
horror club

TheFluffyFerret · Horror
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11 Chs

chapter 3

They reexamine again the camera to make sure it's not a hallucination but unfortunately the camera is low bat they ask Lily if she felt something when she's around the camera.

"Lily did you feel something when you're using the camera or when you're around the camera? it's like something's is off?" Ashley asks,

"hmm.... let me recollect my memories before I snap off" Lily said

"OH!! YES!! THAT ONE!!" Lily said with High tone voice,

"When I'm changing my clothes I feel something's looking at me I cannot tell where it is I just know it's near me feels like if I turn around something might happen or someone will touch me." Lily said,

"Then I look everywhere because I got scared but I didn't find anything then I look at the camera and THE CAMERA"S EYE LOOKING AT ME!!! The camera is in the front of the mirror and I turn it facing towards the mirror, then I continue changing and take a glance again to the camera" Lily ,

"I think the camera is just a pervert" Ashley said and glaring at the camera,

"wait... what?" Ian,

"Is there anything else?" Houtarou said with excited eyes,

"Yes there's more, but... I don't know if what I see is real" Lily said with worried eyes,

"Oh my! please continue we also want to know what you saw" Julie said,

"then let me continue... where we are again?" Lily said,

"when you take a glanced at the camera" Shu said,

"AHH! that one... After I take a glance at the camera it's pointing at me again I GOT SCARED YOU KNOW!!" Lily said with high tone voice,

" At first I thought Ashley's is just pranking me but I called her but no one's answering I take the camera in the front of the mirror I look at the screen then I-I saw a w-woman looking at me a-and smiling" Lily said with shaking voice

"AND?!" Houtarou said,

"I-I look at the mirror I-I saw the WOMAN BEHIND ME SMILING LIKE IN THE PICTURE!!" Lily ,

"I look behind me but she's not there.." Lily,

Lily take a little break and drink some water her hands are shaking she almost slipped her hand, it's start to rain so strong and after a while the thunder start to appear Houtarou look at the window and see the strong rainfall. Lily continued her story.

"then I heard some footsteps in the staircase coming up... I-I look at it if Ashley is there but when I open the door I-I saw the w-woman Smiling" Lily said with quivering voice,

"then I turn around I-I SAW HER IN FRONT OF ME! I-i lost my balanced" Lily,

"Then I hit my head stair's hand and I lost my consciousness" Lily said,

"after that when I open my eyes my dad's carrying me while he's running"  Lily,

"LET ME GUESS IT! YOU WOKE UP IN THE HOSPITAL RIGHT?!" Shu said with worried face and High tone of voice,

Then sudden thunderclap appeared the electricity lost for a moment Lily and Ashley shocked, Lily hide behind Houtarou while grabbing his shirts, Lily run to Julie and hugged her.

"What are you? a kid?" Houtarou said with giggles,

"W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!?" Ashley said with embarrassment,

"Oh my! are you ok Lily?" Julie said while patting Lily's head,

"Y-yes! thank you!" Lily said with relief sigh,

the electricity came back and the light's also came back Shu's fainted and Ian's hiding under the table.

"What are you doing there?" Ashley said to Shu,

"H-huh? what are you talking about?, I just find myself here as well a-and I think it's comfortable here" Shu said with scared look

"...Oh.... really??..." Ashley's looks with suspicious,

"Oh my! Ian's Fainted! Oh my! Oh my!" Julie said with worry,

Julie lift Ian's head and put it in her lap while using a fan, the rain keep falling.

"I advised you guys to stay here and spend some night just tell your parents that you here" Lily ,

"Is that ok?" Houtarou ,

"Yes! don't worry my parents aren't coming home because they are at Cebu" Lily said and wink her eyes.

"By all means you're allowed but all boys are sleeping in the living room OK!!?" Ashley said with High tone voice,

"AND HOW ABOUT IAN!??" Ian said with aloud voice,

they look at Ian while sleeping and look at Julie next to him.

"well the problem is solved" Lily said with smiling face,

"w-well can't argue with that" Ashley said,

"what a lucky man we have here" Shu's whisper

"tcch!!" Houtarou click his tongue,

"By the way the futons are under the stairs you'll see a door edge of the stair use it as you please" Lily said with bright smile,


"DON'T COME HERE BOYS ARE NOT ALLOWED!!!" Ashley said aloud,

"Then why Ian's in there?" Shu said,

"he's different story" Ashley said with palm in her face,

"ok!, ok! we'll leave now just call us if you need something is that ok?" Houtarou said,

"Yes! we will, Good night" Ashley said

"yeah sure" Shu said with lifeless voice,

while Ian and Houtarou are walking down stairs Houtarou notice a white dress in the floor but after he blink his eyes there's no white dress there.

"Houtarou hurry up and help me here" Shu said,

"O-ok! coming!" Houtarou shouts,