
The Boy

Kett fell asleep in the vehicle they travelled in. When she opened her eyes again she was in a long hall with many beds facing each other in the either sides of it. She was lying on one of the beds. She sat up and looked around. There were all sorts of women with various psychological issues. Kett felt like she didn't fit in there. So she got down from the bed. A pair of fluffy slippers were waiting for her at her feet. She put them on and slowly walked towards the entrance of the hallway. The guard who was sitting at the entrance was deep in his dreams, snoring loudly. So Kett made her way out without any trouble. She was dressed up in a long blue dress which was identical to everyone else's in the asylum. The blue flip flops were matching with her dress. As she was walking through the passages the first thing she saw was a cafeteria which was probably for the doctors and the staff. It was pretty deserted except for a single man who was definitely the owner. She tip toed over to the food platters and grabbed a cheese sandwich as the man was distracted by the steaming soup on the stove. She ran away pushing the whole sandwich into her mouth ravenously. She was starving already when she got out of the hallway. She walked forward being careful about everything around her. She wondered why the place was so deserted. Not that she was ungrateful for it. She was walking past another hallway when her eyes met with something extraordinary to the place. It was a little open space where so many beautiful flowers were blossoming. There were trees filled with apples and oranges. There were benches to be seated on. The grass which was covering the ground held tiny droplets of water which were remaining from the recent rain. A few rabbits were hoping around the place. It was such an eye catching sight to witness. The whole thing was covered by a metal net making sure that non of the patients make their ways out of the asylum. It was no wonder created to raise their spirits by providing with mental relaxation. Kett thought this place was deserted too until she saw someone. On a bench which was far away from her sat a boy who was looking like a teenager.

He looked good natured so Kett decided to go and meet him. She stepped towards him and spoke up hoping that she could get to know him. "Hello." She said. He took his eyes away from the black rose he was staring at and turned his head towards the direction of her voice. He glared at her for a few seconds before saying "Hey" in a heavy and a deep accent. His eyes were of pure black. His skin was tan while his bushy hair was grown up to his shoulder and dyed in ocean blue. He was a cute boy of medium height. "Can I have a seat?" She asked him. "Oh yeah, Sure." He said moving a bit to make space for her. She sat down, thanking him. "No problem." He said. He didn't say anything else so Kett started to feel uncomfortable after a while. So she attempted to start a conversation. "I'm Kett, Kett Mcmillan. What about you?" "Call me Sage." "Fine. So- are you elder than I am?" "Umm might be. I'm 17." He said looking at her for the very first time since she sat down. "Then you are. I'm 16." "Noice." He said. "Noice?" "You know, I meant nice." "Oh okay. Noice" She said, smiling. He smiled back at her. "So shall we get to know each other a bit?" Kett asked. "We already know each other, don't we?" "Well, maybe something else than our names and ages?" "What else?" "What made you come here?" She asked curiously. "That's a long story. There's no point in telling that. No one believes." He said, his face full of disappointment. "I feel you." "Oh! What happened to you?" He asked, his big eyes shining. Feeling that this boy was so relatable to her, Kett started explaining him the recent events of her life. "We're so relatable." He said after listening to every single word of it. "What's your story?" She asked. He sighed as he turned his body towards her to face her while he speaks.