
Horror Harem

Once in a Lifetime Promotion is now LIVE!!!!!!! Please see details below! It runs from now to October 31st at midnight. The promotion has three parts to it: Part 1: All privileged chapters are 90% off! That's hundreds of coins in savings if you buy during the promotion period. Part 2: Anyone who donates a Magic Castle or higher will have a character or person of their choice appear in future chapters of their selected series I created. They also will have their name placed in a special chapter dedicated to those who donated during the promotion period. You will be honored for all time. Part 3: All powerstones carry DOUBLE their weight! Which means you only need 25 powerstones to unlock level 1, and 50 to unlock level 2, etc. Do not miss this once in a lifetime promotion and be apart of history! Please share this as much as you can to spread the word. ***Discord is open!*** https://discord.gg/cR2KY2R4sF Charles Xavier Penwith is a high school student living in the once quiet town of Blackwood. Now, the apocalypse has been unleashed, and monsters have eaten or turned most of the world's population. Charles wakes up not knowing that while he slept soundly monsters have taken over the world. Once he finds out it is a fight for survival. Fighting with other survivors over resources or running from hordes of the undead. There is also the titan smashing buildings downtown that could gobble him up for a snack. That's when he finds a haunted mansion near the edge of town and sets up shop. One by one attractive and sexy monsters girls find him and join his ever growing harem. Together they build up their home base and explore this new terrifying world together. What tantalizing and horrifying treats will Charles uncover? Subscribe and find out for yourself.

HaremKing777 · Horror
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15 Chs

HH Chapter 3 18+

Charles and the vampire kiss each other passionately inside the coffin, their lips meeting with a wet and messy smack. He can feel her teeth against his neck as she pulls him closer to her, her tongue exploring his body as she pulls him deeper into the embrace. The moonlight cascades into the coffin and gives them an ethereal silver glow, highlighting their ghostly pale skin and making them look like dead lovers sharing a final embrace.

The kiss seems to go on for an eternity, the feeling of her lips on his neck driving his heart wild and his body trembling in anticipation. Her breath is hot and her fangs press lightly against his skin, her tongue flitting out every now and then to taste him. Their bodies are pressed up against each other so tightly that they are a perfect fit, and Charles' every nerve is on edge. It's difficult for him to tell who is enjoying this more: the hungry vampire or the helpless prey.

Victoria finally pulls away, drawing in a deep breath. Charles looks at her in a daze, his cheeks flushed and his breath short. He stares at her in awe, his mind trying to wrap around the idea of having a woman such as her pressed against him so tightly. He licks his lips nervously and stares at her, unable to form words as she licks her own lips and stares back at him with a hungry look in her eyes. She reaches for his mouth and her fangs brush against his lips, a hint of saliva glistening on the tips.

She stares at him with such intent and desire in her eyes that he feels his own passion rising within him once again. He is caught completely off guard when Victoria suddenly closes the space between their mouths and pushes him down inside the coffin. Their lips meet again, Charles' hands roaming over the curves of her body as he responds to her passion in kind. The embrace is almost feverish and their lips move against each other rhythmically, their tongues flitting out against the other's in a dizzying dance of pleasure.

Charles' hands roam further down her body and slip beneath the fabric of her dress, his fingers massaging the smooth skin of her thighs. Victoria moans softly as his fingers explore her body, her claws digging into his back as the two of them groan and writhe inside the coffin. She pulls him closer and presses him firmly into the fabric of the coffin. It feels almost like being in a cocoon as their mouths and bodies become one, lost in the embrace of one another. Charles' head is swimming with the feeling, his whole body trembling as he loses himself in the heat of Victoria's passion.

Victoria continues to moan, her whole body pressing against Charles' as their tongues dance and twirl together in a hypnotic rhythm. Her claws dig deeper into his back and she bites down gently to keep him from moving, keeping the pace slow and steady. Her breathing is heavy and labored, the pleasure of their kiss sending waves of fire throughout her body. Her body shivers with each bite and her legs wrap tightly around Charles' waist as the two of them explore each other in the confines of the coffin.

