
Host of Love System

one day zhou Qingqing was bound to " love system " due to car accident after being cheat by her boyfriend . system said if she clear the missions given by him. she can return to her world or grant one wish . In order to return home she start to complete the missions. later she discovered that her all missions targets were all freaking abnormal . First World murder male lead : xiao Qing do you want me to lock you up zhou Qingqing :no , why!!! murder male lead : then say I love you zhou Qingqing : I love you murder male lead : good girl Second World emperor : won't you take responsibility of me zhou Qingqing : but... emperor show her sword : you don't want to zhou Qingqing : no, I will take responsibility emperor smile : come here wifey Another w Marshal : will you marry me zhou Qingqing : why would I Marshal : oh, you want child first . let's make one zhou Qingqing : stop . I will marry you . . . . . . . Few worlds later zhou Qingqing : wuwuwu system I want to quite system : you jumped into the pit yourself A/N : English is not my first language, so if I make some mistakes. let me know, so I can correct them and thanks for reading my novel. Tags # System # Modern world # western # fantasy # Historical # vampire # cultivator # beastmen # mafia # demons # game # obsessive male lead # quick transmigration # game #zombies #ghost #CEO # survival.

NightFariy · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Midnight someone enter Levi room , he knew these familiar presence. Then he hear whisper " your majesty wake up "

Xiao Qing slowly shake him .

" What are you doing here at this time "

Xioa Qing seriously said " it's emergency, your majesty you have to come with me "

Levi immediately stand up " what happened? "

" You will know when you come with me "

Levi cover himself like xioa Qing and they left imperial palace. They stop at one alley .

" Where are we " Levi asked

" We are one of the famous street of the capital your majesty " Xiao Qing cheerfully said.

" I know but what are we doing here "

" Well today is new year festival , I wanted to go with you on date and you will have not go , if I didnt make a excuse " Xiao Qing nervously said.

Levi couldn't even get angry at her but he was happy to hear that she wanted to go date with him .

When Xiao Qing didn't hear anything from him. She sadly said " Are you going back your majesty , won't you go on date with me "

Levi hide his smile " Since we're here, It won't hurt to see festival before going "

Xiao Qing eyes shine with excitement .

" really your majesty "

Levi was taking in every expression of her , she is really cute.

Xiao Qing take out two bottles of blue liquid and give one to Levi . Levi didn't know where these bottles come from " what is this "

Xiao Qing explain " this is magic potion. It can change once eyes and hair colors "

Levi look suspiciously at the bottles in her hand " I will just show you then she drink the magic potion and few seconds later she changed "

Levi look surprisely at her , her eyes and hair colors trun black like night but she still were beautiful or more beautiful than before. This was her original form .

Levi blushe his ears trun red but he didn't take his eyes off of her .

She tilted her head " do I look bad "

" No , You're beautiful "

She said "you just have to imagine which colour do you want and it'll done "

Levi took it and his hair and eyes colour change golden to brown. It's was common but it didn't hide his beauty.

" You look good your majesty~~~ " Xiao Qing playfully said.

" Let's go "

Levi grab her hand , she look questionly at him. Levi wanted to pinch her cheeks " you can call me Levi "

" What " she look surprised

Levi chuckled " you can't call me your majesty in front of people right "

Well that's the reason we drink magic potion .

She smile " Levi "

Levi feels embarrassed and happy at the same time. Xioa Qing didn't wait for his response and take his hand in her hand " let's go Levi "

(Ding love meter increase to 40 % and hate meter decrease to 25% )

Xiao Qing ignore system notification.xiao Qing take Levi to every stall and let him try everything . Levi experience something new he doesn't have to hide it, this place was not royal palace and here was no one who wanted to poison him . He enjoy the happiness of commoner . Xioa Qing hear the music, couples were dancing . Xiao Qing take him to stage and places his hand on her waist , Levi stiffed " Levi its okay to make mistakes because we're here to enjoy ourselves "

Levi relaxed, he was nervous at first but soon he started to enjoy . They dance until breathless. They hear applaud, one woman said to xioa Qing they look good together.

Xiao Qing blushed and nod her head . Levi cover his face with hand and hide his smile.

" Should we see fireworks before going " Xioa Qing look at him with puppy eyes.

Levi cough and said " okay "

Xiao Qing drag him into alley .

