.

"You sure about that Evie?", he asked questioningly.

"Yes I'm sure", with that confirmation he removed the knife with a gruff sound signalling his partner to do the same. Dan simply smiled at the entire altercation not thinking upon it further.

"Are you alright Evelyn?", he inquired from the maiden who seemed to be sweating buckets even in this cold winter. She didn't speak to him but only nodded in affirmation and then began to lead the entourage again as they finally stopped before an inn.


POV Evelyn

The Mermaid's Tail Inn stood proudly at the edge of a cobbled market square, its timber-framed facade weathered by time and history. A mermaid's symbol, intricately carved in wood, adorned the inn's front door, an enigmatic and alluring sigil that piqued the curiosity of passersby. The mermaid, with her flowing hair and shimmering tail, seemed to whisper tales of mystery and adventure to those who gazed upon her.

Inside the inn, a cosy ambience enveloped its patrons. A hearth crackled merrily, filling the air with warmth and the comforting scent of burning wood. The low hum of laughter and conversation intermingled with the melodic tunes of a minstrel, who strummed his lute in a corner, regaling the crowd with old ballads and epic tales of knights and dragons.

The ground floor was open to all who sought rest and companionship. Travellers from distant lands mingled with locals, sharing their stories and experiences over hearty meals and tankards of ale. The innkeeper, a stout and friendly woman, greeted everyone with a warm smile, ensuring each guest felt welcome and at ease.

Yet, unbeknownst to most, a hidden secret awaited those with the right connections. At the inn's far corner, discreetly hidden from casual sight, a concealed staircase leading up to the reserved first floor. Here, amidst the dim glow of candlelight, the smugglers gathered to discuss their clandestine affairs. The walls were adorned with nautical maps and mysterious artefacts, while the whispers of secretive dealings filled the air.

The Fishhook gang was a diverse and elusive group, comprising men and women from all walks of life. Some were grizzled sailors with sea-salted beards, while others were cunning merchants with sharp business acumen. They were united by their shared thirst for adventure and profit, willing to navigate the treacherous waters of illicit trade and hidden treasures.

The innkeeper, though aware of the smugglers' activities, discreetly turned a blind eye, knowing that they brought a steady flow of coin to her establishment. Their gatherings remained a well-kept secret, known only to a select few trusted individuals who ensured the gang's security and anonymity.

Rumours of the inn's hidden first floor occasionally reached the ears of curious wanderers, but these tales were often dismissed as mere legends or exaggerated tales told by storytellers to entertain the masses. The truth remained safely concealed within the inn's walls.

For me, this was my home where I was raised from the tender age of five to the lady I had now become at seven and ten years old. Yet today of all days I encountered what could only be one of the strangest occurrences in the town in ages. A man around the same age as mine entered the city wearing nothing but white fox fur over his body and made his way around 3 busy streets pickpocketing any man that brushed past him. It was a sight to behold because he was seriously good at it too.

so I began following him and he continued his efforts for quite a while as well, I could imagine he may have amassed quite a haul during this time. Finally, my curiosity got the better of me as I approached him while he was trying to run away from one of his failed attempts at the art of pickpocketing. It occurred to me then that mayhaps I could recruit him into the gang with his skills he would certainly be a welcome addition.

He certainly was good on the eyes, his black hair with hues of red was most certainly a unique feature but what made my heart scare was not his hair, his well-developed body or the sharp jawline he had but his eyes one red and one yellow. He had eyes in two hues a feature I had never seen before maybe he was blessed by the Old Gods, or he was cursed. When I peered into his eyes as I spoke to him I felt the sensation as if something was looking back at me from deep within them, something that wasn't the man standing before me.

On our journey towards the inn, I began to feel uneasy and then suddenly I felt as if someone was trying to rip my body in two pieces, the sudden sensation halted me as I was attacked by a massive headache. my eyes became hazy as I was unable to see properly and my nose began to bleed for I could taste my own blood on my lips. Somehow I balanced myself but the experience was harrowing for I failed to see that Jack had almost slit Damian's throat in my absence.

I diffused the situation and persuaded everyone to continue not before wiping my face clean of the blood yet I continued to sweat profusely even after we made it to our destination. I had the man settled in by talking to mother who was the innkeeper. She glared at me questioningly but for now, I didn't have any time to entertain her queries for I felt all strength leaving my body. I told Damian to meet me in the lounge in the evening for the important matter we discussed before. He simply acquiesced and walked away to his quarters. I too went to my room and laid on the bed, time for some shut eye.