
Horizon Academy

Horizon Academy is an action and fantasy book set in a world where magic and superpowers exist. In a country full of mystery and secrets that pose a threat to civilization. It follows the story of a high school whose students (the protagonists of the story) and staff cross paths with a 'terrorist'/ villainous group known as The Order of Blight.

FlamingAcee · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Life at the Academy begins

About a week later, the 21 students who had passed the entrance examination slowly prepared for the start of their new lives at the Academy. Which started in about 2 days.


He couldn't contain his excitement while sitting at home so he decided to take a walk to the shopping centre to see if there was anything that was missed during the initial shopping spree with his parents. while he walked in an out of multiple stores, he had a big smile on his face and was filled with thoughts of what he believed academy life would be like.

[oh right, I knew I was missing something. I need a new punching bag and some more dumbells (weights). I guess I'll check this store]

He walked into a store that sold mostly sports equipment and went straight for the gym section. As he searched for a dumbell set, a familiar face caught his eye.

[She's everywhere I go now] he thought, as he spotted Mika looking at boxing gloves.

He walked up to her, "Hey, Mika"

She turned around sharply, surprised to hear her name, because she had her hoodie up.

"How did you know it was me?" She asked, turning around and looking at more gloves.

He laughed, "Not everyone has your aura. It's quite unique"

"so what do you want, Rando?"

"just doing some last minute shopping and bumped into you. How have you been? "

"Don't act like we are friends. I know none of you like me. The feeling is mutual too. You're dusturbing me, move" She grabbed a pair of gloves and walked away.

Rando sighed softly and watched her till she left his line of sight, then a notification came from his phone.

[A party invitation?] he thought.


Rani decided to spend her last few days with her family. So the week before the official resumption date of the Horizon Academy, she played hide and seek and other games with her little brother multiple times and also helped her father fix and repaint the tree house she had when she was younger.

Then helped her mother with shopping for the house, and also for what she would be taking to the Academy. Later that week, she went for a mother and daughter spa day.

Her parents constantly reminded her of how proud they were that she got into the Academy. She always mentioned she couldn't have done it without her friends.


She decided to keep it simple, she invited her closest friends from her old school over for a slumber party / sleep over. There were 3 of them there, including her.

They talked about their new lives that were about to start, celebrity relationships and how much they were going to miss each other.

"I wish we were all going to the same schools" Shihata said to her friends, Sakito and Futa.

Sakito laughed, "Horizon's written exam was too damn hard. Those general Knowledge questions messed me up. "

Futa raised her voice in agreement, "I know right. It was so unfair"

"you guys would've done so well in the latter stages of the examination. We had to fight teachers and some robots, it was really fun but scary"

"Well I can't help but wonder what the entrance exam for the Mototsa Academy in 2 days will be like" Futa said.

"Enough about school guys, this is meant to be a slumber party, let's watch a movie " Sakito said, as she got up and put on a movie.


The twins were excited at the prospect of living in the Academy, just like most of the other students were. However, they didn't do anything differently, they made no changes to their daily routines.

They had occasional conversations about what to expect at the academy. They also spoke to their parents to make sure they were okay with the decision they had made to live at the Academy. Their parents were proud, and told the twins that they will be happy about their decisions if they called home at least once a week. They agreed, they were both happy.


As usual, he stayed in his room playing video games because he didn't expect his life to change much, seeing as he wouldn't be staying in the Academy campus.

After a few minutes, he decided to go take a shower and start his day. He left his phone on his bed and went in.

About 10 minutes later, while Kirinaha came in with his folded clothes. A noise from his bed caught her attention. It was a text message from Rani, it read:

"I really wish you'd change your mind about staying on the campus, but I do understand you have to take care of your mum"

Kirinaha sighed, [oh, Yashiro. Always looking out for me aren't you?]

After this, she waited for him to finish and dress up in her room.

She came back 20 minutes later, after she was sure he was done. She knocked, and entered after he said he was decent.

"I brought in your folded clothes earlier"

"oh, thanks mum"

She moved close and sat next to him on his bed, "Shiro, we need to talk. I saw the message from Rani."

Yashiro sighed loudly, she continued. "What kind of mother would I be if I came in the way of a promise between you and your closest friend?"

"Mum, you aren't coming in the way. It's not like I'm not going to be at the Academy, I just won't be on the campus."