Charles's hands continue to explore Victoria's body, slipping over her legs and slowly working their way upwards. He runs them over the curves of her hips and slides them upwards towards her breasts.

Victoria's moans grow louder as his touch becomes more intimate, and her fangs press even more firmly against his neck as the pace of their kiss grows faster and more wild. Her breath catches in her throat and she whimpers softly, pushing Charles closer still and pressing herself against him. The heat of their bodies fills the tiny confined space, and Charles' breath comes faster and faster as he loses himself in the pleasure.

Victoria's lips are becoming more frantic and her fangs dig deeper and deeper, her entire body trembling in pleasure. Her whimpers grow louder and her claws dig deeper into Charles' back, making him gasp as she begins to nibble and suck more fiercely. Her moans grow into shrieks and she holds him tightly with all her strength so he can't move.

Her movements have gone wild and she has lost control over her body, her only desire to have more and more of Charles. It's difficult to tell whether Charles is terrified or enjoying the experience, and it makes everything feel much more chaotic and animalistic.

Charles' back is covered in faint, shallow wounds. Victoria's fangs dig deeper and the pain of her bites mixes with the pleasure. Her claws dig deeper still and his skin starts to turn pink and red. She keeps him pinned down tightly and won't let him move.

Victoria's movements grow even more frantic and she starts to rock the entire coffin with the force of her movements. Charles is caught in the middle, his mind lost in the waves of pleasure and pain. Victoria's grip tighten on him and she presses her fangs into his neck, his blood oozing gently out of the wounds.

They rock the coffin as their love making increases in speed and ferocity. Their passions at an all time high. Charles can't take the mixture of the intense pain and pleasure any longer and cums deeply into her greedy womb. It mills him dry with its tightening walls, drawing out every last drop. He collapses against the soft insert of the coffin and she comes down onto him. They share a few moments of silence as they catch their breaths.

"That…was…amazing!" Charles admitted.

"You're amazing, Charlie. I've never had a partner so willing and so good in bed before. I just might have to keep you." She exclaimed, flashing him a smile.

"My name is Victoria by the way. Victoria Greenwood." She said, flicking her hair behind her ear and lightly blushing pink.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Victoria." Charles replied, echoing her bashful state.

She kissed him once more before putting her clothes back on. He got the message and quickly did the same.

Victoria slowly rises out of the coffin and pulls Charles up with her. She stands and then holds out her hand for him to take, looking at him with her dark eyes. Her hair is tangled and her dress is stained with blood, the night's events having left their mark on her as well. Charles takes her hand and she helps him to his feet.

They both take a moment to catch their breath and look around the cramped and cramped tomb, taking in the quiet stillness that pervades the place. Victoria gently touches his cheek and caresses his face.

Charles looks at her with a strange mixture of guilt and pleasure, his mind still swimming in the afterglow of their intimate tryst. His hands run up and down her body, caressing the smooth skin of her arms and neck as he tries to make sense of the night's events.

Victoria smiles softly at him and guides his hand down to her hip, whispering to him to follow her. She leads him out of the tomb through a secret hidden panel in the wall, their footsteps making no sound on the stone floor of the old house.

He follows her silently, his heart pounding and his mind still filled with images of the passion they had just shared. They move through the old house cautiously, their footsteps whispering on the old floorboards. Victoria stops at a carved wooden door and turns to face him, whispering with a mischievous smile on her lips.

Her hand reaches out and brushes a lock of hair out of his face, her fingers tracing his cheek softly. Her eyes are full of lust, desire, and a certain animalistic hunger that makes them all the more alluring.

They step outside of the old house into the crisp night air - their eyes adjusting to the darkness. The air is still and the night is silent, save for the distant chirp of crickets. They stand together in the shadows of the old house for a moment, the thrill of their shared experience washing over them. Victoria smiles softly at Charles and takes his hand, her skin touching his and making every part of him tingle with the sensation.

