
Hopeless Romangatic

A high-school kid is so wrapped in romance mangas and the love that they have in them by the time an actual girl likes him he has no idea how to deal with her. After having to break up with his girlfriend, Yu, a 2nd year high-schooler spends most of his days reading romance mangas. It makes his heart flutter in ways never thought to be possible. His classmate Sara likes to watch over him from a distance. He really doesn't take care of himself making her worry for him. In actuality it's because she is in love with him. The only thing that she thinks is getting in the way is his manga. So she decides that she'll fix him up and show him what true romance is like. She's confident in her plans, but when it doesn't go her way she becomes very flustered and shy. And to make matters worse she's never actually been in a relationship before. How will things work out between the two? Who knows! Because I sure as hell don't!

Berutoishere · Eastern
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

All black skies and no jacks!

It's summer vacation, and yet were stuck in the house! For some reason it won't stop pouring outside... The forecast said there was no rain for the next month! If that were my only problem, I can't even think straight! After yesterday, my mind can't help but think about what Sara said. Everyone is in there rooms as I sit by myself in the living room.

"Would you stop talking about my sister?! You're not with her anymore. You're with me right now!"

I just can't seem to shake it.


And the rain is only making it worse. I brought all these mangas to read just in case of this very situation and yet I can't seem to focus on any of them. What am I going to do? I close my eyes trying to ponder solutions.

"A frown never really suited you well."

Karaka leans up into my face. She's so close that I can feel the heat from her breath. Along with a pleasant velvet like smell. I frown.

"Well it's not going to help when you're near my face."

She's clearly trying to tease me. But somewhere in there she's actually curious of what's on my mind.

"I just wanted a good look!"

She sits right next to me on the couch. Having that pleasant aroma after coming out of the shower. Dressed up in her usual pajamas. Her hair is a mess compared to how much she usually keeps it in good shape. She's more hunched over than usual. Today really must be boring. She looks over at me and crosses her legs.

"Don't tell me the rain has gotten you down?"

"The rain is soothing, it's just... I can't get may thoughts together."

"Would you like to say what's on your mind?"

"I'm not really sure what is on my mind."

I wish I can compound it into words, but it just won't come out into such. The more I try and think about it the harder it gets. She sides away from me and taps on her legs. I lay down without a second thought. They're so fluffy I could almost fall asleep... She continues.

"YuYu, you're overthinking it. I'm sure the answer will come to you if you just keep going."

"...will it really be that easy?"

She looks down at me and puts her soft hand onto my head. Giving me a warm smile.

"Yeah, I believe in you."

I frown.

"I don't think you're helping."

My thoughts are even more jumbled just looking at you.

"Hmph. Well I'm sorry for trying!"

I roll my face into her legs. I wish I could stay like this forever. Why is she so worried about me? If it were a couple of months ago she wouldn't want to even see me eye to eye. But now I can't even go one day without her trying to get me to look at her. I'm fine with that. She cries out.

"Are my legs helping you more than I am?!"

I say something, but are muffled by her legs.

"He-Hey could you answer me properly?"

I roll over.

"You're actually more helpful than I could ever ask for."

For some reason she's relived.

"Does this mean we can get back together?"

My face straightens.


"But I let you use my legs as a lap pillow!"

"I have no interest."

"So cold as usual..."

To be honest with myself I'm not sure if I could handle it again. I don't have any feelings towards, or at least I don't think I do...


We look over and Yume is standing with a deck of cards in her hand. She doesn't seem too pleased.

"Hehe... Hey Yume!"

"You're going to play cards with us up stairs!"

We both quickly respond in unison.


We get up, and head to play with everyone. The once empty center of the second floor seemingly has a table placed there with enough space for all seven of us. Yet, there's only five... and Milk Boy.

"Where's Aron?"

Eva sighs with a slight disappointment.

"He's not coming."

I wonder what's wrong with him. He really must be stuck in his own head... I hear a voice call out.

"Ah Karawase, so you've finally decided to join us?"

"Hello there my comrade Sojiro. It took me a bit, but I'm back again for round two."

They're all buddy buddy now? What happened while I was gone?

Yume puts the cards down on the table.

"Is everyone ok with blackjack?"

My attention is shifted from them. BlackJack huh... I should be fine I've seen mangas based around it once or twice... Looking over towards Yume, I see Sara. We lock eyes for a moment, then suddenly turn away from one another. I turn my face right into Karaka's. We stare at each other for a moment.

"Are you ready to ask me out?"

"I just wanted to say Hi."

I can't think of any plausible excuse... I turn away again and get back to focusing on the table.

"Alright let's play some blackjack!"

And so we began. Everyone was concentrating hard on it. There wasn't any bets so we were just playing for fun. Unless you count me.

"I vote that whoever wins gets alone time with Yu! Who else likes that."