"why not? Yes, initially was shaken and scared but I'm fine now. I'm taking self defence classes and I've got detective Fuhira's number, you really don't have to worry"

"They saw your face mum, what if they track you and come here, I have to protect you"

She smiled and brushed her sons cheek with her hand. "I'm glad I've raised a thoughtful son. However it's not up for debate, I know you want to live at the campus with your friends." She paused for a few seconds before continuing, "How about this Shiro, if anything happens, you will be the first person I call. Even before detective Fuhira"

Yashiro laughed, and hugged his mum. "Okay, deal mum. I'll call you once in a while too"

"I'm really proud of who you're becoming Yashiro"

"Thanks mum" He grabbed his phone to tell his friends he had changed his mind about living on campus as Kirinaha walked out of his room smiling.

Then it dawned on him that he needed to go to the shopping centre to get a few things.

[Oh, shit] he thought [I guess I won't be able to make it to Minako's party]


The pair did what they usually do, combat practice. They wanted to be a step above everyone else especially after their encounters with their respective teachers from the entrance examination.

The week before resumption, most of their time was spent at the gym sparring with each other or in private spaces.

None of them held back but they tried as much as possible to not give each other severe injuries.

They wanted to be prepared for anything that would be thrown at them. They decided to let their bodies rest during the weekend.


She decided to throw a big party to commemorate her last weekend before she went to the Academy. Her parents were wealthy so their house was big enough for a semi-wild party. However, they were out of town for a business meeting but gave her permission for the party.

She invited as many people as she could, including the majority of students from her school and from the entrance examination.

Like majority of the students there, Minako was also excited. Although she was at a party, where the primary function is having fun, all she could think about was what would happen in 2 days when she and some of the other students went to the Academy, and the subsequent days after that.


2 and a half days later, the day the students had been waiting for had finally come. The email and text messages told the students that they had to be at the Academy by 3pm for registration, room allocation and an optional tour of the campus buildings and the main Academy building.

By 2:40pm, most of the students were outside the gates.

The 5 storey main building was 50m in front of the gates (from the perspective of the students). There was a straight path with grass on either side and multiple evenly spaced 2m high trees leading to the building. There was a set of double doors at the entrance of the main building, with signs everywhere showing where the classrooms, toilets, gymnasiums and other facilities were.

Towards the back of the main building, 5 minutes away were two buildings joined together to make a larger one. This was where the dorms were located.

They were much larger, and both buildings were made in the shape, 'HA'. The bottom of the H, connected to the bottom of the A.

The students were all in awe at how large the entire compound was. As they were still admiring, Hirowa walked out and the gates opened.

"Welcome all, to the Horizon Academy. You all passed the entrance examination, and now a new chapter of your lives is about to start.

I'll tell you today's Agenda. Like we said in the email, and text messages we sent out, we have to register all of you into the Academy. After that, your rooms will be allocated to you and before you get any ideas, the male and female dorms are in separate wings.

Now then, let's start the registration process."

As most of the students said goodbye to their parents, Rani ran up to Yashiro and hugged him. "Hey ms Kirinaha"

Kirinaha smiled, "Rani, how are you?"

"I'm good. I'm really glad you convinced him to come "

"Yeah, me too"

Yashiro walked towards his mum's car, "I'll get my things from the car"

Rando had said goodbye to his parents and was walking towards Rani and Kirinaha, who were having a conversation.

After saying hello to them and to Yashiro, he and Rani followed some of the other students into the main building.

Yashiro turned to his mother. "I'm going to miss having you at home Shiro " She said.

"I'm gonna miss you too mum"

He hugged her and spoke again, "Don't forget our agreement. Call me if anything goes wrong "

"I will don't worry. Now go get registered, and have fun. Call or text me later "

"Alright I will, goodbye mum" with a huge smile on his face, he headed towards the gate.

Immediately after registration, the rooms were allocated and the students all began following Izume Jokira to the buildings where the dorms were situated after Hirowa informed them that those who wanted the tour should come back to the main building after they put their things in their rooms.

Takegai walked up to Aibuto and put his arm around his shoulder, "Hey look who it is, it's the crazy villain lady"

Aibuto laughed, "It's good to see you, Takegai"

"you too man. Why weren't you at Minako's party?"

"I was training all week, I was exhausted. I'm even still sore right now"

"let me guess, you want another go at her? "

Aibuto nodded

"can't blame you there, so do I"

The students were interrupted before they could continue their conversations as Izume began to speak.

"So, we are at the entrance of the dorms. You're officially Horizon Academy students, be proud. All but Yashiro Katsui, your rooms have been designed the way you specified in your response emails. Unfortunately Yashiro, yours looks quite basic."

"I don't mind" He said, still smiling.

"Good. Now everyone get ready, your Academy life officially starts now."

Sorry for the one week delay guys.

I'm not going to upload for the next few weeks as I have exams coming up

Sorry guys

FlamingAceecreators' thoughts