
Horndog of Hogwarts

[Porn with a Plot/Pure Smut/Long Chapters/Starts In Marauders Era] Sirius Black of Gryffindor, the traitor of the house Black, meets a travelling oracle on a little outing at a wizard festival who warns him dearly. Sirius took those words to heart since the fear of death wasn’t something he could forget so easily. Even less so when the oracle was known to be infamous for accuracies. So, with nothing else to do, Sirius decided to begin a journey of gaining enough allies in the wizarding world—by hook or by crook—so that once misfortune arrives, he’d have enough friends with leashes in his hands. Watch as Sirius navigates his way through the Hogwarts of the old days and the new. The way to a man’s heart goes through his belly, and the way to a woman's heart goes through her cunny—Sirius chose to live by those ideas. [All main characters are adults. The story begins in 6th Year of Hogwarts for Sirius(1976)] A Series by MrPlotThickens Aided by Ms.Squirtle _________________ Please check this link out for more stories and NSFW artwork made for my stories: p@treon.com/MrPlotThickens

MrPlotThickens · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 17 - First Hunt, Taboo Romance, & Heart Attack I

"Go deeper, Rita," Sirius ordered sternly while he sat in his office chair, knees wide open, and his pants discarded. Blonde-haired, completely naked, Rita religiously sucked his erect, slimy length.

It was early in the morning, but it was also a part of her job. She didn't complain and suckled on his cock like it was the most precious thing. Her powdered white face had turned sweaty, ruining her mascara with tears from all the self-choking. Her red lipstick stains had turned his shaft scarlet as well, and she attempted to clean him with her spit.

Her plump breasts jiggled with her wild movements, granting Sirius the pleasure he sought. She touched herself as well, massaging her full mounds and teasing the wet slit below.

But he didn't even look at her the whole time, only focusing on the documents in his hand that were going to be the articles Rita was to publish.

He had openly declared war against Voldemort and the Death Eaters at the party last night. It was now time to announce it to the world and start the hunt.

"Ummm…" Rita gobbled as if her life depended on it and felt Sirius' manhood burst into a fountain of seeds. She sipped it all and gulped it down without order, then continued to suckle on him to clean him off from all sides.

Sirius sighed and placed the documents away to look down. He liked the sight of Rita. Her body was charming. Sadly, her health was deteriorating for some reason, ruining her looks slowly. He combed through her hair and guided her mouth on his half-erect length.

"The articles are perfect," he praised her. "I'll be holding a small gathering on the outskirts of London soon. Use your methods to 'leak' that information without publishing it."

Rita understood he was laying a trap and giggled with her mouth full. "Um-huh he… It will be done, Lord Black."

Once done using her mouth, she quickly rose to her feet, still standing on her red-heeled shoes. She spread her legs, straddled Sirius's lap on the chair, and supported herself with her hands on his shoulder.

Delicately, she pushed away her scattered blond hair and began rocking her drooling pussy back and forth on Sirius' flaccid cock. Her expression as if pleading for him to do something to her.

Sirius didn't let her come close to his face as her mouth remained sullied, but he passionately kneaded her soft, sizable breasts. His thumb roughly squeezed on the tight feminine buds, and at times he moved back and below to claw her ass to squeeze further onto his rising shaft.

It wasn't part of the deal to fuck Rita. But he reckoned if it made the woman happy and willingly serve him, there was no harm. She wasn't ugly, after all, not yet anyway. The blonde-haired charm was still there, which faintly reminded him of someone he dearly missed.

"Aaah… Yes, Lord Black!" Rita moved rigorously on his growing length, tainting him with her sticky need. Her arms pulled his head lower to receive his biting teeth on her lustful mounds. It threw her into a quivering heat of passion. "Oh!"

Sirius didn't react much since he felt nothing for this woman. Other than sexual relief, there was no emotional bond or connection. Hence, he felt no need to entertain her or be gentle. "Any other news for me?"

"Ooh!" Rita was enjoying her meal to her heart's content. As soon as Sirius was fully erect, she raised herself a little and guided his length with a little push of her fingers. She let go of all her weight and threw herself down, taking all of his throbbing lengths to the hilt. All the little bumps, grooves, and its engorged tip threw her over the edge of satisfaction.

She was too proud as a woman; she never really allowed any man before to lay with her. But this was Sirius Black, of all people, and she loved everything about his girthy cock and the way it made her feel helpless.

She hugged Sirius' head and pressed his face onto her deep cleavage, and began fucking herself on his shaft. Sirius aided her with his spread palms gripping her soft pale ass, so hard that the fingers visibly dug into her skin.

Rita frantically ground herself back and forth, feeling his manhood tickle and dug deep within her core. She clenched her pussy at times, squeezing out the juices of her sex and soaking the base of his cock with it.

