
Horrible Fanfiction ideas

These are ideas that wont get out of my head for no reason. Read if you want but i doubt that anyone would care. Also if someone would like to know, I have absolutely 0 experience with writing a story and these are just ideas with my thoughts on them. (Cover not mine, it's from twitter)

some_random_guy_7218 · Anime & Comics
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21: Rolf Scamander (HP)

Yknow, I've been playing HP:Magic Awakend recently, and I've always noticed the "Luna Lovegood married the grandson of Newt Scamander, not Neville" message on the loading screen.

So, we barely know anything about this guy, except that he is married to luna and he is the grandson of Newt Scamander. I have not seen a self insert of this guy just yet. He seems like a great character honestly. (If written properly)

Also a wiki of him exists, so go read that.