She leads him out into the cemetery, the moonlight trickling through the ancient headstones. The two of them wander hand in hand through the shadowy paths.

The atmosphere of the cemetery is a stark contrast to their previous passions - the silence surrounding them and the darkness filling the air. Their footsteps echo off the old stone as they walk hand in hand through the winding paths, the moonlight dancing along Victoria's skin. Charles can feel her fingers on his as they move, her hand warm and soft in his grasp.

The two of them are silent for a moment, their breath rising and falling slowly and their hearts pounding. It all feels like a dream - a dream that the two of them are waking up from together rather than separately.

Charles and Victoria turn to look up at the ridge in surprise, and Charles' heart drops to his stomach at the sight.

Their time together has been magical, but he is now confronted with the harsh reality of the current situation. He gulps and tries to maintain a steady grip on Victoria's hand, even as he watches the zombie horde coming towards them.

He turns to face Victoria, trying to get a read on her expression. She stares back at him for a moment, her mind racing and her eyes wide. The zombies seem unnaturally fast for their size, closing in quickly.

It's easy to tell that Victoria is equally as terrified, but she stands her ground for a moment. She stares at the zombies, her eyes growing fierce as her fangs sharpen. She takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment, and when she opens them again a look of pure determination has replaced the fear in her eyes. She leans in close to Charles and places a soft kiss on his cheek, her eyes still fixed on the approaching horde. "Run," she whispers.

With their hands still intertwined, Charles and Victoria take off back down the path, the horde gaining on them quickly. They sprint through the overgrown cemetery, their feet slipping in the muddy paths and their breath coming fast. They don't dare look back at the horde, but Charles can hear their footsteps, their groans, their breath all coming closer with each second. He keeps a tight grip on Victoria's hand and tries to ignore her sharp claws digging into his skin.

They're running out of time.

Charles and Victoria rush into the nearest house and slam the door shut behind them, their hearts pounding wildly. They can hear the horde drawing closer, their footsteps pounding on the pavement and their groans sounding louder than ever. Victoria turns to look at Charles, her eyes and expression full of concern. She pushes him behind the door to hide him and stands ready in front of it, waiting for the horde to pass.

She is prepared to defend herself, whatever it takes. She holds her breath and waits, listening to the footsteps draw near and then pass by the house.

After a few minutes she lets out her breath and turns to face Charles behind the door, who peeks out at her. They lock eyes and she smiles softly, relieved that they managed to escape the horde.

She reaches for his hand and leads him back out of the house, the pair continuing their flight through the dim streets.

As Victoria and Charles make their way through the silent streets, they search for any indication of another living person. The houses are empty and dust covers everything, and it seems like nobody has lived here for a while. Finally, they spot a house with a light on and a sign in the window advertising a food aid for the displaced.

With a shared look, the two of them decide it would be worth the risk to check out what they might find, and approach the building.

They push through the door and head inside, their eyes adjusting to the light and taking everything in. They find themselves in a small kitchen, most of the supplies long since gone and the cupboards mostly empty.

There's no evidence of anyone else being there, but a small note on a counter catches Charles' eye. He walks over and picks it up, glancing at Victoria with his head cocked to one side. She walks over and looks at it with him, reading over his shoulder.

The note reads "Please help," and underneath it is a list of what they need: food, water, medical supplies and other basic necessities. The handwriting is messy and it seems like it was written in a hurry. Charles and Victoria look over the list and nod to each other.

They take a moment to assess the situation and then decide to look around the house to see if they can find anywhere else. Victoria walks around the kitchen, looking under the cupboards and searching through drawers and cupboards. She finds a few more scraps of food, which she pockets for later.

Meanwhile, Charles looks around the house, checking all the various drawers and cabinets he can find. He can see that most of the cupboards and drawers have been emptied or rummaged through already, like the contents have been taken by someone else. He finally comes across an older box of canned goods, and smiles.

