
Horror Short Stories Collection

Chilled Paranormal Keeps Happening Around Us , Few are Victims while other are total unaware of such malevolent Entities

Sanjeev_Bhide_5554 · Urban
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Incubus ( For 18+, Disturbing languages, scenes)

Incubus ( For 18+, Disturbing languages, scenes)

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst towering mountains, there lived a woman named Neeta. Neeta was an outcast, not because she had committed any wrongdoing, but simply because she was born with a face that society deemed ugly. Her dark skin and unconventional features made her the subject of ridicule and scorn. Neeta's heart ached for love and companionship, but her intense desire seemed forever out of reach.Desperate to change her fate, Neeta turned to the forbidden arts. Legends whispered about a demon named Kashi, who possessed the power to grant sorcery to those who dared to summon him. With hope flickering in her eyes, Neeta made her way to the ancient cemetery on the outskirts of the village.Under the pale moonlight, Neeta stood before a forgotten grave, clutching a vial of her own menstrual blood. It was said that this offering would be enough to entice the demon and awaken his powers. Trembling with anticipation, she poured the blood onto the soil and chanted the incantation passed down through generations.As her words echoed through the night, a gust of wind swept through the cemetery, causing the trees to sway in an eerie dance. The ground beneath Neeta's feet trembled, and from the shadows emerged a figure so sinister that it sent shivers down her spine. Kashi had been summoned.With fiery eyes and a wicked smile, Kashi observed Neeta's pitiful form. He saw her yearning for love and companionship, and he knew exactly how to exploit it. In exchange for his sorcery, Kashi demanded that Neeta become his vessel, allowing him to fulfill his own desires through her.From that moment forward, Neeta's nights were filled with strange dreams. In her sleep, Kashi would visit her as an incubus, satisfying his lustful cravings

while leaving her with distorted memories of passion. The village soon whispered about the deformed offspring that Neeta bore, each child more twisted than the last.As the years passed, Neeta's body weakened, her spirit drained by Kashi's relentless demands. The villagers, ignorant of the demon's presence, attributed her deteriorating health to her own cursed existence. They avoided her, fearful of the grotesque creatures she had brought into the world.One fateful night, as Neeta lay on her deathbed, a glimmer of clarity washed over her. She realized that her desires had led her down a path of destruction and despair. The love she had longed for had been replaced by a twisted obsession that had cost her everything.With her final breath, Neeta whispered a plea for forgiveness. As her soul departed from this world, a gentle breeze seemed to carry away the darkness that had consumed her. The village would remember Neeta as an unfortunate soul, but few would ever know the true extent of her suffering.And so, the tale of Neeta serves as a haunting reminder that our desires, when unchecked and driven by desperation, can lead us down treacherous paths. The search for love and acceptance should never compromise our morals or cause harm to others. For within the depths of our desires lies the potential to awaken demons we may never be able to banish.