Without even looking up from their cards, everyone raises their hands. Once again, I'm left as the prize for everyone to grab. Yet I'm playing with them this time.

"What if I win?"

"Then you get to do whatever you want with one person!"

Sara jumps up.

"Huh?! What kind of rule is that?"

That's when a line is crossed? Karaka on the other hand seems to be even more intrigued than before.

"He'll finally let his inner animal out!"

That never existed! Yume whisper's in Sara's ear. A spark shoots through Sara's mind.

"Hehehe... I'm fine with that..."

I feel like whatever situation occurs I somehow get the short end of it.

A war hazd seemingly been provoked. Hopefully they understand what Blackjack is... The air goes stagnant. A thick layer of tension is built up. The rain gets louder as we succumb to the silence. The cards are dealt out by Yume. The air getting thicker by the second. As they're dealt out, we look at one another suspicious of who could be the victor.

She finishes.

We sit there looking at the cards, questioning which one is... the one. Yume, and Karawase are sitting across from each other. Without saying a word, we unanimously agree to do the draws in pairs that are across the table. The lack of knowledge when it comes to the outcome consumes our thoughts. The two hesitate to draw their cards. Eva puts more pressure onto the two.


Yume's grip tightens on the unrevealed cards.


Karawase tries to relieve the shiver in her hand.


Even the rain goes away in the moment of anticipation.


They quickly flip their hands.

Karawase: 14

Yume: 17

Karawase breaks a cold sweat, but then realizes the advantage she has over Yume. Eva beckons.

"Yume. Would you like to hit or stand?"

Yume goes deep into thought. She understands the position she's in.


A bit of hesitation trying not to say the wrong words.

Eva turns to Karawase.

"Hit or Stand?


She's clear, concise, and prepared.

"Alright... let's move on."

We move down to the next two.

Milk Boy: 12

Sara: 19

"Too low."

Milk Boy has a worrisome tone. He clenches at his eye knowing what could happen. Sara seems a bit more relaxed, but still is on standby for anything and everything to go wrong.

They both chose to stand.

Now it's the last pair. Eva and I. We prepare ourselves for the worst.

I flip my cards over.

Yu: 16

It's a good number, but to win I need to hit. It's harder said than done seeing as I have to wait and see how everyone else handles their cards at the moment. As for Eva...

Eva got... a 2?!

Everyone is horrified, yet in awe how low the number is. Her heart begins to sink, lower and lower, watching as any hope of winning the game fades away just like the facade of everyone having above 10.

Now that leaves only one question.

"Hit or Stand?"


She pulls a 5

Eva: 7

I ask again.

"Hit or Stand?"


The others murmur to themselves.

"Two hits in a row!? Is she trying to get herself out?!"

"She's still at a low enough number to do such a move."

"That's nothing. Just wait and see what happens.

She pulls a 10.

Eva: 17

I ask one final time>

"...Hit...or Stand?"

"Hit me."

We're left in shock. She clearly has a death wish, we all know how this is going to end. She pulls the card. She looks at it for a moment.

No reaction.

Eva: 18

It was an ace?! The sheer luck needed for such a dangerous play. She's not playing for fun. She's playing for blood. We're all made very aware of that now. Whatever our next action is, we most likely need to think as one. Not because we want to work together, rather because we have no choice. So we did exactly that.

We lost.

Not just one, nor two...

"Twenty games in a row! How the hell did you manage that?!"

"Huh? Oh, uh... it's in my nature I guess."

Whatever cruel joke this is, I want no part in it.

"Can we play something else I'm booored."

"No. Someone else has to win first."

"Alright then, Jeez! How about this, I'll switch hands with Yume! Surely then I'll lose!"

"H-Hey I'm not that bad!"

She's busted almost every single time. And if she didn't, she would get 3s or 4s. It's almost just as amazing... Eva snatches Yume's cards. She looks at them and exclaims.

"There! Now we can..."

She falls silent. What happened?

"Hey Eva, are you ok?"

Her face goes pale.

"This can't be real..."

She's stunned in place. I get up and try to shake her out of the trance she's in.

"Eva speak to us!"


She continues to fumble over her words.

"What is it?!"

Her hand trembles. She turns around the cards.

This can't be real. How....

"How the hell did you get a perfect 21?!"

"I... I don't know!!!"

She falls to the ground giving up on the hopes of losing. And I think we're all at the same conclusion by now... The universe has made it abundantly clear.

"Fine... I guess-"

She quickly gets up and slaps her hand over my mouth.

"Hold that thought! I just realized what I have to do!"

She switches the cards back with Yume.

"There! I played dirty, I lost and she won!"

Yume looks happy.

"I... did it?"

"Yea you did it!"

"Finally! I won!"

She begins to cheer and dance with Eva. While blackjack usually takes skill and luck, it sounds like this is all luck and no skill. Yume stops dancing for a moment. She looks over at Sara, seemingly wanting to reassure her. Yume gives her a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I'll make it count!"