It's not a lot but it's a start. He walks over to Victoria and shares the box with her. From outside, they hear the sound of footsteps. The two of them freeze and look at each other as they wait for the footsteps to pass.

Charles steps over to Victoria once the footsteps passed by and whispers,

"What the hell happened out there?"

Victoria looks away but then replies:

"There was a time when we roamed across the Earth. But a powerful blessing from the church exiled us to another world. It was dark and everything was dead over there. A nightmare world compared to here. We lived there for centuries, fighting amongst ourselves. Then portals began to open as the blessing faded. We have come back to Earth and want to reclaim our lost families and property. There are those though who only wish destruction and death on humanity."

Charles is shocked by her statement and stands there slack jawed.

"I'm afraid there is little we can do to stop the apocalypse. Only try to live through it."

Charles stares at Victoria, his eyes filled with horror, confusion and doubt. He is unsure how to respond to what she just said, and his feelings are mirrored across his face. He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a loud crash outside, followed by heavy footsteps and the sound of breaking wood. He and Victoria exchange a concerned glance, their eyes wide and their instincts alerting them to danger. Victoria quickly takes Charles' hand and leads him towards a nearby window, waving for him to keep quiet.

They approach the window and carefully pull aside the curtains to peek out, trying to make out who or what's outside. Charles can hear the footsteps growing louder and the windows shake as something smashes into the house again, a deep thunking sound echoing throughout the room.

The two of them hold their breath and wait quietly, listening as the noise grows louder until the crashing finally stops. All is still for a moment, and Charles and Victoria look to each other, their hearts pounding in their chests and their breaths coming fast. They trade a look and slowly move to back away from the window.

The two of them quietly slink away from the window and find a place to hide, breathing a sigh of relief as they wait for the mythical beast to move on. They continue to listen, their ears perked and their bodies tense as they wait. Charles looks to Victoria with a worried expression, his mind filled with questions and fear.

They wait for a while, listening intently, before finally, silence returns to the house. The two of them let out their breaths and let their tensions subside. They remain hidden, but relax a little and peek out of the window to check outside.

All that's outside is the empty street and a few trees, the night air still and silent. The two of them breathe a sigh of relief, and Charles leans in close to Victoria. She is still looking out the window, and he puts his arm around her.

They stand like that for a moment, neither of them speaking. She turns her head to look at him gently, a small smile on her lips. He gives her a gentle squeeze and the two of them lean back up against the wall, staring out the window silently, their breaths coming out in small clouds in the cold night air.

After a while, Victoria looks over at Charles again. He can see the worry and concern in her eyes, her mind clearly racing with thoughts. She takes a breath and looks back at the window, and then turns to him.

"We can't stay here," she whispers.

"Do you know anywhere safe?" Charles asks quietly.

"No," she replies.

She looks at him intently, studying his face and looking for any sort of clue as to what to do next. After a moment, she turns back to the window and stares out into the darkness.

They sit in silence for a moment, the only sounds being the slow beating of Charles' heart and his breath coming out in small puffs of smoke in the cold night air. He turns his head and looks at Victoria, who is still facing the window. She is utterly still, and Charles is concerned. He turns and puts his hand on her arm, trying to get her attention.

"Victoria..." he whispers. She turns and looks at him slowly and then looks down at his hand on her arm. She pulls her arm away and faces forward, turning her attention towards the window again.

Charles and Victoria look over at the chimera outside the window, both of them frozen with fear. They stare at the massive beast as it just watches them, seemingly sizing them up, but not attacking. After a long moment, the chimera's eyes seem to flicker for a second, and then it takes a step back from the window before walking away into the night.

"We need to get out here right now!" Victoria whispers to Charles.

The door to the house explodes as the Chimera enters the house and roars.

"Oh my god!" Charles shouts.

The Chimera turns to face them and snarls as it bares its fangs. Victoria leaps in front of Charles, ready to do battle.

The Chimera approaches them with its claws digging into the wooden floor.

It was ready to strike!