
Horizon of Glory

"The Annals of Exploration and Empires," Book III, Chapter XVII, Page 211 In the annals of history, few epochs have been as rife with the promise of adventure and the peril of the unknown as the Age of Discovery. It was a time when the very fabric of the world was being stretched, its edges frayed by the bold hands of explorers and conquerors. Among these intrepid souls, one name, has been etched into the annals of legends. The Wars of the Roses, a conflagration that had consumed the heart of empires and forged kings from the crucible of blood and fire, had at last given way to an uneasy peace. It was in this aftermath, amidst the smoldering ruins of a world reshaped by conflict, that Byron's journey began. Armed with a relic of untold power, the "Navigation Logbook," he set forth into the uncharted waters of the world, where the mundane and the magical intertwined in an intricate dance. The high seas, a vast and uncharted canvas, stretched before him, a horizon that whispered of untold riches and the promise of peril. Great ships, their sails billowing like the wings of colossal birds, traversed these waters, their cannons thundering a challenge to the very gods of the deep. It was an age of ambition, a testament to the unyielding spirit of mankind's quest for dominion over the unknown. Beneath the waves, ancient beings from epochs long past slumbered, their legends carried on the creaking timbers of ships and the roar of cannons. Byron, undaunted by the shadows that lurked beneath the waves or the tempests that raged above, carved out a kingdom from the chaos that enveloped the world. His fleet, a specter of doom, became a symbol of his indomitable will, a force that would not be challenged lightly. This is a saga, a tale woven from the threads of history and magic, adventure and power, and the eternal quest for glory. It is a narrative that compels the heart and captures the imagination, a story that resonates through the ages, a reminder of the heights to which humanity can aspire when driven by the winds of ambition and the tides of destiny. Let this account, penned by the hands of the most esteemed historians and literature masters, serve as a beacon for those who seek to embark upon their own voyages of discovery. For within the pages of this epic tale lies the essence of the human spirit, a spirit that seeks, that conquers, and that endures.

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HoG - Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Reserve Rations


As Salman, the "Gourmet," deactivated his second-tier core ability, "Nutritional Supplement," his appearance dramatically transformed. His once robust frame now revealed muscle lines as distinct as those carved into marble sculptures, betraying the fact that he was not truly an obese man at his core.


Byron's 'Spirituality' sensed the subtle shift in the air as a large amount of fat was incinerated, leaving a palpable sense of weakness in its wake. It was most evident in the pronounced gout stones at Salman's joints, causing his hands and feet to appear grotesquely deformed. Despite his best efforts to mask it, his gait now bore the unmistakable limp of a man in pain.


Byron, keen observer that he was, noticed how Salman fought to control his expression, refusing to let the agony etch itself across his face. Combined with the previous deductions about the "staple" taboo, it was clear that Salman, the "Blood Eye," harbored a deeper madness beneath his calm exterior.


'Gout typically flares up intermittently,' Byron mused. 'Even with severe gout stones, the pain isn't constant. Now it seems that whenever Salman indulges in strong liquor and activates his ability, the purines in his body spike dramatically. And how could a "Gourmet" possibly restrain his appetite for dietary restrictions? This irreconcilable contradiction is truly taking a toll on his life.'


Byron had already pieced together the "Secret: Salman's Unspoken Suffering." If Salman wished to avoid a torturous demise or forfeit his advancement as a "Gourmet," he would need to find a way to break this deadlock and cure his ailment. And the cure likely involved the forbidden "staple"—cannibalism.


Byron averted his gaze, unable to meet the increasingly feral eyes of the "Blood Eye." He had narrowly escaped English territory and evaded the relentless pursuit of the 'Severe,' only to find himself in another perilous situation. He was now in the den of a hungry wolf that could devour him at any moment.


Byron's caution intensified, and he greeted Salman with a respectful tone, "Captain." Despite uncovering the captain's dark secrets, Byron's respect remained unchanged, a testament to his adaptability honed from a lifetime of navigating societal complexities.


"Hmm. Mr. Byron, you've done exceptionally well. Having you join the 'Maneater' was the best decision I've made," Salman acknowledged. The loss of more than half of his crew weighed heavily on him, but the acquisition of Byron as a "talent" offered some solace.


Salman contemplated the possibility of not consuming Byron, perhaps even taking him under his wing as a confidant or an apprentice in the "Gourmet" profession. However, the searing pain from his joints and kidneys quickly quashed that thought.


'Nothing is more important than my body and my supernatural path. Using that thing to feed ordinary crew members was merely a second-best option; an excellent chef is the true main course! And Byron's growing influence and abilities on the ship are becoming unsettling. This cannot continue.'


