
Horus the falcon

This is a story about Horus, who was a superhuman, living in the lands of the god's and fairies. This story is full of monsters who were fighting the children of the light. Horus had a destiny to bring together the magic world and the human world together. He is met with many experiences in his journey as he travels in the human world. He is challenged by the Lord of Darkness Seth into his throne, who keeps fighting against him and destroying his plans, and Horus should act as the protector. A war takes place between Horus armies and that of Seth and a great final frontier is confronted in who the victor has to take the throne as one is defeated. Horus then must build the new world, with his wife Xena beside him.

Iman_Questa · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

They went inside back with Xiang and while they walked he said ''I can see you two love birds are connecting''. They giggled andn walked back to the chamber. Sir Lancelot said ''Oh yes, good to have you back, have some wine'' Troy was already seated with a wine glass, and Sir. Lancelot said ''Lets continue before bed to give all the details''. They discussed there till midnight and then went to bed. The next morning the ship had arrived just before breakfast and all they all once again sat down to eat. Sir. Lancelot said'' So the missions begins in two months'' Troy responded ''We agreed yes, but I still have to convene with the elders to give a go aheadm but its most assured that we willl start at the time frame we placed''. Xiang said '''Welll gentleman, the ship is already outside here for you to take you back home''. Sir Lancelot said ''I willl suggest that the process of sending Horus to earth be done at your home stead with alll the people of the villlage assisting in conjoining energy for this transition. Troy said ''You couldnt have set it better''. Xiang said ''We will jon with the avatar bodies for the two''. After the meal they left for the ship back to the their own planet, and arrived at home. Ma came to greet them as they arrived and Troy had to give them the news. Troy left Horus at home and went ro consult with the elders and tell them news and make a decision about the mission. The elders also agreeed with the plan and had Troy rolling the plans for the event. After the elders meeting, Troy had a private meeting with the Senior elder, who called hiim closer and said ''Are you sure the boy is ready''? Troy responded ''Absolutely, we have all the plans organised'', the Senior elder said ''Very well then, we have made you to be still in charge of the mission for Horus while his there and now you and him must now meet the Dragon.''. Troy looked shocked and responded ''Oh, but I thought someone else more suitable than I would be chosen for that, I planned this time without the mission with the boy to invest in me and getting married and children''. The Senior elder giggled and said ''You can still do all those things, as the boy wont be a fulltime job now, others will assist''. Troy bowed his head and nodded, whilst the Senior elder said ''So you want to settle down with family, have you identified a wife for you''? Troy smiled and said ''Yes, its Lalitha, and I wanted to ask you to come ask her for me for a hand in marriege'', the Senior elder nodded in agreement to the proposal, and they dispersed. The next morning it was school time for Horus, and Sophie had come to pick him up for school. While they went together, Sophie asked Horus ''So when is the big day for your mission''? and Horus responded ''Its in a month time, its already here''. Sophie said ''You must be nervous''? Horus replied ''It does give me the chills'' and they both laughed, while Sophie dropped Horus by his school, and his friends were waiting for him, and came to greet him as he arrived. Hrecules said ''We cant wait for you to start your mission, we were told that we can join you on the final frontier there to assist you''. Horus said ''We we starting in a month time with the mission''. They all went inside school, and whole weeks passed, and the time for the misssion had arrived.