
Hopeless Romangatic

A high-school kid is so wrapped in romance mangas and the love that they have in them by the time an actual girl likes him he has no idea how to deal with her. After having to break up with his girlfriend, Yu, a 2nd year high-schooler spends most of his days reading romance mangas. It makes his heart flutter in ways never thought to be possible. His classmate Sara likes to watch over him from a distance. He really doesn't take care of himself making her worry for him. In actuality it's because she is in love with him. The only thing that she thinks is getting in the way is his manga. So she decides that she'll fix him up and show him what true romance is like. She's confident in her plans, but when it doesn't go her way she becomes very flustered and shy. And to make matters worse she's never actually been in a relationship before. How will things work out between the two? Who knows! Because I sure as hell don't!

Berutoishere · Eastern
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25 Chs

Hey Beruto, Where did you go?!

I sit there reading my manga. It's beautiful, funny, witty, and I can't help but wanting to read more. And then more and more.


Huh?! I look up from my desk to see Sara. She looks quite annoyed for some reason.

"Hey Sara!"

"Yuta... Look at what you're doing!"

I look down to see my manga. I keep looking at it. Huh?! Did he really just say that to her? No way.... I flip the page. She snatches it from my hands.

"M-My manga!"

"Summer is about to start and this is all you're going to do?!"

"Yea, why?"

"There's so much out there, we could go on trips! Or maybe go help out around the community. Or even go on dates or snuggle or look at the stars together...."

"What? I don't have any reason to do that."

Her face turns red.

"Wh-Whatever! Just don't sit here and read manga all day. Go find something else to do!"


I get up from my chair. And try to walk out the classroom. Huh? The door. It's. Words?!


Why is it just a word?! I can clearly see it in front of me, and yet it's just the word! I can't be going insane right...?

"Sara, come here!"

"Eh?! Why...?"

"The door... it's words!"

She comes over the to the door. Her face has a bemused look.

"This can't be possible..."

Thank god... I'm not the only one that is going insane. But that leaves one question.

"What's going on?!"

She tries to touch the door. Nothing happens. I try aswell and it's almost like it's not even there... I can't feel anything.

Someone is dashing through the halls.


The word door slides open and there is a sweaty Eva. Is something wrong?!

"What happened to you Eva?!"

"It's Beruto. He's gone."

"Huh? Who?"

"The writer! We're supposed to be doing something right now, but he's been gone for so long!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about..."

She's not making any sense, but neither is anything else.

"Xenoblade 2, Being Lazy is so cool isn't it!, I have a new switch game for you!"

No response.

"This is bad, really bad."

"What is?!"

"Without Beruto... We're trapped here!"

?! It's that serious...?

"Ah! I have an idea...






Somehow... She has grabbed some random guy with glasses on with a computer in his hand. She's dragging him on the ground.

"Eva. You can't just take random people like that."

"Huh, but this is him! He's the writer!"


He turns around.

"She's right... I'm the Writer of you all."

Wait. So does that mean every action we've been doing has been premeditated and we never had a choice in what we wanted to do in the first place?

"I wouldn't think about it too hard."

Oh god... That's so cool!

"Uh... Radical?"

Eva seems annoyed.

"That's not important right now! Where have you been!?"

Beruto seems pretty lively, yet pretty tired.

"Well let's see about 2 months ago I got burnout... And then after that I went on a trip and now I have a new idea entirely for where I want the story to go!"

"You just up and left on a cliff hanger. How could you?"

"To be honest with you, I felt like I messed up that last chapter so much. And there was no way I could end it how I wanted to. It was so bad that I just decided to spare the other sites from reading it... Except this one!"

"...So what now?! We're just going to be stuck in this limbo of broken ideas and 4th wall breaks?!"

"Wait, Wait, Wait! I'm not finished yet!"

"Oh really?"

"You see... I actually know what's going to happen next."

Shouldn't that be obvious for someone making a story?

"Heh. You should check the description of the webnovel. I kinda took that too much to heart."

Eva continues to pressure him.

"So when is the next chapter going to be?!"

"Well... Uh... I have no idea."

"Why not? You just said you know what's going to happen!"

"You see, I'm trying to write a good majority of it before trying to actually post it so this doesn't happen again. So I can actually release it without having anyone wait for it!"

"Who's waiting for it anyways, like that matters?"

Ouch that's cold.

"Yea... I have no idea, but I'm sure someone out there has been waiting! And to them I have to say the wait isn't going to be much longer! I apologize for leaving you all on the cliff hanger, but I just couldn't end it how I wanted to! But with that I have a new arc entirely planned for summer!"

"Summer ends next month."

Beruto goes silent.

"Then I guess I'll have to release it into fall! I'm going to be taking a hiatus anyways afterwards."

"Huh?! But you're not even back yet and you're already planning another one?!"

"Hmph. I love this series, but I want to do something special for Halloween. And if you're wondering what I'm talking about, you'll just have to wait and see ;)"

He just emoted while speaking. How can you do that?!

"It's the writer's magic baby! But yea, it's not too long now before I relase it. Just give me a week more or two and I should be ready to finally show you what I've been working on this entire time!"

Eva frowns.

"Also, next time can you characterize us next time better? I feel like I'm just a more annoying Aron."

Aron pops his head in for a moment.

"Wait so she gets to talk for this entire chapter, but I dont?! Jeez. I'm important too you know?"

Yea... The characterization is a mess. Beruto looks overwhelmed.

"Ok, Ok! I get it! I'll make sure everything is fine next time just bear with it for now please?!"

Speaking of characterization... Where's Sara? I haven't seen her this entire time even though she was right next to me?

"Right... I'm kinda in a rush so everything is a bit of a mess. Here you go!"

Sara immediately appears right back where she was. Seemingly frozen in time for a few moments until, she starts to move again.

"Yuta what are we... Who is that?!"

"It's a long story."


"Now what?"

Beruto finally gets up from the floor and dusts himself off.

"Well this is where it would end and people would go read something else!"

"Ah ok."


We're still here. Beruto seems to have forgotten something.

"Ah that's right! I have to say the thing!"

"The thing...?"

"Love is in the air, Summer is cooking people everywhere, and the crew is going on a trip! But the weather isn't looking too pretty. What will that mean for them? Hell if I know!"

Beruto looks dissatisfied.

"Wait that's not right... Like hell I know! Nah. What the hell do I know? Uh. Well... Oh just forget it! I sure as hell don't remember!"