
The father and the Uncle

The Artist found a box in her attic. Within it were the tapes and handbooks off the set of children's TV series: Dave and Harvey.

They belonged to her father, Bruce Latimer, one of the most well-known puppeteers on TV at the time, well...before he died and that spot got passed down to her Uncle, Stewart. She had much respect for her father and Uncle, in fact, they're the ones who inspired her to pursue her art as well.


Rules for the set of Dave and Harvey


Welcome valued Intern! If you're listening to this voicemail, that means you've been accepted to work on the set of beloved kids TV series, Dave and Harvey!

Dave and Harvey is a children's TV series about two young boys (the puppets Dave and Harvey) learning lessons about aspects of the world, and life as a whole. They meet many new people with many different occupations and lives of their own. Dave and Harvey started in 1993, and still continues to thrive today! For years we've gathered more helpers to help the children's dreams come true! However, we can't forget that none of this would've ever been possible without the creative genius of Bruce Latimer! Mr. Latimer bought us the set, the colors, the kooky characters, and our loyal audience!



February 12, 1999

The man behind the TV production company Latimer and Smiles co., and the creative genius of Dave and Harvey, Bruce Latimer, was found dead on set this morning after being pronounced missing just one week earlier.

Autopsy was unable to determine a cause of death.

Our condolences go out to the family of Mr. Latimer, both blood family, and the family he made during the creation of Dave and Harvey.

Harvey's younger brother, Stewart Latimer, has decided to take over Latimer and Smiles co., as well as taking the head as new director of hit kids series Dave and Harvey.



Before you start working however, We have some rules that are imperative for you to follow whilst on the set of Dave and Harvey. We recommend you follow these rules for the safety of yourself as well as your coworkers.


March 18 1998

I don't know why Bruce refuses to modify the puppets Dave and Harvey. I mean, the kids love them and all, but it's just that....the puppets look so...eerie. Their smiles look sinister, almost as if they shouldn't be trusted. Almost as if they aren't....themselves anymore. As if the puppets are not inanimate anymore...almost as if they were....ALIVE.

I understand if Bruce doesn't want to change the puppets....but I just want him to look into it...


When you arrive here at 6:00 am, you will have to meet with Mr. Latimer to know what job you're going to be doing for that day. The job changes each day. From camera man, to editor, to background character! It's never the same each day!

There are two shelves each with kits on them. the shelf on the right is for daytime employees and the shelf on the left, nighttime employees. Always grab the exact one you need. Day and night shifts have different events occur, so it's good to be properly prepared.

When clocking in/out always ensure the screen of the AviOS machine is blue not red. Always check...ALWAYS. Always ensure you've clocked in/out, However, there are exceptions.

As you should already know, rude behavior and bad language is a huge no-no on set, so please try to control yourself.

No children are to be allowed on set, even after hours. If you have nowhere else for your child to go, a daycare will be provided for your children.

If you see ANY children on set, do not let them approach the puppets. Keep the child close, and alert Mr. Latimer, he'll take care of it. If the child somehow approaches the puppets, the cameras and lights will black out, possibly to spare you from the sight. You'll never see that child again...

THIS RULE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Remember: We have only two main character cast puppets (Dave and Harvey.) If you see a third puppet named Noah, You're in trouble, stop whatever you're doing and alert Mr. Latimer immediately, and leave the set for the rest of the day. Do not fret. You may return the next day.


A recording found on the phone of Lucille Markinstons.


I don't know if I should tell Mr. Latimer or not...but I was cleaning the set and part of the cleaning was to check the condition of the puppets. We have two puppets don't we? So where did this third one come from? Did Mr. Latimer just add a new character named Noah without telling anyone? Maybe, something just feels off with that new puppet...very off. Maybe it's because i'm alone here for the night shift, but I just get the heebie jeebies from that thing...

(A shuffling sound is heard in the background...)

What was that? Hello?

I'm going to go check that out. Probably some teens-

(Recording ends)


8. If you catch Dave and Harvey both staring at you, following your movements, close your eyes and recite the Lord's prayer. Be quick about it.

