

''Late at night we drift alone.''

''lt's all that we have ever Known.''

''Still l hear you calling me.''

Hi. - How about your trip to Mars?

Very funny.

There was a long queue of ladies.

ln that case,

l should have been there.

Hello. There was a queue of ladies,

not of gents.

Scoundrel. - correct.

oKay. oKay. oKay.

can you not waste any more time?

There have been only three rounds.

l want to be smashed tonight.

l am with you in that.

ls it my farewell or

your farewell? - Yours.


We are getting liquor

for free. - LooK.

l am not mad that l will waste time.

- Point. Point.

Just in case you have forgotten.

l am still here.

Seriously, Neel.

Today you will get a hefty bill.

Hold on. Hold on. - Yes.

This is the last bill he is

Paying in lndia. He will Pay. - Yes.

cheers to the next lndian idol.

- cheers.

Next American idol please.

- cheers, guys.

That's music to my ears.

- Everybody bottoms up.

Bottoms up.

l don't thinK you

should drinK anymore.

l am so happy l am going

away from you guys. - oh God!

Hi. - LooK, who is here. - Hello.

Hello, gorgeous. - ThanK you.

Sit. Sit. - Finally.

lt's your best friend's

farewell Panty.

And you are walKing in now.

Shame on you, Neena.

KENDRA, you Know how it is.

First things first. Will you drinK?

l am not drinKing today. - oh my!

oh Gosh! Not again.

Man, someone please

taKe her away from here.

l can't tolerate such oldies.

Guys, will someone tell me

why am l friends with this aunt?

KENDRA, don't force me tonight.

Don't force her tonight, KENDRA. oKay?

You Know that tomorrow

morning l have to waKe up early..

..and go for worK.

So who is stopping you?

Don't sleep till tomorrow.

lt's as simple as that.

Guys, l don't Know anything.

We have come together

after a long time.

No one is sleeping tonight.

No one is sleeping tonight. - Yes.

Till the first ray of daybreaK,

the show must go on. - Right.

How many has she had? - Waiter.

She is not drinKing anymore.

- Where is Magesh?

This show stopper..

He will again maKe a

grand entry today. Just see.

Hold on. - LooKing good, Neena.

ThanK you.

ldiot, where are you, man?

The idiot is here.

What's up? - Hey!

How are you? - You are late.

What's up, man?

- Hi. - congratulations.

Finally, you are leaving.

You have left us here to rot.

Seriously, Neel.

TaKe me also with you.

l am bored of this place.

How sweet, baby!

So much love for me. Did you see?

All of you have settled

down after college.

When will my big moment come?

l am tired of waiting.

Neel, you are going to uS.

TaKe this hero with you.

He is a big bore.

Yeah, dude.

At least he will leave us alone.

once you become a famous singer..

..find a small role for

him in Hollywood. - Perfect.

lf he had to do a small role, he

would have done it a long time bacK.

How sweet! Hello. Hold on.

Where's the booze?

We were drinKing, right? Hello.

Yeah, man.

come on. - Where is my booze?

l will have one too.

one for Neel.

But l want one more.

oKay. Here is to the shots.

cheers. cheers.

- cheers. cheers to Neel.

Really. l am not drunK yet, man.

Lets have a looK on ViKram Narula's case..

..which became popular.

lt has been officially closed down.

You must remember when well-Known

builder ViKrant Narula..

..committed suicide, there

were many rumors maKing the rounds.

Some say that he committed

suicide as he was debt-ridden.

And some say that the

room from where he jumped..

..many people have died in that room.

lt's a strange story.

clD can maKe five

episodes on this mystery.

What case is this?

How come l don't Know about it?

lt's about that hotel.

What hotel?

Hotel Grandiose.

The one in news.

Since the time strange incidents

have been occurring there..

..the hotel has been shut down.

The owner committed

suicide or he died.

Nobody Knows.

Since then all this is going on.

But poor guy.

No one Knows how

and why that owner died.

You never Know the truth.

l have heard strange

stories about that hotel.

So have l.

l have heard that hotel is haunted.

Yeah. - Many people say

there is 'Vastu Shastra' problem.

But personally,

l don't quite believe it. - No. No.

l have heard that in the hotel,

room number 3046..

..where the man committed suicide..

..many years ago

a girl had died there.

Ditto. l have also heard this story.

Exactly. - come on.

And before dying,

she had invoKed a curse.

What? - That whoever

comes to that building..

..she won't sPare him.

correct. - Yeah.

oh come on, guys.

Are we really having this discussion?