" Where are we going "

" Where view is best " she smile

They were setting on the roof of clock tower , the view from there was very good .

" How do you know this place " Levi asked

" Well, when I'm feeling down , I always come here . This helps me clear my mind and we can also see the stars from here "

She share her secret place, he feel happy. Then fireworks starts , she look dazed. She remembers her world.

" It's beautiful right? " She smile

" Yeah , truly beautiful " he mumbled

He was looking at xioa Qing . Magic Potion were wore out, xioa Qing teg her hair behind ears .

She feel nervous " your majesty I have something for you "

Levi trun around to look , xioa Qing take his hand and put something on it .

" a gift " she nervously look at him.

Levi open his close hand , there was a jade ring . It has very unique design, he has everything, he seen countless treasures but this was first time. He was given cheap gift but he didn't feel offended,on the other hand he feel very happy.

Xioa Qing didn't hear reply, Levi was just glaring the jade ring .

" do you not like it " Xiao Qing pout.

Xiao Qing try to take back but Levi grab her hand " it's mine now , you can't take it back"

There was also jade ring on Xiao Qing finger . So they were couples rings but when did she buy them.

" Shall we go back your majesty " Xiao Qing stand up.

They returned to his room.

" Do you like our date " she look innocently at him .

Levi wanted to tease her but he answer honestly " yeah "

He smile , Xiao Qing look surprised. She see first time Levi smile sincerely. She sneakily peak him on lips.

She make a distance between them .

" Good night your majesty "

She leaves him in daze and get in her room. levi spend sleepless night again but xioa Qing sleep soundly.

Next morning little white wake her up.

( Little white pout : what were you doing last night )

( Xioa Qing carelessly said: enjoying the festival )

( Little white: you have gone without me )

( Xioa Qing said sorry : next time I will take you with me )

( Little white mood improve : you promise)

( Yeah )

( Did you notice anything suspicion )

Xioa Qing send him to monitor duke William and his sister.

( He met some suspicion people and large weapons were transport and duke sister lily is also weird like she is in his control )

( I can't accept less from him )

( Little white can you do soul scan on Levi , I suspect he is lu chenan )

( Little white: It's not impossible , there is 1% chance that he has come to this world )

He really give me familiar feeling. I believe he is lu chenan.

( How much time it will take )

( Little white : It will take few days )

( Okay )

Some days laters at night outside of the palace " you guys won't let me rest " she feels irritated.

" Did you guys finished " she asked to Emmy, Leo and Alex.

" Yeah our sides are clear guild leader " Leo cheerfully said while cleaning blood from his face.

" Good" she pat him in head .

" Do it for me too " Emmy demand.

Xioa Qing pat Emmy and said to Alex playfully " do you wanna be Parise too "

" No I'm good " he said with expressionless face.

" Okay , guys deal with them and find out who is behind them "

Next day in the morning xioa Qing, Levi , captain and Levi secetary were gether in the Levi office. Xiao Qing inform him about last night and reported the nobles that were sending the assassins .

After Levi singnal Xiao Qing explain to everyone. After hearing that everyone face were serious .

" These nobles are getting restless but they won't do anything like this, unless someone else was behind them " xioa Qing thoughtfully said.

Captain was shocked " so you mean , they are just puppets "

" Well , your majesty reputation is not good. He is know as tryat and they can't face him head on " Xiao Qing shrugged.

Secetary take off his glasses " so best solution is , we have to made his majesty reputation better and get supporters "

" One more thing you have to deal with the spies in the palace "

Their faces trun ugly " why are you guys so serious, here is the list " she give Levi piece of paper.

Levi was silent whole time, he give list to captain . Captain read the list and clenched his fists " how dare they "

" Deal with them " Levi give the task to captain.

He takes his leave .

Xiao Qing said " I can take other task "

Levi face wrinkle " your duty is to keep me safe "

" But I have people who are expert in this field , it's not that hard ." Xioa Qing wink at him.

Secetary eyes almost pop out . He look at the two of them, Levi ears were trun red . So that's their relationship, your majesty taste are really different from others.

" Do whatever you want "

Xioa Qing kiss his cheek and vanished from room . Levi look at his secretary , he was also looking at him .

" What are you looking at " Levi look at him coldly .

He compose himself " no , it's nothing "

" Good, then do your work "

" Yes , your majesty " and he walk away.