"Ummm… yes, Lord Black. So fucking good," she moaned with panting whispers, combing her digits through Sirius' hair. "You like my pussy?"

Sirius lifted her by her ass and pulled her down on his cock, with his hips thrusting up at the same time. He grunted like an animal and speared through her soaking tight depth. "Shut up, Rita… Did you forget what I did last time?"

What in Merlin's name?! Sirius wanted to show her her place, but he instead felt goosebumps rise all over his body. He could feel it on her ass. She got more excited?

"Ah…" She seemed to enjoy his rough fucking, even as her legs tried to clench around his sides. "You love doing me? Don't you, Lord Black?"

Sirius smirked and bit on her succulent tits, harshly enough that she felt the hint of pain, leaving behind the marks of his bite. Her reactions were unexpected as she thought she'd hate being degraded like that. After all, she was proud and loved announcing other people's scandalous things.

But the Rita on his lap was an entirely different woman now. She loved what he was doing.

"Shut your mouth." Sirius felt his climax inching closer and shoved his cock in her depths even harder. He noticed her belly writhing, the drenching pussy making wet sounds of her utter abandon to pleasure. "Otherwise, I'll put it in your ass again… you hated it, didn't you?"

Fuck, she loved it! Sirius noticed her inner walls clamping down on his shaft and loosening themselves in spasming ejaculations. Her nectar squeezed out like a waterfall around his girth, leaking with passion.

"Yessss~ Oh, I hate it so much… You like doing that? Don't you?.. Ruining me…" Rita moaned so loudly that Sirius felt worried someone outside the Daily Prophet's office would hear them. "Spoiling me… Ummm… So good… your cock…"

"Ugh…" Sirius felt on the edge too and quickly got up. His legs strained as he lifted Rita with himself, her ass sufficiently groped by his hands. But then he turned around and threw her on the chair. "Not today."

He spread his fingers on her blond hair and grabbed her head before shoving his cock in her mouth, fucking her in place. Her gurgling moans and breasts were the least of his worries as she tightened her lips to make it squeeze him harder.

She's loving the degradation. Sirius wondered what kind of monster he had created as he saw her blissful expression.

But he was in a hurry today. A few minutes of harsh, deep pumps later, he eased out of her lips and jerked himself off. Rita prepared herself by raising her face below his length, her mouth wide open.

I guess I'll have an 'anytime' toy from now on.

"Take it." His knees shook a little, the muscles on his belly and thighs convulsed. He breathed deeply and edged out a thick load of cum in intense sprays, all over Rita's face. Her glasses were stained white, the same for her red lips. Her hair turned into a mess, and a few thick drops drooled down to her reddened mounds adorned with teeth marks.

"Not yet…" Rita greedily circled her fist on Sirius' cock and pulled him closer. She took him between her lips and licked off whatever drops of his seeds were left there. "Mnh…"

At least I have a loyal mouthpiece now. Sirius thought while getting himself some great afterservice. Quite a good mouthpiece if you ask me.

"Lord Black." Rita stopped sucking him and stood up. But right after, she stepped over to the table and knelt on it, showcasing her full, pale ass. With both her palms, she stretched back and spread her bottom cheeks apart, revealing the back hole crown. "I know you want this. You can do whatever you want. Pump in as much of your… load as you want.."

Such a whore. Sirius didn't even look at her and picked up his pants to wear. You want that, not me.

"Forgive me, Rita. Perhaps next time." Sirius fixed his looks quickly. "I have somewhere to be."

With a heavy look of disappointment, Rita stood back up. She took a few tissues from her table and cleaned herself. "I understand, Lord Black."

"So, any other news for me before I go?" He asked, fixing his curly black hair.

Rita, in the midst of wearing her clothes, pushed a file on her table. "The Rodolphus brothers recently bought a new house in Devon."

Sirius took the report and read it. It was a land sale record that Rita had somehow gotten. It clearly showed the names, but he saw Bellatrix's name in the witnesses list as well.

The hunt has begun. Perhaps I should start with one of the big names.

"You did well, Rita." Sirius patted her shoulder and caressed her now clean face, "I'll call you to my house next time."

Rita's eyes instantly flashed with hunger, and she beamed with a smile. "I'll wait for your orders."

However, just when Sirius was walking away, he looked back. He took out a small bracelet from his pocket and threw it towards her. "In case you are attacked by them, use it. It's a one-time use Portkey to somewhere safe. The password is your last name and my last name."

Despite having no love for the woman, Sirius saw her usefulness in the Daily Prophet. It was a waste to lose her too soon.

However, this little act of care meant far more than anything else for Rita.


This book has been completed on Patreon. More chapters will be posted here periodically. If you don't want to wait, consider supporting on Patreon or Subscribestar.

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