
Hot Girl and Her Gay Boyfriend

Petite_Coconut · LGBT+
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Once upon a Summer

In the beginning...

Once upon a summer, basically the time when it all happened. There was a girl named Tae, who recently moved to a new city with her queer sister Mae. Tae and Mae we're the new girls in town and the new kids at school.

On the first day when the kids at Curro high met the two sisters, they started to worship them, for their beauty was too irresistible and magical as they described. Indeed, the Rian sisters were like goddesses as their beauty is so ethereal.

The two sisters moved from their old neighborhood, across the country to California for a new start. Well, every new beginning does have a previous nasty ending, which we'll get to discuss later...

Tae is around the age of 17, 159 cm tall, cinnamon-skin-like, with long shiny brunette hair, greyish-green eyes, and female. She insisted on using females in everything because she is a bit homophobic and that's all it takes for her to hate her sister.

She uses the excuse of hating her sister on a personal level to hate every other queer person.

However, 24-year-old Mae doesn't care about her sister's hatred towards her, instead, she cares for her and kes responsibility while their parents are away for business.

Mae is currently single but not ready to mingle because of the current issue with her sister.

Tae goes to Curro high while Mae attends Curro international college.

Every morning Mae drops Tae at school in a Porsche SUZ model 1 (which makes everyone gush over them) since their school is opposite each other.