
hopelessly enamoured

Hi. So I'm changing the original intent of this book, because random ideas are popping into my mind. This will be a collection of all sorts of topics, but most of them might either be of LGBTQ+ literature or sensitive issues. I will make sure to put a warning before any writing anything that can be a trigger. Category: LGBTQ+ literature + random topics Appropriate for all ages, but focusing on the Young Adults (13-18 years old). This is the work of @_mukhtalif_ . If I see anyone copying my work and publishing it as theirs, I will take action. Thank you for checking this out!

_mukhtalif_ · LGBT+
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10 Chs

the priestess

once, i saw a woman walking down the street

in her hand, she had a bouquet of flowers, ranging from blue to green,

she roamed among the flags dancing in the air,

her voice was deep, her features vaguely male, and yet without a care,

she roamed among-st her people, happy to be there.

then, she saw a boy, smiling bashfully, who was all red in the face,

beside him stood another, his hand around his waist.

smiling, the girl went forward, a blue flower, in her hand,

she had nearly reached the couple, when she was thrown against the land.

her ears seemed to be shattered, her mind not aware,

of the terror all around her, the once proud people running away.

her eyes wandered to the sight before her,

only to see the beautiful couple gasping for breath.

one held the other's bleeding face in his palms,

crying bitterly, as he struggled to inhale.

no one noticed the woman, tears shining in her eyes,

her blue flower, stomped to nothing,

fallen on the ground.

no scratches marked her body, no blood flew from her veins,

she simply picked up the fallen,

and soon, floated away.



_mukhtalif_creators' thoughts