9. there is a list of all the employees that work here currently provided on the next page. Look through it, memorize it, because IT will try to trick you. If you see an employee you don't recognize, alert Mr. Latimer or the custodian immediately. Remember: If something feels wrong, IT PROBABLY IS.

10. If whilst filming the puppets, one of them starts to talk out of turn, or without the control of the puppeteer, alert the puppeteer immediately, they will know what to do.



I'm so sick of failure! I'm so sick of being pushed to the sidelines by morons who don't understand true ART!..There has to be anoth-

Wait....that's it...I know how I can rise to the top! Yes....YES!!


This is it. The formula for success. I have all the supplies I need...all I have to do is assemble the team, find a child, and properly start the ritual.

Then...I will be at the top. Just like you, Father...just like you, mother....Just for my brothers....I WILL BE AT THE TOP.


11. If you see any of the employees heading to a particularly dark area of the set with bloodshot eyes and blue fingertips, do not try to stop them... They broke a rule and it's already too late for them...

12. (Only for night shift) If you see a tall marionette standing on set, leave that area immediately and call Mr. Latimer. We recommend you go outside of the building and sit in your car for the rest of the night for guaranteed safety, do not drive away. You are not in your dimension, and you will get lost, and trust us, you do not not want to be lost in another dimension with that THING.

13. (Night shift only) Do not under ANY circumstances, FALL ASLEEP.

14. Never EVER, go backstage alone, always enter with 1-2 people. For night shift employees because you are always going to work alone at night, avoid the backstage entirely. The daytime custodians will handle it.



Hey, Edwards the daytime custodian (or intern) here! I just have to ask...where are the employees going? Like seriously, 5 people in one week? It's like they're vanishing off the face of the earth. No two weeks notice or anything? That's just odd in my opinion...if you could answer this Mr. Latimer, please call back.


Hey Edwards, Mr. Latimer here, unfortunately I can't disclose the locations of the five employees, but i'm sure they're fine! It's nothing to worry about okay? So please...don't bring this up again.


15. NEVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT GOES ON INSIDE OF THIS SET. Failure to keep this rule will result in immediate termination.

16. (Night shift employees only) if you see a corpse whilst cleaning the set and preparing it for the morning employees. BURN IT. Do not worry about ashes or anything, just burn it. Some matches will be provided in your night shift kit.

17. (for both night and day shift employees) If the puppets at any moment move towards you on their own, you've messed up. That's not the puppet, and you need to RUN and run fast. If you cannot outrun the puppet, we are not responsible for what happens.

Congrats! You have made it to the end of the rules! Now you're more than ready to start your first shift. Come in tomorrow at 6:00 am sharp!!!

Any extra questions? call ###-###-####



I messed up....

The ritual failed....but my show...it's still getting to the top. How? Am I supposed to face a consequence of sorts? I don't know what will happen now...I-I'm afraid for my life....I-

(Knocking can be heard in the background)

What is that?....Who could THAT be?...

(Audio cuts off)



Two twin boys killed in House Fire

15 year old Twins David and Harvey Latimer's bodies were retrieved from the aftermath of a house fire that destroyed the Latimer residence. Their parents Marissa and Cleo as well as their younger brothers Bruce and Stewart Latimer are Left distraught at the passing of the two boys. We offer our deepest condolences to the Latimer Family. They always said David and Harvey were twins who loved puppetry and always dreamed of starting a Puppet show for children.

The Latimer Twins will surely be missed.


The Artist looks over the handbook and the tapes expressionless. Her family wasn't always known to be sane, in fact it's been rumored that the Latimers were mad. The Artist never viewed herself as mad...but it probably rubbed off on her unknowingly. Perhaps this is why her mother never changed her last name to Latimer, maybe her mother didn't want The Artist to be associated with their mad family. Maybe that's why The Artist never really uses her name to address herself...

However, she doesn't have time to really stop and think about it.