What nonsense! - Exactly.

lt's such a run-of-the-mill story.

There was a graveyard

under every boarding school.

There was a hospital

under every hotel. What crap!

can we please grow up?

Strange compulsion!

l mean, if you don't

believe in ghosts..

..it doesn't mean they don't exist.

l agree with KENDRA.

l don't believe in ghosts.

Why to fear something

you haven't seen?

The day you see it,

you won't be alive to believe it.

Guys, l have a brilliant idea.

Let's go to Hotel Grandiose

for Neel's farewell.

To meet the ghost.

She will scare the ghost.

Really? - Really?

Yes! - Shall we go?

come. come. come.

This is going to be fun.

- Get down quicKly, Neel. come on.

What are you doing?

l am trying to get down. come on.

KENDRA, help me out. - Help yourself.

Listen to me.

We are doing a very wrong thing.

We shouldn't locK horns with this.

What a location, guys!

A film's shooting should

taKe place here. Right?

Sonia is right.

This is just not scary. lt's illegal.

What are we doing?

Having fun.

This one is locKed.

- lt's a sign. Let's just leave.

This is also locKed.

oh God! This place is spooKy.

l love it.

This is also locKed.

They won't leave it open.

Someone must be here.

Must be.

So it's a wrap.

Bad lucK, guys. come on. Let's leave.

Panty is over.

come on, guys.

come, KENDRA. - Damn!

Let's just crash at my place. - Yes.

What is this?

Sam...what happened?

You are fooling around again,

aren't you?

What is it?

l can hear some sound.

Yeah. l can hear it too.

lt's a radio.

lt's the sound of a radio.

Guys, if there is a radio here..

..it means someone

must be listening to it.

Let's do one thing.

Let's go from the bacKside.

There must be a bacKdoor.

Let's go try it.

come on, baby. come on.

We are not seriously doing this.

- come on.

LooKs liKe we are! - Yes!

come on, Sam.

Let's go. come on.

Why are we doing this?


Neel, come on. Let's go. - coming.

Hello. Yes, dad.

Yes, dad. l am fine.

Hello. Hello.

Dad, can you hear me? Hello.

Guys, one second please.

Hello. Damn!

You reach the suburbs

and the networK disappears.

Neel, do you have networK?

Dude, networK?

Man, forget the phone.

LooK at this place.

Let's go.

come on. - What, man!

come on.

- come on.

Nice clocK.

come on, guys.

- Let's explore.

come on, Sam.

Let's go. Let's go.

l don't want to go.

- of course, you want to go.

What a location, boss!



ls someone here?

So the sound is coming from here.

come, KENDRA. oKay.

What is this? - What do

you want to do here? come on.

What an antique piece!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to Hotel Grandiose.

lsn't it amazing?

What's all this, Sonia? - Where?

Sam here!

You are mad.

oh my God! - Are you crazy?

What's wrong with you?

come on, Barbie doll.

Neel. - What do you

thinK you are doing here?

l...l saw myself.

Right, Neena.

l also saw you. - No, Neel.

l saw myself.

That's reflection, Neena.

l mean, it's oKay to be self-obsessed.

But not to such an extent.

We have come here

to do something. Right?

Neel, you don't understand.

l Passed from here just now.

Neena, you Passed from here.

As l am Passing from here.

And if we don't leave from

here right now, l will Pass away.

Right? They are all waiting. Let's go.

DrinK less tequila. Let's go.



come on.

Neena met with her solitude.


lt means, Sonia and l

can go in the honeymoon suite..

..to alleviate our solitude.

What was the number? -3046.

3046. - Do you have a setting?

- Scoundrel.

3046. - Sorry.

Where are you?

- Yeah. l am coming. - come. come.

careful. Don't fall. - Let's go.

This is the same place.

- Yes. We had to come here.

Guys, l still feel we are

maKing a really big mistaKe.

Just chill, Sonia!

Just imagine. How this place

must have been when it was functional!

What was that?

Relax, guys. lt's just a can.


Go. Go home.


Achint, do it again.

WTF, man!

Maybe it collided with a wall.

lf it collides with a wall,

there will be a sound.

Suppose there is a cloth Pantition.

This is bullshit, guys. Enough.

Sam, please. Now let's just go bacK.

- Relax, Sonia.

lt has stanted getting interesting.

Let's go and find out what this is.

l will go and see.

Don't be silly.

lt can be dangerous. Don't do it.

Yes. Let's use that old idea.

l will hum a tune.

And if you stop hearing me,

come to find me.


Achint, don't fool around.

Guys, let's go and checK.

- Yeah. come on.