Sara seems shocked.

"Wait, what does that mean?!"

"Come on Yu."

She grabs my arm and takes me back down-stairs. I can hear Sara protesting upstairs, but being blocked by Karaka and Eva. We go back to the room she's staying in. She lets go of my arm and heads over to the bed. She sits down and pats the area next to her for me to come sit next to her. What is she planning...? Hopefully nothing weird... She puts her hands behind her.

"Hey do you have any plans after high school?"

That's out of left field!

"I don't really know as of now... I've just been trying to survive with Milk Boy chasing after me."

She chuckles.

"Really? I'd think you would have something planned by now."

"I just read manga all day... It's not like I really have anything anyone really wants me to do. Nor do I really want to do anything with myself..."

Thinking about it some more, I really have just been spending this year reading. I haven't been productive at all. I really don't know what I would even be good at.

"I'm sure you're good at something, just think of something you have fun doing and want to do more of that!"

"Something that I have fun doing?"

"Yea! You can do it!"

Well... I can't think of anything in particular. Unless... Back when I was with Karawase I would be around her family. Quite a bit, so I ended up learning a lot when I was around them. It was mostly house work. When I was with them doing it was pretty fun. I learned so much and it really helped me live on my own. My parents live in a difference place so I don't have anyone else to rely on other than myself. That gives me an idea!

"I know what I want to be!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"I want to be an at home husband!"

"At...home husband?"

"Yea! I get to do a lot of chores and then read manga after I'm done!"

That sounds like a dream... So nice and comfortable...

"Pffft! Hahahahaha!"

Yume bursts out into a fit of laughter. As she falls back onto the bed.

"Huh?! Is it that bad?"

"No... It's just...I never would have expected that from you!"

"Me neither, but that's what I have the most fun doing!"

"I see, I see. There's only problem with that."

"A problem...?"

"You need to be a husband."

Ah... That's right the most important part about being a stay at home husband.

"How could I forget?!"

"You just thought of it! I'm sure that the details will come to you over time."

She gets back up.

"So... Do you have anyone you're interested in?"


Do I? Karawase was all I could think about when we were together. I thought it was going to last forever.

Until it didn't.

My heart couldn't take the pain, so it ran. Trying to find something to comfort it. I found what it was. I also met her around the same time again.

"I'm not really interested in anyone. But there's this one girl I'm fond of."

"Oh? What is she like?"

"She's a bit clumsy, and can be a bit picky about how I spend my time. She tries too hard a lot of the time, but I'm glad. She's cute, and she's smart, and she's really resourceful. And even when she fails, she never gives up and keeps trying. Even if she does have to say 'sorry' a lot she's doing it so she can move on. I wish... I could be more like her."

"Sounds like you're more than fond of her."

"Maybe, but it still feels like I'm trying to make up my mind."

"What would you tell her if she was dealing with what you're dealing with?"

I speak without even thinking about it.

"You're thinking about it too hard. I know you mean well, but just ease up and let it come naturally!"

"I have one more question."

She scoots in closer to me.

"What's the question?"

She pushes me over onto the bed. Both of my arms are pinned. She stares into my eyes as I lay there. She has the dominance over me. Her body heat is close to mine making me feel warm. Her face I would expect is to be more embarrassed trying to do something like this. Yet, it's straight. It's almost like she's not doing this because she wants to do it with me... More like she's trying to prove a point or something of the sorts. Whatever it is, it's not because she's interested in it. She then asks the question she initially had.

"What would you do if that girl did this?"

Oh that's easy. I grab her and pick her up off of me. I flip her onto the bed, and grab her arms. Pinning her to it. The rain can be heard clearly as the two of us stay in that position. I have little interest in doing anything more to her. Yume is amazed at how smoothly I did that. I saw it in a manga and have been practicing for... reasons. If this was actually her though...

"I would show her how it's actually done."

"Ah... I see!"

I look at what I'm doing. I jump off her.

"I...I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking about it!"

"No, No you're fine! I'm the one who asked."

I hear her mutter under her breath.

"At least I know that she's picked a good one."

"Did you say something?"

"Nope! You're free to go now!"

"That's it...?"

"Yes I didn't want to hold you here all day."

"Thanks...! It was fun talking to you!"

"Same here!"

I walked out with my heart racing thinking if that was her instead of Yume. It won't stop pounding. Am I more than just fond of her? At this point I'm not sure about anything anymore...


I touch my lips. Wondering what it would have felt like if he had touched them. Would that have made me feel anything? From what I've read, when you're in that position it gets your heart racing.

I felt calm.

Is that natural? Am I weird?

No matter what the answer is, I'm sure that will help push them closer together. The what ifs still linger in the back of my head. I ignore them because I have a mission that I have to complete. For the sake of our friendship!

I felt a chill up my spine.

I turn around.

No one's there.