Salman endured the pain coursing through his body and managed a stiff smile directed at Byron. Then, turning to address the crew, he announced, "Our navigator, James, has fallen in battle. As your captain, I hereby appoint Chef and Warehouse Manager Byron as our Acting Navigator. In addition to his usual share of the loot, he may choose any item from my personal collection as a reward."


Salman began to applaud, the sound of his clapping echoing through the silence. The pirates hesitated, caught off guard, before joining in with scattered applause. The first mate, "Bone Crusher" Miles, and other loyalists led the clapping, but it took several breaths for the rest of the crew to follow suit.


The appointment and reward seemed generous on the surface, especially for a newcomer who had been on the ship for less than a day. However, it was woefully inadequate compared to Byron's contributions in saving the entire crew. An acting navigator position was a far cry from what he deserved, such as the role of first mate, second only to the captain.


Alas, when 'Rule Two: Fairness for All, the Capable Rise, the Incompetent Fall' clashes with 'Rule One: Everyone Has an Equal Right to Vote, but the Captain's Orders Must Be Strictly Followed,' the latter takes precedence.


On this ship, the captain was the undisputed sovereign!


The pirates, adept at reading the subtleties of expression, could discern that the great Captain Salman's demeanor held a nuanced complexity. He did not value the extraordinarily capable former noble steward as highly as he seemed to on the surface.


Individuals like Old Hans and Young Hans, who were technical crew members rather than pirates, along with a faction of principled pirates, felt a surge of indignation on Byron's behalf but dared not voice their dissent.


A greater number of crew members instinctively chose to maintain a distance from Byron, fearing they might inadvertently provoke the captain.


Salman reveled in the unchallenged authority he wielded on the ship and remained unperturbed by the potential ramifications of such perceived injustice.


He gestured for Byron to proceed. "My acting navigator, what loot do you desire? You may make your selection now."


For pirates, the moment immediately following a successful plunder when they divide the spoils is the most exhilarating. They scour the enemy's ship for treasures—food, jewelry, salt, liquor, weapons—and then gather these items for distribution. The more participants in the battle, the better; but during the division of spoils, fewer is preferable, to the extent of wishing to keep everything for oneself.


Outsiders often believe that the most perilous time for pirates is during combat, but in reality, it is during the division of spoils. Pirates typically do not receive wages; the division of spoils after battle is their sole form of compensation. Involving raw personal interests, disputes over the division of spoils can easily escalate into brawls, even savage infighting!


To uphold fairness and justice, pirates often distribute the spoils according to a set proportion, based on rank. In this aspect, pirates fare much better than those aboard merchant ships and warships.


'Rule Ten: No loot shall be concealed.


The captain receives 15%, the pirate officers, the assault team, the carpenter, the doctor, and the chef take 25%, the ordinary crew members receive 40%, and the remaining 20% goes to the repair fund and public savings.'


Upon hearing this, Byron shook his head with a nonchalant air. He lifted the bandolier he had seized from the naval lieutenant, along with the four flintlock pistols.


"Captain, for the usual share of the loot, I'll take this."


During the division of spoils, pirates allow the bravest one who first boards the enemy ship to choose the loot first. Their choice is often not gold coins, but a flintlock pistol. This reflects the esteemed status of flintlock pistols in the hearts of sailors and their practicality in naval battles.


In accordance with Rule Ten, although this was loot he had taken himself, it also had to be redistributed according to the 'Ten Commandments of Pirates.'


In Byron's eyes, these were not merely four pistols, but a sword! They could be used to execute a potent sword drawing technique. In a duel with another swordsman, they would prove far more useful than chili powder.


He was somewhat hesitant about choosing from the captain's personal collection. Naturally, he coveted the 'Storm Signet Ring' on Salman's hand, used to conceal the gout stones. This ring, a symbol of the Lancaster family's royal lineage, was one of the finest power rings in existence and represented the authority of the Grand Master of the Storm Knights. It served as the ritual medium for assuming powerful professions such as 'Jurist' and 'Storm Knight.'


Possessing it would eliminate any obstacles to becoming a first-tier 'Attendant.'


However, Byron remained mindful of Young Hans's warning. He was acutely aware that if he dared to gaze at the other's deformed fingers for a second longer, it could drive him to the brink of madness.


Thus, he proposed to visit the captain's quarters later to peruse Salman's collection before making his final choice.


Salman, of course, had no objections.


He signaled to the crew, "Change course, destination: Iron Anchor Bay, the largest pirate port in the North Sea and the entire Old Continent! We need to repair the ship and replenish our crew. And..."


He turned to Byron, his tone softening, "Mr. Byron, would you care to showcase your talents and prepare a dinner for everyone?"


At the mention of "dinner," a flicker of something profound, like the depths of the ocean, passed through Byron's gaze, and he bowed with meticulous grace.


"At your service! Rest assured, the 'special dish' I prepare will undoubtedly satisfy you!"