
Horses in the Falcon

(novel library) Your people roam the Great Steppe, chased and challenged by the fearsome Tribe of the Black Wolf. Their leader, the shaman Zhan-Ukhel, calls forth savage magic from Chernobog, the god who rules their tribe. Your tribe must have a leader who can call down protection from the gods. That leader is you, and this is your saga. Rule your tribe as an iron-fisted chieftain or as a benevolent guardian. Will your allies support you on the field of battle? Will the gods come when you need them most? Do you even need the gods to smite your enemies, or will you seize divine power for yourself?

NonstopGarbage6 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
710 Chs


Zhan-Ukhel has shown himself to be a powerful force on the battlefield," says Kral, "but who has he been tested against? I'll tell you—small tribes who could muster barely a hundred warriors against him. We estimate that his army totals fewer than five thousand warriors, many of whom are drawn from those same tribes he has absorbed into his own. Fewer than five thousand, lacking the will to fight, set against the eight thousand who have pledged themselves to the combined army of the northern steppe. I have seen enough winters to know that nothing is ever certain in war, but I would say that the odds are certainly in our favor."